A List of Catholic Saints (Idols)
by David J Stewart"And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people." -2nd Corinthians 6:16
Following after this article is a list of over 200 people that the Roman, Anglican, Eastern, and Russian Orthodox Catholic Churches recognizes as "saints." What is a saint? According to the New Catholic Dictionary...
Saints, patron: "who by designation of the sovereign pontiff or by popular tradition are venerated as favoring by their intercession certain interests, countries or localities, e.g., Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, Francis Xavier, Catholic Missions, Camillus of Lellis, hospitals."
Does the Word of God teach this nonsense? No! The word "venerate" means "to worship." Satan has deceived the masses through the Catholic religion through it's damnable heresies. Where does the Word of God teach us that Saints can make intercession for us? On the contrary, 1st Timothy 2:5 declares, "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." Jesus is the ONLY Mediator! One of the biggest tricks that the Devil always uses is to REDEFINE the meaning of things. Romans 1:25 reads, "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." The Catholic church has CHANGED the Truth of God's Word into a gigantic lie! They worship (venerate) their idols and statues of Mary instead of God. 2nd Corinthians 6:16 reads, "And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people." There is NO need for true Christians to pray to any object or saint because we have God living in our heart. The Catholics pray to idols because they do NOT know God. Jesus said in John 4:24 that you CANNOT worship God in heresy and lies, it MUST be only in Truth...the Truth of God's Word (John 17:17). This is why Jesus said in Mark 7:7, "Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."
The following is more heresy from the Catholic themselves...
"Showing devotion and respect to Mary, the Apostles, and the martyrs, who were viewed as faithful witnesses to faith in Jesus Christ. Later, veneration was given to those who led a life of prayer and self-denial in giving witness to Christ, whose virtues were recognized and publicly proclaimed in their canonization as saints. Such veneration is often extended to the relics or remains of those recognized as saints; indeed, to many sacred objects and images. Veneration must be clearly distinguished from adoration and worship, which are due to God alone." -Dictionary of Catholic Terms
Now here's where the Devil likes to REDEFINE things and deceive the masses. Every Catholic will profess that they do NOT worship idols, saints, statues, or Mary; yet, the Truth is that they DO! Take a look at the following photos and tell me that this is not worship...
Let's look at the definition of "worship" in the dictionary: "To pay divine honors to; to reverence with supreme respect and veneration; to perform religious exercises in honor of; to adore; to venerate..." Is this not what they Catholics are doing? Yes!!! Catholics idolize Mary and the saints to the level of bowing and praying to them. This is sinful.
If you're still not convinced, then please allow me to show you this Scriptures from the Bible...
"And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things. Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God." -Revelation 22:8-9
When the Apostle John bowed in worship of a Heavenly being, he was rebuked for it. The being whom John had bowed to was not an angel, but a "fellowservant" (a saint). Notice the admonition given by this Heavenly saint...WORSHIP GOD! Exodus 20:4-5 gives us the 2nd commandment of the Ten Commandments Exodus 20:5 warns, "Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God..." Clearly, the Word of God forbids anyone from BOWING to any likeness of anything. It is so clear that the Catholic church removed the 2nd Commandment from it's official Catechism, thus splitting the 10th command into two to make up for the missing second. This is blasphemous!!! I hope and pray that you will come to the knowledge of the Truth of Christ Jesus. Catholicism is straight from Hell!
A List of Catholic Saints that NO one Should Venerate!
Saint Abraham”
“Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.”
Pray for vocations to the priesthood.
Father Alexander Men
(Communist Russia. Feb. 6)
How are you to know if you are living according to the will of God? Here is a sign: if you are distressed over anything it means that you have not fully surrendered to God’s will, although it may seem to you that you live according to His will.
Pray for the conversion of Russia.
Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop, Doctor of the Church
August 1st
"Lord Jesus, light of our souls, you enlighten everyone who comes into the world. Enlighten my conscience and my heart by your Holy Spirit."
Pray for theologians and teachers.
Saint Ambrose, Church Father, Doctor of the Church
December 7th
“Let your sermons, therefore, stream forth, pure and lucid; gently fill the minds of your people with good doctrine and with pleasing words soften their hearts so that you may lead them on the right way. Let your discourse be filled with wisdom. Then it will need no confirmation from others; of itself it will be effective. Let no word you speak be frivolous or merely for effect.
Pray for preachers of the Gospel
Saint Agatha, 3rd century virgin and martyr
(celebrated February 5th)
‘My Lord Jesus Christ, You see my heart and You know my desires. You alone must have me, because I am all Yours. Save me from this evil man. Lord, my Creator, You have protected me from the cradle. You have taken me from the love of the world and given me patience to suffer. Now receive my soul.’
Pray for women who will be called to suffer for Jesus
Saint Athanasius
(celebrated August 22nd)
‘He formed a body for Himself in the Virgin’s womb and made it the instrument by which He would dwell among us and make Himself known. He therefore took a body like ours, and since men were subject to death, He gave that body to death, offering it to the Father out of love for us.’
Pray for those called to defend the Faith from error
Saint Andrew
November 30th
"Saint Andrew was the first convert among the apostles; he was especially in the Lord's confidence; thrice is he described as introducing others to him; lastly he is little known in history, while the place of dignity the name of highest renown have been allotted to his brother Simon, whom he was the means of bringing to the knowledge of his Savior.” J.H. Newnman
Pray in thanksgiving for the quiet and humble of the world who do the work of the Lord without recognition.
Saint Angela Merici, mystic, religious founder
January 27th
"Mothers of children, even if they have a thousand, carry each and every one fixed in their hearts, and because of the strength of their love they do not forget any of them. In fact, it seems that the more children they have the more their love and care for each one is increased."
Pray for mothers.
Saint Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
July 26th
“In the moment when the light of the angel had enveloped Anna in grace, I saw a radiance under her heart and recognized in her the chosen Mother, the illuminated vessel of the grace that was at hand. What I saw in her I can only describe by saying that I recognized in her the cradle and tabernacle of the holy child she was to conceive and preserve; a mother blessed indeed. I saw that by God’s grace Anna was able to bear fruit.”
