Why I Believe Pentecostals are Not Saved

By David J. Stewart

Romans 4:5 and 7, “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. ... Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.”

       By “Pentecostals” I am also referring to and/or including the Charismatics, Calvinists (followers of the heretic John Calvin), Assemblies of Christ Churches, Apostolic Assemblies of Christ, the Salvation Army, United Assemblies of Christ International, Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ, Assemblies of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Christian International Ministries (false prophet Bill Hamon)—And all like-minded religious cults who errantly teach that salvation can be lost; thus, they teach that salvation must be maintained by faithful living, and the saints must persevere until the end to be saved.

The demonic teaching that salvation is not guaranteed to the sinner who believes on Christ is not Biblical. Losing salvation is damnable heresy not taught in the Scriptures. The entire demonic mindset of all the groups I just mentioned (and many groups I did not mention), is one of self-righteousness. As with all liars, false prophets and false religions, there is the element of DENIAL.

Anyone who teaches and believes that salvation can be lost has bought into a false Gospel. Salvation is a free gift, completely paid for by Jesus' literal precious blood. If salvation can be lost, then it is conditional and cannot be a free gift. The mindset of a genuine born-again Christian is that Jesus paid it all. I cannot lose that which was not mine to earn or give in the first place. Salvation is of the Lord. Our part is simply to believe (John 20:31).

Those religious people who think they are saved, and seem to believe the Biblical Gospel; but sincerely believe that their salvation can be lost by committing sin, are self-righteous. Let me tell you friend, if salvation can be lost, then we all lost it a long, long time ago. If salvation can be lost by committing sin, then we all lose it several times every day. How ridiculous for anyone to teach or think that the gift of God is something that can be lost.

My friend, when you are born again, i.e., born anew by the Spirit of God, by the Seed of God's Word (1st Peter 1:23), you cannot be unborn. The spiritual birth is as irreversible as the physical birth. Those who tell me that they believe their salvation can be lost, are admitting openly that they've never been born-again to begin with; for if they had been truly born again, they would have the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9), bearing witness that they are the child of God. Romans 8:16, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.”

There are so many doctrinal problems with the notion that salvation can be lost by committing sin. How much sin? Which sins? How do we get salvation back... by not sinning anymore? By believing on Christ again? All of these thoughts are unscriptural and bizarre. THE TRUTH of God's Word is that Jesus paid our sin debt in full. All God the Father asks is that we come to Him through faith in His Son, the Lamb of God Who taketh away the sins of the world.

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!