God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting
life." -John 3:16

Photo to Right: Hatemonger, Louis
Farrakhan, a leader in the Black Muslim false religion.
There's not a more hateful and rotten false
religion than Black Muslims. In Muhammad Speaks Newspaper, July
17,1970 the following malicious and hateful quotes are made...
Our Black people
were brought up by the enemy, white man, who did not want us to ever
know anything about Islam, because once the black slave learned Islam,
He would never be a slave anymore.
The White Man - The evil race of
people, knows Islam, but by nature they were not made to believe and to
teach Islam.
Black women should be made to stay
away from the devil. And when enough Black Men believe in Islam, they
will keep our Black Women out of the presence of the white man.
The Black Man in Africa is pitiful, as
the Black Slave in America was, once upon a time. Now the enemy will
make the Black Slave in America look dignified like himself, in order to
fool the Black African and other natives of the world of Black Man. They
do this to make these other Black men fall for the white man's
tricknollegy. In America, on the streets and in traffic, you cannot tell
the master from the slave. The white master sells the black slave his
fine automobiles, if he is able to pay for them. They both look alike
with fine clothes. This is to trick other black people, to follow the
white man.
Black Brother, Black Sister, you are
by nature one of the righteous but you have been robbed of your
righteousness and made to live unrighteousness until now you will be
whipped into submission, by divine will and power. You will be made to
accept yourself. There is no limit to the nation of the Black Man. The
Black Man will endure forever. [Muhammad
Speaks Newspaper, July 17,1970]
There is NO justification for the preceding
statements, which are fabricated lies, and pure racism.
Black Muslim Leaders Exploit Their
Own People!
Black Muslim leaders use such lying propaganda
to demonize Caucasians, and stir anger in African Americans to exploit them.
It is Black Muslims leaders who are maliciously exploiting their own
people... the blacks! Where do all the tens-of-millions of
dollars come from to support the nonsensical teachings of Black Muslim
leaders?... from African Americans! It appears that the blacks have
become their own worst enemy in supporting the Black Muslim movement.
What they do is make blacks angry by continually reminding them of what
their ancestors endured and suffered. After making their appeal, and
winning the hearts of the audience, Black Muslim instigators then introduce
their followers to the damnable heresies of Black Islam. Of course
their agenda is money, and lots of it.
Black Muslim teachings are so outrageous that
orthodox Islamic reject their teachings. A little mentioned fact by
Black Muslims is that
Malcolm X eventually converted over to orthodox Islam in 1964, forsaking
the Black Muslim nightmare. It is believed by many that this is what
prompted his assassination one year later in 1965. Although Islam is a
false religion, the Black Muslim religion is as crazy as you can get.
They actually teach that white people were created in a laboratory by black
scientists billions of years ago, and that their founder, Wallace Fard, came
as a black man in the disguise of a white man's body to fool everybody.
How bizarre can you get? Their leaders spew out continual hatred
against whites; yet, why are the police silent about this Anti-American hate
group? The KKK is a Satanic group, which is highly publicized in the
news every time they make an appearance anywhere; BUT, when Louis Farrakhan
and his hateful heretics do the exact same thing, they are virtually ignored
by the news media. Hmmm.
If I were a black person anywhere in this
world, I wouldn't give a dime to the Black Muslims false religion!!!
Look folks, giving money to a cult won't undo the evils of the days of
slavery. Did you ever stop to think that the Jews (whites), were
enslaved by the Egyptians (blacks) in Exodus? So you see whites have
been slaves in history too. Get over it! African Americans have
more rights today than they've ever had, and with reverse discrimination
they often have even more. Some white people have been denied
employment because the company was afraid of a discrimination lawsuit if
they didn't hire the black. So discrimination goes both ways folks!
It's not just the blacks being afflicted by Uncle Sam nowadays, every
middle-class working American and down are feeling the pinch. It
shouldn't be about black and white, but about being Americans. Bill
Cosby is right when he calls upon blacks to stop playing the blame game and
start applying themselves to accomplish something. America is still
the land of opportunity.
History of Black Muslim Cult
The Nation of Islam, a black
nationalist and religious organization was founded in Detroit, Michigan, in
1930 by Wallace
Fard. Fard argued that
African Americans could obtain success through discipline, racial pride,
knowledge of God, and physical separation from white society.
disappeared in June 1934 and was replaced as leader by
Elijah Muhammad.
Under the leadership of Muhammad,
Black Muslims purchased large areas of land in the deep south, invested in
business ventures and had its own paramilitary force. Members were
also instructed to completely abstain from all drugs.
During World War
II Muhammad advised his followers to avoid the draft. This led to him
being charged with violating the Selective Service Act and was jailed
between 1942 and 1946. After his release from prison,
Elijah Muhammad
gradually built up the membership of the Black Muslims. He described
African Americans as the chosen people and urged the adoption of a religion
based on the worship of Allah. Muhammad also called for the
establishment of a separate nation for African Americans.
In the late 1950s
Malcolm X
emerged as the most important figure after Muhammad in the Nation of Islam.
He went on several speaking tours and helped establish several new mosques.
He was eventually assigned to be minister of the mosque in New York's Harlem
area. Founder and editor of Muhammad Speaks, Malcolm became
more extreme in his views. In 1963
Malcolm X
was suspended from the movement by Muhammad after he made a series of
extremist speeches. This included his comments that the assassination
John F. Kennedy
was a
"case of chickens coming home to roost." In March 1964 Malcolm left
the Black Muslims and established his own religious organization, the
Organization of Afro-American Unity.
a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1964, Malcolm rejected his former separatist
beliefs and advocated world brotherhood.
Malcolm X
was shot dead at a party meeting in Harlem on 21st February, 1965.
Three Black
Muslims were later
convicted of the murder.
When Elijah
Muhammad died in Chicago on 25th
February, 1975, the Nation of Islam split. Muhammad's son became
leader of the Muslim American Community whereas the Black Muslims
were led by
Louis Farrakhan. To
no surprise, 33rd degree occult Freemason, Jesse Jackson, is an
ally of Farrakhan.
Oh, and by the way,
Wallace Fard and Louis Farrakhan are Satanic Freemasons as well.
Do you see the
Occult Connection?
Louis Farrakhan and Race
Farrakhan made several contentious
statements about race, including:
- "White people are
potential humans — they haven't evolved yet" in March
- "Murder and lying comes
easy for white people" in 1994.
- He has also alluded to a
figure called "Yacub"
(or "Jacob") with reference to whites.
- According to Farrakhan's
Elijah Muhammad, blacks were "born righteous and
turned to unrighteousness," while the white race was
"made unrighteous by the god who made them (Mr. Yacub)."
In an interview on NBC's
Meet the Press, Farrakhan defended the position that
black people are the original people of the earth"
FCN/NBC, 1997
Black Muslims propagate hatred
and attempt to shift all societies' problems upon the
whites. I ask the question... are not African
Americans today U.S. citizens, who enjoy the Bill of
Rights, and the same freedom as all Americans? I
see black preachers like Creflo Dollar and T.D. Jakes
exploiting the blacks to get filthy rich. They are
manipulating their own people, and shaming the name of
Christ. Look at Oprah Winfrey, who inspires over
15,000,000 viewers every day to follow the New Age occult.
If you want to point the blame Mr. Black Muslim, then you'd
better look in your own closet first! The Black Muslim
religion is of the Devil. Please don't misunderstand
me, I love black people, but the Black Muslim religion is a
system of hate and resentment towards whites and Jews.
Furthermore, Black Muslims, as orthodox Muslims, DENY that
Jesus is the Christ. 1st John 2:22 calls them LIARS