Pray for the holiness of all mothers.
St Anthony of Egypt, 4th century desert monk
January 17th
Let Christ be as the breath you breathe; in Him put your trust. Be earnest always to be in union first with the Lord and then with the saints; that after death they also may receive you as known friends.
Pray that many will put the words of Jesus into practice.
Saint Anthony of Egypt, 4th century desert monk
January 17th
“Now therefore, beloved, let this word be manifest among you, that the bounty of the Father spared not his Only-begotten for our sakes, but delivered him up for the salvation of us all.”
Pray for the purification of the world from evil.
Saint Anthony of Padua
June 13th
“We spread the love of God by loving as he loves.”
Pray for non-believers.
Saint Anthony of Padua
June 13th
" Learn from me that I am meek and humble of heart" (Mt 11, 29)
Pray for those who are tempted by suicide.
Archangel Gabriel
September 29th
“The one who looked like a man touched me again and strengthened me, saying, ‘Fear not, beloved, you are safe; take courage and be strong.’ When he spoke to me, I grew strong and said, ‘Speak, my lord, for you have strengthened me.’” (Daniel’s vision of the Archangel Gabriel) Daniel 10:18-19
Pray that Divine love will conquer the world.
St. Gianna Beretta Molla
(June 16)
“Love is the most beautiful sentiment the Lord has put into the soul of men and women.”
Pray for pregnant mothers to choose life.
Archangel Gabriel
September 29th
“Do not be afraid. Listen. I have been sent to bring you this good news.
Nothing is impossible to God.” Luke: 1
Pray that the messages and messengers of God are believed.
Saint Michael the Archangel
September 29th
"Satan is strong and that is why I am seeking your prayers for those who are under his influence, so that they may be saved." (Mary in Medjugorge)
Pray that those who are under the influence of Satan may be saved.
Saint Michael the Archangel
September 29th
"Dear Children, put on the clothing of battle and be victorious with your rosaries in your hands." (Mary in Medjugorje - 8 August 1985)
Pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary over evil.
Archangel Raphael
September 29th
“I was sent to put you to the test. At the same time, however, God commissioned me to heal you and your daughter-in-law Sarah. I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who enter and serve before the Glory of the Lord…No need to fear; you are safe. Thank God now and forever. As for me, when I came to you it was not out of any favor on my part, but because it was God’s will. So continue to thank him every day; praise him with song.” (Tobit 12:14-18)
Pray for healing in families.
St Augustine of Hippo, bishop, Doctor of the Church
August 28th
You have forgiven me my past sins and drawn a veil over them, and in this way You have given me happiness in yourself, changing my life by faith and Your sacrament. When others read of those past sins of mine their hearts are stirred so that they no longer lie listless. Instead their hearts are roused by the love of Your mercy and the joy of Your grace.
Pray for the conversion of sinners
St. Augustine of Hippo, bishop and Doctor of the Church
August 28th
“You called and cried out to me and broke open my deafness; you shone forth upon me and you scattered my blindness; you breathed fragrance, and I drew in my breath and I now pant for you; I tasted and I hunger and I thirst; you touched me, and I burned for your peace.” from Confessions, Book 9
Pray for peace in all hearts.
Newborn Baby Jesus
"Today when Jesus is born and by His birth brings immeasurable joy, love and peace, I call you, in a special way to say your 'yes' to Jesus. Open your hearts so that Jesus enters into them, comes to dwell in them and starts to work through you. Only in this way will you be able to comprehend the true beauty of God's love, joy and peace." (Message thru Jacov 2000)
Let the baby Jesus be your guide.
Saint Benedict
July 11th
“This message of mine is for you, then, if you are ready to give up your own will, once and for all, and armed with the strong and noble weapons of obedience, to do battle for the true King, Christ the Lord.”
Pray for vocations to the monastic religious life.
St. Benedict, abbot and patriarch of western monks
July 11th
“See how the Lord in His love shows us the way of life. Clothed then with faith and the performance of good works, let us set out on this way, with the Gospel for our guide, that we may deserve to see him who has called us to his kingdom (1 Thes 2:23)” from the Rule of Saint Benedict
Pray for the coming of the Kingdom of God.
St Benedict Joseph Labre, pilgrim recluse from Rome
April 16th
“These things offend God and they are not good for you either. Try to work if you can. If you can’t work, be good to the people who care for you.”
Pray for the homeless
Saint Bernadette of Lourdes
April 16th
“My weapons are prayer and sacrifice, to my dying breath. At death the weapon of sacrifice will fall away, but that of prayer will follow me to heaven.”
Offer sacrifices to Mary for her intentions
Saint Bernadette of Lourdes
April 16th
"You want to pray like a saint, I invite you to pray like a pauper."
Pray for those who are discouraged.
St Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot, Doctor of the Church
(celebrated August 20th)
“O humility! O sublimity! Both tabernacle of cedar and sanctuary of God; earthly dwelling and celestial palace; house of clay and royal hall; body of death and temple of light; and at last both object of scorn to the proud and bride of Christ!”
Pray that the Church may grow in beauty, holiness and numbers
Saint Bernard of Clarivaux, abbot, Doctor of the Church
(celebrated on 20 August)
"When God forgives a sinner who humbly confesses his sin, the devil loses his dominion over the heart he had taken.
Pray for those who are called and have not yet said "yes."
St Bonaventure, Franciscan Doctor of the Church
(celebrated July 15th)
“He who desires to go on advancing from virtue to virtue, from grace to grace, should meditate continually on the Passion of Jesus. There is no practice more profitable for the entire sanctification of the soul than the frequent meditation on the sufferings of Jesus Christ.”
Pray each day before the crucifix and help others to do so
St Brigid of Ireland
(celebrated February 1st)
Do not wonder that I have bestowed upon the poor that which was in my possession. If it were in my power, I should give to them all possessed by my father and by you, O King.For the Almighty will confer eternal rewards on those who, for His sake, give temporal riches.
