The Pope is a Dope and he has no Hope!


       I really hate the Catholic religion, I mean with a passion.  I do NOT hate Catholics, or anybody for that matter.  I hate false religion, I hate wickedness, I hate lies and deceit.  I hate any religion that teaches damnable heresies that are condemning the souls of billions of people to the fires of hell.  There is no way you can love God and not hate sin.  One requires the other.  As you grow closer to the Lord, you WILL begin to hate sin intensely.  You will also grow to equally love people.  It's a paradox that many believers have a hard time hate the sin while loving the sinner.  I've known several believers in my life who hated the sinner but didn't even realize it.  This is especially true of new converts.  There is a fine line between faith and foolishness friend.  You had better make sure that you don't just hate sin without loving the sinner equally. 

I love people.  God loves people.  I love God.  I cannot love God if I do not love people.  I am not perfect by far, but as I grow older I realize the great need for people to be loved.  People are starving for love.  I'm talking about God's love.  God's love is a pure love that does not seek gain or personal favor.  God's love gives without asking.  God's love cares without expecting anything in return.  Jesus said if we give only to those who give to us, how then are we any different from the world?  We are to be different as Christians, a peculiar people zealous of good works.

I am being peculiar when I criticize the Pope, it is not a very common thing to do nowadays.  Most people look up to the Pope as a supreme religious figure.  Unfortunately, the Pope is also the supreme vicar of hell, deceiving countless billions of people with his lies and Satanic man-made doctrines.  The Catholic religion is OF THE DEVIL.  They bow to statues of Mary is violation of the second commandment and yet foolishly claim they are not worshipping her.  Look at the second commandment and you will find that we are commanded NOT TO BOW to her either.  You cannot weasel your way around it Catholic person, bowing to anything is wicked idolatry.  I didn't say it, God said it (Exodus 20:4-5).

1st Timothy 4:1-7 warns us about false prophets would would tell us not to eat meat or get married.  The whole concept of celibacy of Satanic.  Peter had a wife in the Bible, yet Catholics claim that Peter was their first Pope.  So why could Peter have a wife, but not other priests?  The pedophile infestation of the Catholic organization is the result of this evil, foolish and unbiblical practice.

I hear Catholics always referring to their priests as "father."  The Bible forbids such blasphemy.

"And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." -Matthew 23:9

The Catholic church is of the devil.  You'll NEVER hear the Pope speak of how precious Jesus is, or how we must be born-again, or that sinners will burn in hell.  You'll never see the Catholic church giving any of their filthy lucre to feed the starving children around the world.  How much of all the trillions of dollars which the Catholic church has taken in over the years have actually gone to feed the starving children in India, Africa and Afghanistan?  None?

The Vatican owns it's own city in Rome, much like our Washington D.C.  The artifacts of the Vatican and the Popes garb are infested with false religion.  He wears the ring of Dagon, the fish god of the Philistines.  The obelisk in the courtyard of the Vatican is derived from the false god of fertility.  Books have been written on this subject, Read Babylon Mystery Babylon.

There is no teaching of the Seven Sacraments in the Bible.  There is no mandate for baptism to enter heaven in the Bible.  You do NOT have to be baptized to go to heaven.  You do NOT have to partake of the Holy Communion to enter heaven.  You don't have to be confirmed, baptized, pasteurized, homogenized, or just need Jesus.  It's Jesus or hell, turn or burn!

The Pope is a Dope!  He is teaching damnable heresies, following manmade tradition.  I have read Vatican II, it is heresy.  It teaches that you must be baptized into the Catholic religion to be saved.  That is a lie!  The Bible, even the Catholic bible, does NOT teach such nonsense.  Christians were burned at the stake for preaching what I'm preaching.  You can burn my body, but you can't burn my soul.  I will preach the truth of God's Word...I will preach Jesus!  It's Jesus' blood that saves!  We can only be saved by placing our 100% faith in Jesus Christ because of what He did for us in His work of atonement.

The Pope has no hope!  I surely wish he would get saved, but there's a better chance of a meteorite hitting the earth tomorrow.  God will save anybody, even the Pope...but he won't come to Jesus to be saved.

"And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life." -John 5:40

Jesus didn't say, "Ye cannot come."  Jesus said, "Ye will not come."  Won't you come to Jesus to be saved and get your sins forgiven?  Please do so now.

Click Here to learn how to be saved