Pray for those that Jesus is calling to greater generosity in following Him
St. Camille of Lellis
The Lord asks that we do not bury the talent so invaluable that the lord placed in our hands, so that we obtained holiness during the life and then eternal glory.
Pray for nurses and those in the health care profession.
Catherine Doherty
"To love with the heart of God, we must empty ourselves totally of self, to allow Christ to love through us. Without him we cannot love anything or anyone, not even ourselves."
Pray for love to conquer in our world.
Saint Catherine of Genoa, mystic, wife, hospital director
(celebrated September 15th)
“Dear children, I ask you to pray every day for the souls in Purgatory. In this way you too will acquire intercessors who will be able to help you in life” (message of Mary in Medjugorje)
Pray for the souls in purgatory.
Saint Catherine Labouré
(celebrated November 28th)
“My child, the Cross will be despised, thrown on the ground, and the Lord’s side will be opened again” (Mary to St. Catherine)
Pray for the enemies of the Church
Saint Catherine of Siena (Virgin and Doctor of the Church)
(celebrated April 29th)
"Eternal Trinity, Godhead, mystery deep as the sea, you could give me no greater gift than the gift of yourself."
Pray for holy women in all states of life.
Saint Catherine of Siena
(celebrated April 29th)
“Everything else, everything that has being, is from God and so those who are in love with Christ love it and hold it in reverence. Such souls see themselves not for themselves but for God. And they see God for God, because God is supreme eternal goodness, worthy of being loved. And they see their neighbors for God rather than in terms of their own advantage….They find joy in everything because those who love cannot find pain distressing.”
Pray for the sick and homebound.
Saint Cecilia
(celebrated November 22nd)
“Put off all that is old and stale: you know a new song! All our love yearns for that Kingdom; our new song sings of it. Sing the new song, and sing it with your lives, not your mouths.” St Augustine
Pray for musicians, that their music may lead souls to Jesus
Saint Cecilia
(November 22)
And then she said to her husband, “ I have an angel that loves me who watches over my body whether I sleep or am wake and if he finds that you touch my body by foul and polluted love, he will kill you, but if you love me in Holy love and cleanness, he will love you as he loves me and will give you his grace.”
Pray for married couples to have Holy and Pure love.
Saint Charbel
(celebrated on 24 December)
" Through Mary we are born, not to this world, but to God."
Pray for the Lebanon.
Father Charles de Foucault
"Just take me as a model: do what you think I did and what I would have done. Do not do what you think I should not have done or would not do. Imitate me."
Pray for peace in the Holy land.
Father Charles de Foucault (of France)
“My Father, I abandon myself to you. Do with me what you will.”
Pray for the conversion of sinners.
Child Jesus, King of Love
“Whoever receives one such child in my Name, receives me.” (Matthew 18:5) Our Lady in Medjugorje has told us to let the Little Child, Jesus, lead us in our lives and he will show us the way to holiness.
Pray for the reign of the Child Jesus in all hearts.
St Clare of Assisi
(celebrated August 11th)
“Look daily into that spotless mirror, dear queen and spouse of Christ, and see your face in it. See how you are to adorn yourself, within and without, in all the blossoms of virtue, as befits a chaste daughter and spouse of that greatest of kings. In that mirror poverty, humility, and love beyond all telling shine radiantly.”
Pray for consecrated virgins to grow ardently in love for Jesus
St. Clare of Assisi
(celebrated August 11th)
“His beauty the sun and moon admire; and of His gifts there is no limit in abundance, preciousness, and magnitude. I am speaking of Him Who is the Son of the Most High, Whom the Virgin brought to birth and remained a virgin after His birth. Cling to His Most sweet Mother who carried a Son Whom the heavens could not contain; and yet she carried Him in the little enclosure of her holy womb and held Him in her virginal lap.”
Pray with the Blessed Mother for those who do not know the love of her Son.
Saint Columban
(celebrated November 23rd)
"Our perils are many, the struggle awaiting us is severe, and the enemy terrible; but the recompense is glorious, and the freedom of our will manifest."
Pray for true peace, which comes from God.
Saints Cosmas & Damian, 4th century martyrs, physicians
(celebrated September 27th)
Jesus replied, “It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick. Go and learn the meaning of the words: What I want is mercy, not sacrifice.” Matt 8: 12-13
Pray for those who minister to sick bodies and to sick souls
Saint John Vianney, The Curé of Ars
(celebrated August 4th)
“There are some who weep because they do not love God! But I tell you, those people do love him!”
Pray that priests may be true pastors of the sheep.
Saint Jean-Marie-Baptiste Vianney, Cure of Ars
(celebrated on 4 August)
"My children, we cannot comprehend the power of a soul over the Good Lord: it can obtain whatever it wants."
Pray for priests.
Saint Dismas the good thief
“We are paying for what we did, but this man has done nothing wrong. Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom&Mac226;.Jesus replied ŒIndeed, I promise you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:41-43
Pray for those who have delayed their conversion to Jesus
Saint Dominic
(celebrated on 8 August)
"My God, what will become of sinners? My God, have mercy on sinners!"
Intercede for hardened hearts.
Saint Dominic Savio
(celebrated on 9 March)
"Pray without ceasing and ask the Holy Spirit to inspire you always. In all that you ask, in all that you do, seek only the will of God." (Mary in Medjugorje - 13 October 1984)
Pray for the young.
Edith Stein, Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
(celebrated August 9th)
“I joyfully accept the death God has appointed for me, in perfect submission to his most holy will. May the Lord accept my life and death for the honor and glory of his name, for the needs of his holy Church…for the Jewish people, that the Lord may be received by his own and his kingdom come in glory…”
Pray for philosophers and theologians.
St. Elijah
“O Lord my God, let this child’s life come into him again.” The Lord listened to the voice of Elijah; the life of the child came into him again, and he revived.
Pray for a deepening of faith throughout the world.
St Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist)
(celebrated November 5th)
Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord? Yes, blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled. Lk 1:43,45
Pray that all mothers would love Mary and have great faith in her son, Jesus
Saint Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist)
(celebrated November 5th)
"When your greeting sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy!"
Pray for all mothers, that they will welcome new life, and receive the Holy Spirit as Elizabeth did.
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
(celebrated January 4th)
"I offer myself to your Father by you, to yourself by your Father and you to the Holy Spirit who is the mutual love of both."
Pray for an increase in women religious.
St. Elizabeth of the Holy Trinity
Nov. 8
It’s not looking at our own miseries that we should be cleansed but by looking upon Him who is all purity and all sancity.”
Strive to offer a loving dwelling place in your heart for the Holy Trinity
Georgette Faniel, mystic
July 2nd
"I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church," (Col 1:24).
Pray for the Church's formal recognition of Medjugorje
Saint Maria Faustina
(to be celebrated October 5th)
"You will accomplish great things if you abandon yourself entirely to my will. (Not as I wish but according to your will, O God.) Understand that these words, uttered in the depths of the heart, transport the soul instantly to the highest peaks of holiness." (Jesus to St. Faustina)
Pray for souls in their last hour
Saint Maria Faustina
(to be celebrated October 5th)
“I know God is in my heart. With Him I go to work, with Him I go to recreation, with Him I suffer, with Him I rejoice; I live in Him and He in me. I am never alone, because He is my constant companion. He is present to me at every moment. Our intimacy is very close, through a union of blood and flesh.”
Pray for deeper intimacy with God.
Saint Maria Faustina (Poland)
(to be celebrated October 5th)
“You will do great things if you abandon yourself entirely to my will: ‘...not what I want, but what you want.’ If these words are spoken from deep within the heart they bring the soul instantly to the heights of holiness” (Jesus to Faustina).
Pray for souls in temptation and at the hour of death.
Saint Frances of Rome
(celebrated March 9th)
“Anyone who dealt with her was captivated by her kindness and goodwill. She could quickly console the afflicted and ill, calm the restless and angry, reconcile enemies and dissolve long hatreds, and turn men from contemplated vengeance.”
Pray for peace-makers
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
(celebrated Decemeber 22nd)
"We can do nothing of ourselves, for we are poor and miserable, but if we have faith and trust in him who comforts us, then we can do all things."
Pray for an increase in women religious.
Saint Francis de Sales
(celebrated January 24th)
“In all your affairs rely wholly on Divine Providence, through which alone you must look for success. Labor quietly on your part to co-operate with its designs. Amidst those ordinary affairs and occupations that require most so earnest an attention, you should look more on God than on them.
Pray for writers, journalists and editors of all kinds
Saint Francis of Sales
(celebrated on 24 January)
"Worship God as often as you can by short but ardent flights of your heart; admire his goodness often; throw yourself at the foot of his Holy Cross, invoke his help, give him your soul a thousand times a day; sometimes, remain silent but simply gaze upon his gentleness."
Pray that the world will be seized by a spirit of adoration.
Saint Francis of Assisi
(celebrated on 4 October)
"Lord, I pray you, may the ardent and gentle power of your love detach my soul from all that is under heaven, so that I may die for love of your love, you who deigned to die for love of my love."
Pray that Jesus be loved.
Saint Francis of Assisi
(celebrated on 4 October)
Be strong in God. I want the world to know the God of love through you. By your lives, be witnesses of God's joy." (Mary in Medjugorje - 25 March 1988)
Pray for hearts to find joy!
Saint Francis of Assisi
(celebrated October 4th)
“All Highest, Glorious God, cast Your light into the darkness of my heart. Grant me right faith, firm hope, perfect charity, and profound humility; with wisdom and perception, O Lord, that I may do what it truly Your holy will.”
Pray for the gift of faith.
Saint Francis Xavier
(celebrated on 3 December)
"We must be wary of our own strength and trust God immensely. Let us never show discouragement and never doubt victory!"
Pray for missionaries
St. Frances Zavier Cabrini
November 13
“The Holy Spirit is a sun whose light is reflected in just souls, a bottomless, shoreless ocean whose waters are beautiful, transparent, crystalline and life-giving and flow continually and abundantly over souls who place no obstacle and do not oppose the Paraclete.” St. Frances Cabrini
Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all mankind.
Blessed Francisco of Fatima
"I'm thinking of God who is so sad because of so many sins! It hurts me so much that He's sad. I offer Him all the sacrifices I can. If only I could console Him."
Pray for children.
St. Genevieve of Paris
“I am nothing in this world but a pilgrim passing”
Pray for the virginity of young people
Saint Gertrude
(celebrated on 16 November)
"If a soul afflicted by temptation takes refuge in me, it is of her that I can say: my dove is unique, chosen from a thousand, with one of her glances she has pierced my heart."
Pray for priests who are tempted to forsake Christ.
Saint Gertrude
(celebrated November 16th)
"I want my intimate friends to follow in my footsteps by displaying a deeper affection for their enemies than for their benefactors, because they will thus reap an incomparably greater reward." (Jesus to Gertrude)
Pray for enemies.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Bishop, Father of the Church
(celebrated March 9th)
“But when you hear that the Divine Majesty is exalted above the heavens, that Its glory is inexpressible, Its beauty ineffable, and Its Nature inaccessible, do not despair of ever beholding what you desire. It is indeed within your reach; you have within yourselves the standard by which to apprehend the Divine…for God imprinted on your nature the likeness of the glories of His own Nature”
Pray for the despairing.
Saint Helen, empress, mother
(August 18th)
"O innocent Jesus, your Cross is my Cross"
Pray for children who are mistreated.
The Holy Family of Nazareth
“Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit” Matt. 1:20
Pray for the unity of couples.
The Holy Family of Nazareth
"Don't be afraid to take Mary, your wife, home, for that which is conceived in her comes from the Holy Spirit."
Pray for blessed, holy, and happy families.
The Holy Guardian Angels
(celebrated on 2 October)
" Whoever prays does not fear the future and whoever fasts does not fear evil." (Mary in Medjugorje - 25 January 2001)
Help someone to meet and get to know their guardian angel.
The Holy Innocents
(celebrated December 28th)
Theirs was a wordless profession of faith in Jesus. They died because they bore the likeness of the Christ Child, and are crowned with life eternal.
Pray for an end to abortion.
Holy Souls in Purgatory
(celebrated November 2nd)
“For if he had not expected the fallen to rise again it would gave been superfluous and foolish to pray for the dead, whereas if he had in view the splendid recompense reserved for those who make a pious end, the thought was holy and devout. This was why he had this atonement sacrifice offered for the dead, so that they might be released from their sin.” 2 Maccabees 12:44-45
Pray for the Souls in Purgatory and allow them to help you pray for a deeper communion between the saints in heaven, in purgatory and on earth.
St. Ignatius of Loyola
(celebrated July 31st)
“Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and all my will-all that I have and possess. You, Lord, have given all that to me. I now give it back to you, O Lord. All of it is yours. Dispose of it according to your will. Give me only your love and your grace, for that is enough for me.”
Pray for a spirit of total surrender.
The Immaculate Conception
December 8
Since by eternal decree She was exempted from all stain of original sin fro the first moment of her Creation, and was endowed with the riches treasures of grace and sanctity, it is fitting that we honor Her glorious prerogatives by this special feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Pray that poor sinners can triumph over sin with Our Lady’s help.
Blessed Jacinta of Fatima
(celebrated July 26th)
"Tell everyone that God gives us grace through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She is the one we should ask."
Pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart!
St Jerome
(celebrated September 30th)
“Read the divine scriptures constantly; never, indeed, let the sacred volume be out of your hand. Learn what you have to teach. Hold fast the faithful word you have been taught so that you may be able by sound doctrine to give instruction and confute those who contradict it.”
Pray for a deep love of God&Mac226;s Word and pray for bible scholars.
Saints Joachim and Ann
(celebrated July 26th)
“It is important that the ‘communion of persons’ in the family should become a preparation for the ‘communion of saints.’ This is why the Church both believes and proclaims the love which ‘endures all things’ (1Cor13:7); Everyone is called to love, including spouses and families. In the Church everyone is called equally to perfect holiness.” –JPII, Letter to Families
Pray for healing within families.
Saint Joan of Arc
(celebrated on 30 May)
" You know that I love you, that I burn with love for you. That is why, dear children, decide to love God; burn with love!" (Mary in Medjugorje - 25 June 1988)
Pray for France and for the conversion of freemasons.
Saint Jeanne de Chantal
(celebrated on 12 December)
"May this Sweet Savior live and reign in our hearts for ever amid the desolation and darkness. He is our light, he leads us; let us fear nothing, he will never let us down."
Pray for mothers.
Blessed Pope John XXIII
‘May this sacrifice of praise, which I offer to Your divine majesty for the success of the 2nd Ecumenical Vatican Council, be acceptable to You, Lord God, and grant that what we, together with our Pope John, implore of You we may effectively obtain. Amen.’
Pray that the true spirit of Vatican II continues to bear fruit in the Church.
Saint John the Baptist
(celebrated June 24th and August 29th)
“He must increase but I must decrease” (John 3:30)
Pray for the prophets of our day
Saint John Bosco
(celebrated on 31 January)
"What must console a sinner most is that he will not have to weep for long, at the first tear, the first 'I repent', the Lord will be moved with compassion."
Pray for teenagers.
Saint John Bosco
(celebrated on 31 January)
"From now on, I no longer want to place any limit on my trust in God." (after an apparition of Saint Dominic Savio)
Pray for teachers.
Saint John of the Cross
(celebrated December 14th)
"Would that men might come at last to see that is quite impossible to reach the thicket of the riches and wisdom of God except by first entering the thicket of much suffering, in such a way that the soul finds there its consolation and desire."
Pray for those who suffer, that they unite with Jesus and find joy.
St. John Eudes
“We must preach to the poor, otherwise,” said Saint John, “we put a bandage on the wound, but do not heal it.”
Pray for the renewal of the seminaries throughout the world
Saint John the Evangelist
(celebrated December 27th)
“O open heart of Jesus, devoured with such a pure love, into your wound I place my wounds and my lack of love” (Ephraim)
Pray for those wounded by life that they might be healed.
Saint John the Evangelist
(celebrated December 27th)
"Long ago and far away, an ordinary man called John laid his head on the breast of Christ and listened to the heartbeats of the Lord. Who can venture to guess what that man felt as he heard the beat of the mighty heart?" C. Doherty
Pray for those who are in despair.
Saint Jose Maria Escriva
“Don't let your life be barren. Be useful. Make yourself felt. Shine forth with the torch of your faith and your love. With your apostolic life, wipe out the trail of filth and slime left by the corrupt sowers of hatred. And set aflame all the ways of the earth with the fire of Christ that you bear in your heart.”
Pray for greater zeal and passion for evangelization among the laity.
Saint Joseph
(celebrated March 19th and May 1st)
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might” (Deuteronomy 6:5)
Pray for the Jewish people.
Saint Joseph
(celebrated on 19 March and 1 May)
"Dear little children, each one of you is important in my plan of salvation. I invite you to be bearers of goodness and peace... That is why, my dear little children, pray, pray, pray, and do everything that the Holy Spirit will inspire you." (Mary in Medjugorje - 25 May 1993)
Pray for fathers of families.
Saint Joseph, foster father of Jesus
"The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph and said: Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; she will give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus."
Pray for the gift of blessed fatherhood for the world's families.
Saint Juan Diego
December 9
“Am I not here who am your mother? Is there anything else that you need?”
Pray for an end to the culture of death.
Saint Juan Diego
December 9
“I am only a poor man. I am not worthy of being there where you send me. Pardon me, my Queen, I do not want to make your noble heart sad, I do not want to fall into your dispeasure.” After much persuasion he agreed to go to the Bishop. He left her, calling her “my Dear One, my Lady.”
Pray for unity among the nations.
St. Lawrence
(August 10)
After three days, Lawrence gathered all the lepers, cripples, orphans, widows, the poor and the lame and presented them to the prefect as the “true treasures of the Church.”
Carry the poor in your heart and encourage them.
St. Lucy
(December 13)
“How can you, a feeble woman, triumph over a thousand me?” “Bring ten thousand, and they will not be able to combat against God!”
Pray for the courage of the martyrs to fill the church.
Venerable Louis and Zelie Martin
(parents of St Therese)
"Dear Children, I want to say to you: pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on your families and your parishes. Pray and you will not regret it! God will give you gifts for which you will glorify Him until the end of your earthly lives. Thank you for having responded to my call." (Mary in Medjugorje - 2 June 1984)
Pray that your families will become nurseries for saints.
Saint Leopold Mandic
"The most important thing in the spiritual life is to ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes, then peace is established. When that happens, then everything changes around you." (Mary in Medjugorje - October 1984)
Pray for peace in the hearts of terrorists.
Saint Leopold Mandic
(Oct. 16)
Cappuchin Priest in Hercegovina: “I expect everything from the charity of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Divine Heart.”
Pray for souls to make a Holy Confession
Saint Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort
(celebrated on 28 April)
"The more the Holy Spirit finds Mary in a soul, the more active and powerful He becomes to bring forth Jesus Christ in that soul, and that soul in Jesus Christ.”
Pray for Our Lady's intentions.
St Luke the Evangelist
(celebrated October 18th)
‘After carefully going over the whole story from the beginning, I have decided to write an ordered account for you, so that you may learn how well founded the teaching is that you have received.’ Luke 1:3-4
Pray for those who are questioning their faith in the Church.
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
(celebrated on 16 October)
"Make your home in the adorable Heart of Jesus Christ, take your little worries and disappointments, and all will find peace there. You will find the remedy for your ills, the strength for your weaknesses and shelter in all your needs."
Pray for those crushed by trials.
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
(celebrated on 16 October)
" I would speak to all hearts, but they do not want to listen; and when I find one that opens to my graces, then I flood that heart." (Jesus to the saint)
Pray for the broken hearted.
Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin
St. Therese and Louis Martin could do no more than gaze at each other. With difficulty he pointed his index finger upward and was heard to whisper, "Until Heaven!" (Blessed Louis Martin on his deathbed to Little Flower) Our Mother said to me, 'Don't be afraid; wait and see, your soul will expand.' (Blessed Zelie Martin to Leonie who was nearly impossible to handle)
Pray that Holiness may be born in families
Blessed Leonie Martin , Lisieux
June 16th) "Your little Leonie may be changed, not only in name, but in everything which might be displeasing to Him whom alone she wishes to love." "It is inappropriate for me to moan over my faults as I have done until now. That is pride. As our Holy Founder said, it is no wonder that weakness is weak; I must humble myself, not vex myself.
Pray for children who are not understood
Blessed Luigi and Maria Quatrocchi
(April 28)
Maria was advised to abort her unborn child to save her own life. The couple graciously relied on their trust in divine providence and were blessed with a healthy baby girl “Enrichetta”. They also raised their family to be just as virtuous; three of their four children joined religious orders.
Pray for strong, virtuous, holy families.
Saint Martin de Porres
(celebrated November 3rd)
“He excused the faults of others and pardoned even the most bitter injuries done to him. He sought to bring sinners back to a good life, was most kind to the sick, provided the poor with food, clothing, and medicine, and did all he could for those who were regarded in his day almost as slaves” Bl John XXIII
Pray for greater humility, charity and generosity in God’s service
Marcel Van
(June 10. Martyr of Vietnam)
“Today, I am a corpse who can still breath…I am the victim of Love. Love is my joy, an indestructible joy.” (Written on a note smuggled out of the prison before his death.”
Pray for children who are victims of hatred.
Saint Mary Magdalene
(celebrated July 22nd)
“Mary turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, why are you weeping? Whom do you seek?’ Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, ‘Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Mary.’ She turned and said to him in Hebrew, ‘Rabboni!’ (which means Teacher).” John 20:14-16
Pray for a joyful love for Jesus.
St. Mary, Mother of God
“Do everything he tells you.”
Pray for those reveling against the Church
Blessed Mary of Incarnation, France
“I am a poor mendicant who begs of you the divine mercy, and that I may cast myself into the arms of religious life.”
Pray for abused women
Saint Mary of Magdala
(celebrated July 22nd)
“And a woman in the city, who was a sinner, having learned that he was eating in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster jar of ointment. She stood behind him at his feet, weeping, and began to bathe his feet with her tears and to dry them with her hair. Then she continued kissing his feet and anointing them with the ointment” (Luke 7:37ff.)
Pray that those lost in sin will come to know the great love of Jesus.
St. Maria Goretti, virgin and martyr
(celebrated July 6th)
“Rejoice in the measure that you share Christ’s sufferings. When His glory is revealed, you will rejoice exultantly. Happy are you when you are insulted for the sake of Christ, for then God’s Spirit in its glory has come to rest on you.”
Pray for purity of heart.
Saint Maria Goretti
(celebrated July 6th)
“Children and young people can learn not to yield to the fleeting and empty joys which pleasure brings, or to the bewitching delights of vice, but rather to hasten along the difficult path of Christian perfection.” Pope Pius XII
Pray for young people that they may prize chastity and purity
Saint Martha
(celebrated July 29th)
“Martha said to Jesus, ‘Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you.’ Jesus said to her, ‘You brother will rise.’ Martha said to him, ‘I know he will rise, in the resurrection on the last day.’ Jesus told her, ‘I am the resurrection and life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and anyone who lives and believes in me will never die.”
Pray for the despairing.
Marthe Robin (celebrated on 6 February)
" Jesus, I thank you, because you take us as we are and you offer us to the Father as you are."
Pray for priestly vocations.
Marthe Robin
(celebrated on 6 February)
"It seems to me that the heart that is full of trust is the one, fascinated by the infinite power of divine love, that does not allow human impossibilities to limit its hope, but nourishes its trust with the immensity of love, with infinity, and expects from God with peaceful assurance, infinitely more than what we can hope or imagine."
Pray for the brokenhearted.
Saint Matthew, apostle
(celebrated September 21st)
“The Pharisees and the scribes of their party said to Jesus’ disciples, ‘Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and non-observers of the law?’ Jesus said to them, ‘The healthy do not need a doctor; sick people do. I have not come to invite the self-righteous to a change of heart, but sinners.”
Pray for those who do not know the love of Jesus.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe (Poland)
(celebrated August 14th)
“What is essential is not to accomplish a great deal according to our own lights, but to be in the hands of the Immaculate Virgin.”
Pray that Mary Immaculate may reign in our hearts.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe
(celebrated on 14 August)
"It is not being very active of our own initiative that is important, but being in the hands of the Immaculate."
Pray that the Immaculate will reign in our hearts.
Saint Mechtilde
“All those who love my gifts in others will receive the same merit and glory as those to whom I have granted those gifts.” (Jesus, to the saint)
Pray for the underprivileged.
St. Monica (mother of St. Augustine)
(celebrated August 27th)
“If I am your child, O my God, it is because you gave me such a mother!” St. Augustine. Monica did not give up but prayed for Augustine for many years. Her prayers won for the church one of its greatest Doctors.
Pray for Holy Mothers.
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
(beatified on October 19, 2003)
"Two young people came to our house and gave me a lot of money to feed the poor... (they had not held a reception for their wedding so that they could give the money to Mother Teresa)...They said: "We love each other so much that we wanted to share the joy of our love with the people that you help. And we have experienced the joy of loving."
Pray that love will conquer the world.
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
(beatified on October 19, 2003)
"The more we are united with God, the more eager we will be to love and serve the poor with our whole heart."
Pray to serve the poor with joy.
Saint Nicodemus
(celebrated August 3rd)
“I have come for the sake of the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
Pray for the enlightenment of Israel.
Our Lady of Fatima
(celebrated May 13th)
“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.”
Pray for greater devotion to the Rosary among Christians.
Our Lady of Lourdes
(celebrated February 11th)
“It is only though prayer that you will become my apostles of peace in this restless world.” Our Lady of Medjugorje, Nov 25, 1999
Pray for the apostles of Our Lady
Our Lady of Guadalupe
(celebrated on 12 December)
"Am I not here who am your Mother? What more do you need?"
Pray for an end to the culture of death in the Americas.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
(celebrated July 16th)
“Those who wish to live truly devoted to Our Lady of Mount Carmel must follow Mary into the depths of the interior life…Mary’s soul is a real ‘garden’ of virtues, an oasis of silence and peace, where justice and equity reign; an oasis of security completely enveloped in the shadow of God, and filled with God. Every interior soul, even if living amid the tumult of the world, must strive to reach this peace, this interior silence, which alone makes continual contact with God possible.”
Pray for peace and interior silence in the hearts of bishops and priests.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace
"I need you. You are important to me." (message from Medjugorje)
Pray for the plan of Our Lady in Medjugorje
Saint Padre Pio
(celebrated September 23rd)
"The greatest charity is to take away souls from Satan and to bring them back to God".
Pray for the salvation of souls that are bound to Satan.
Saint Padre Pio
(celebrated September 23rd)
“The heart of our Divine Master has no more amiable law than that of sweetness, humility, charity. Often place your confidence in Divine Providence and be assured that sooner heaven and earth shall pass away than that the Lord neglect to protect you.”
Pray for the gift of surrender.
Saint Padre Pio
(celebrated September 23rd)
"The greatest charity is to take away souls from Satan and to bring them back to God".
Pray for the salvation of souls that are bound to Satan.
Saint Padre Pio
(celebrated September 23rd)
“The ardent desire to be in eternal peace is good and holy. But it is necessary to moderate it by a complete resignation to the Divine Will. It is better to do the Divine Will on earth than to enjoy heaven.”
Pray for the gift of obedience to God’s Will.
Saint Patrick of Ireland
(celebrated March 17th)
"If I am worthy, I am ready also to give up my life, without hesitation and most willingly, for his name. I want to spend myself in that country (Ireland), even in death, if the Lord should grant me this favor." Patrick's Confessions
Pray for the laity to respond to the call to be missionaries and evangelists today.
Saint Peter the Apostle
(celebrated on 29 June)
"Lord, you know everything, you know that I love you."
Pray for the Pope and his intentions for the world.
St. Peter the Apostle
(celebrated June 29th)
“And so I say to you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:18-19
Pray for the Triumph of the Church
Saint Peter Chanel
(celebrated on 28 April)
"To love Mary and make her loved."
Pray for missionary vocations.
Saint Peter Claver S.J.
(celebrated September 9th)
“Consider how many people think you a saint, and praise your sanctity throughout the town, and seem to delight to see you; ponder on how they would run from you if they really knew you.”
Pray for prisoners and those in slavery of all kinds
St Peter Julian Eymard
(celebrated August 3rd)
“To abide in His love is to make the Eucharist the center of our desires. To abide in His love is to delight in surprising Him with some gift, or some little sacrifice. To abide in His love is to live by the Eucharist; to guide ourselves in our actions by His thought, and to make it a point always to prefer the good service of the Eucharist to everything else.”
Pray that souls make Jesus in the Eucharist their first joy in life.
Pierre Louis-Marie Chanel
(Oceana Martyr 1803-1841)
“No one is a martyr for a conclusion, no one is a martyr for an opinion; it is faith that makes martyrs” (Cardinal Newman, at Pierre’s funeral).
Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout the world.
St Philip Neri
(celebrated May 26th)
“Let joy in the Lord be continuous until joy in the world is extinguished. The former is always growing, the latter ever decreasing and finally dying. Rejoice in the Lord then, and not in the world. Rejoice, for wherever you are and as long as you are on earth, the Lord is near, do not be anxious.”
Pray for those who have yet to find true joy in Jesus.
Saint Pius X
(celebrated August 21st)
“After the preparation for the holy priesthood, I know of nothing so important as the preparation for First Communion. When I am dead, I shall still desire to have the First Communicants come to me. Bring them to my coffin and even from my grave I will bless them.”
Pray for First Communicants and those who prepare them.
Saint Rose of Lima
(celebrated August 23rd)
“Listen, all you people! At Christ’s bidding and in his very words, I warn you: We cannot win grace if we do not suffer affliction; toil upon toil must be ours if we are to attain an intimate share in the divine nature, the glory of God&Mac226;s children, and perfect happiness. If only men knew how beautiful, noble, and priceless a thing God&Mac226;s grace is!”
Pray that souls find the true beauty of the Cross.
Saint Seraphim of Sarov (Russia)
(celebrated January 2nd)
“The true goal of Christian life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit.”
Pray for a new Pentecost of love
Saint Seraphim of Sarov
(celebrated on 2 January)
"Acquire inner peace and thousands around you will find salvation."
Pray for the unity of the Church.
Simon of Cyrene
“It is the Cross that bears you, not you who bear the Cross” (the Curé of Ars).
Pray that many will be drawn to help others carry their crosses.
Fr. Slavko Barbaric
“O Holy Spirit, through Mary I choose you today the Master of my whole being. With trust and hope in Your endless love, which manifested itself so marvelously in Mary I decide for your gifts. I renounce every evil spirit and his action, and accept You, Spirit of light, love, peace and order. I devote to You all my abilities and want to act in Your light. I surrender to You all rights over my life. Watch over me and lead me to the Father! I pray to You with Mary through Jesus Christ. Amen” (from “Pray with the Heart” by Fr. Slavko)
Pray for the Holy Spirit!
St. Stephen, martyr
(celebrated December 26th)
“As Stephen was being stoned be could be heard praying, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ He fell to his knees and cried out in a loud voice, ‘Lord do not hold this sin against them.’ And with that he died.”
Pray for reconciliation between enemies.
Saint Stephen (first martyr)
“And Stephen, full of grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people. Then some of those who belonged to the synagogue of the Freedmen…disputed with him. But they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he spoke…And gazing at him, all who sat in the council saw that his face was like the face of an angel.”
Pray for the gift of profound holiness.
Saint Teresa of Avila
(celebrated October 15th)
"Since the spiritual world is based entirely on humility, the closer one gets to God, the more this virtue should grow."
Pray for consecrated souls, they are the soul of the Church.
Saint Teresa of Avila
(celebrated October 15th)
“Let your desire be to see God; your fear to love Him; your grief to be separated from Him; your joy in whatsoever may take you to Him; thus you will live in profound peace.”
Pray that wounded hearts find peace in God.
Saint Therese of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church
(celebrated on 1 October)
"I understand so well that it is only love that can make us pleasing to the Good Lord, and my ambition is for this love alone."
Pray for an outpouring of love in families.
Saint Therese of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church
(celebrated on 1 October )
"O Jesus, let me tell you that your love reaches folly... How do you expect my heart not to leap towards you in the face of such folly? How could my trust have any limits?”
Pray that no one will elude the sanctity that has been prepared for them.
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church
(celebrated January 28th)
"The Cross is my sure salvation.
The Cross it is that I honor evermore.
The Cross of Our Lord is with me.
The Cross is my refuge."
Pray for intellectuals and teachers.
St. Thomas Aquinas, Dominican, Doctor of the Church
(celebrated January 28th)
“Eternal life consists in the complete satisfaction of desire, for there the blessed will be given more than they wanted or hoped for. The reason is that in this life no one can fulfill his longing, nor can any creature satisfy man’s desire. Only God satisfies, he infinitely exceeds all other pleasures. That is why the Lord says: Enter into the joy of your Lord.”
Pray for the conversion of lukewarm souls.
Saint Thomas the Apostle
(celebrated on 3 July)
"Jesus said to him, "Put your hands in my side and do not doubt, but believe." Thomas replied, "My Lord and my God." (Jn 20: 27-28)
Pray for unbelievers.
Saint Thomas a Beckett, Archbishop of Canterbury, martyr
(December 29th)
"There are a great many bishops in the Church, but would to God we were the zealous teachers and pastors that we promised to be at our consecration, and still make profession of being.” (A letter of Thomas Beckett)
Pray for Bishops.
Saint Thomas More
(celebrated June 22nd)
‘I never stop trusting in His mercy. His grace has thus far strengthened me to renounce everything—possessions, income, life itself—rather than take an oath against my conscience. God will either sway the king to do no more to me, or He will give me strength to bear courageously and willingly whatever further evils are in store for me.’
Pray that lawyers and judges will decide for Gospel values, making it their sole aim to bring about a culture of life.
St Timothy, Disciple of St Paul
(celebrated January 26th)
‘We decided to send our brother Timothy, who is God’s helper in spreading the Good News of Christ, to keep you firm and strong in the faith, and prevent any of you from being unsettled by the present troubles.’ 1 Thess 3:2-3
Pray that Christians proclaim the Gospel with great zeal.
Saint Valentine, priest, physician, martyr
(celebrated February 14th)
“I am beautiful because I love. If you want to be beautiful, love.” Our Lady in Medjugorje, March 25, 1985
Pray that people will model their love after God’s love.
Saint Veronica
(celebrated on 4 February)
" As a mother I want to call you all to holiness so that you can spread it to others. You are a mirror for others." (Mary in Medjugorje - 10 October 1985)
Pray that all will recognize the dignity of human life.
Saint Veronica (who wiped the face of Jesus on the way of the cross)
(celebrated February 4th)
“It is your Face, Lord, that I seek!”
Comfort Jesus through adoration
Saint Vincent de Paul.
(celebrated September 27th)
“You have as much need to be compassionate as the poor person has need of your compassion.”
Pray for compassion.
Yvonne-Aime de Malestroit, french mystic
(Celebrated February 3)
“O’ Jesus, I trust in your merciful bounty”.
Pray for strong, bold missionaries in our world.