TWA Flight 800
The New American - What Happened to TWA 800? - October 14, 1996
The New American - TWA 800 - A Closer Look - February 16 1998
Press Conference material from July 20, 1998. - 3mb
Articles on Cmdr. Donaldson's Report and Flight 800 - Updated 11-16-98
Radio Interviews - of Cmdr. Donaldson and others on TWA Flight 800
New York Times - Full Page AD from Associated Retired Aviation Professionals
Reed Irvine & James Kalstrom - Discuss unidentified ships - 2.37 min - RealPlayer
Reed Irvine & James Kalstrom - Full interview - 12.07 min - RealPlayer - file is 4.5 mb
Cmdr. Donaldson on the Mike Jarmus Show - Added 2-27-99
The Village Voice - Robert Davey's latest article - Added 2-27-99
Canadian Broadcasting Corp News Report of Swissair Missile Sighting - Added 3-8-99
Suffolk Life Newspapers:Flight 800: Accident Or Terrorist Attack? Part 1 - By Joey Mac Lellan
Flight 800: Accident Or Terrorist Attack? Part 2 - By Joey Mac Lellan
Flight 800: Accident Or Terrorist Attack? Part 3 - By Joey Mac Lellan
Flight 800: Accident Or Terrorist Attack? Part 4 - By Joey Mac Lellan
Flight 800: Accident Or Terrorist Attack? Part 5 - By Elizabeth Tonis
Flight 800: Accident Or Terrorist Attack? Part 6 - By Christine Moeser
Flight 800: Accident Or Terrorist Attack? Part 7 - By Christine Moeser
NewsMax Daily report on the Sanders Trial - Added 4-6-99
NewsDay daily report on the Sanders Trial - Added 4-6-99
NewsDay daily report on the Sanders Trial - Added 4-7-99
NewsDay daily report on the Sanders Trial - Added 4-8-99
New York Times report on the Sanders Trial - Added 4-7-99
New York Times report on the Sanders Trial - Added 4-8-99
Associated Press report on the Sanders Trial - Added 4-8-99
NewsMax Daily report on the Sanders Trial - Added 4-9-99
Dan's Papers report on the Sanders Trial by Jerry Cimisi- Added 4-11-99
NewsDay daily report on the Sanders Trial - Added 4-12-99
Associated Press report on Sanders Conviction - Added 4-13-99
New York Observer report on Sanders Conviction - Added 4-15-99
New York Times report on the Sanders Trial - Added 4-15-99
NewsDay report on the Sanders Verdict - Added 4-15-99
WorldNetDaily- How the government stopped probers - Added 4-16-99
Dan's Papers report on the Sanders Trial by Jerry Cimisi- Added 4-18-99
WorldNetDaily - Was there a Government Cover-up? - Added 4-19-99
The Other Verdict in the Sanders Trial! - Added 4-19-99
NewsDay - TWA Probe Nearing End - Added 4-27-99
WorldNetDaily - Is there proof of a missile? - Added 4-27-99
NewsMax Was TWA Flight 800 Shot Down by 2 Missiles?- Added 4-27-99
WorldNetDaily - Were Missile Parts Hidden? - Added 4-28-99
WorldNetDaily- Donaldson called conspiracy theorist - Added 4-29-99
WorldNetDaily - US Stinger Chief Suspect - Added 4-29-99
Free Republic - Missing CNN Video Tape- Added 5-3-99
Free Republic - Reauthorization Hearings for the NTSB - Added 5-5-99
Tom Kelleher - The Only Truth - Added 5-5-99
Bloomberg - Added 5-9-99
Reuters - Added 5-9-99
Gannett - Added 5-9-99
Senator Grassley Holds Hearing - Washington Post - Added 5-9-99
Grassley Witness List - Hearing May 10, 1999- Added 5-9-99
Witnesses Describe a Missile - New York Post from 9/22/96 - Added 5-9-99
WorldNetDaily - Investigator Testifies in Congress - Added 5-12-99
NewsDay - Focusing on FBI in TWA Probe - Added 5-13-99
Free Republic - CW-504, A Part Left Over - Added 5-17-99
Dan's Papers A Meeting in DC - by Jerry Cimisi - Added 5-20-99
Aviation Week - Heed the lessons of the Flight 800 mess 5-17-99
Associated Press - US Stinger Missiles Used Worldwide - 5-28-99
Free Republic - Sander's Sentencing July 9th - 5-28-99
Electronic Telegraph - "Blast from the Past" - 11-3-96
Michael Hull - Other missile incidents before and after Flight 800 - May 1999
Dan's Papers A Meeting in DC - by Jerry Cimisi - Added 5-20-99
Aviation Week - Heed the lessons of the Flight 800 mess 5-17-99
Associated Press - US Stinger Missiles Used Worldwide - 5-28-99
Free Republic - Sander's Sentencing July 9th - 5-28-99
Electronic Telegraph - "Blast from the Past" - 11-3-96
Michael Hull - Other missile incidents before and after Flight 800 - May 1999
Dan's Papers The Grassley Hearings - by Jerry Cimisi - 6-4-99
Dan's Papers - Pilot vs. NTSB - by Jerry Cimisi - 6-25-99
New York Observer- Radar Shows 'Getaway Boat' Fleeing Flight 800 Crash 7-12-99
Associated Press - Current story on Flight 800 Anniversary - 7-14-99
The Village Voice - A Missile Expert Cries Cover-Up - 7-15-99
Associated Press - NTSB: TWA 800 Probe Nearing End - 7-15-99
FIRO - Press Release on Sanders Sentencing - 7-15-99
Business Wire - Brand New Analysis of TWA 800 Radar Data - 7-14-99
Reuters - Officials Struggle to Find Cause of 1996 TWA Crash - 7-15-99
Associated Press - NTSB, TWA Trade Accusations on 800 - 7-16-99
Reed Irvine - Kalstrom's Credibility Kaput - 7-16-99
Dan's Papers When were the Black Boxes Found? - by Jerry Cimisi - 7-16-99
Associated Press - Sanders Sentencing - 7-16-99
An Overview of Covered up Evidence - by Ian Goddard - 7-17-99
Air travel on - New Evidence Contradicts NTSB & FBI Findings -7-16-99
San Jose Mercury News - Missile suspicions over TWA Crash not so far fetched - 7-25-99
NewsDay - Mystery of Flight 800 Won't Go Away - Philip Weiss - 7-28-99
The American Spectator - Ongoing Dissent Over Flight 800 - August 1999
Suffolk Life - Navy Tested Microwave Technology on Commercial Aircraft - 7-30-99
The New American - More Pieces to TWA 800 Puzzle - 8-16-1999
The Village Voice - Letters to the Editor - 8-4-99
Dan's Papers - Witnesses from Above - 8-27-99
United Press International - Group has new look at TWA 800 Crash - 8-28-99
The Nando Times - New Radar Data Revives Missile Theory in Flight 800 Crash
Insight Magazine - New Radar Data, New Questions - 8-27-99
Paris Match Magazine - The Missile Hypothesis - 8-27-99
America's Voice Television - BQ's View - 9-1-99
Financial Times - Lufthansa Cargo Jet, Near miss by Missile - 9-9-99
NTSB to Move TWA Flight 800 Wreckage to new Hanger - 9-10-99
Aviation Week - Aircraft near Flight 800 remains unidentified - 9-6-99
WorldNetDaily- TWA and Official Lies - 9-10-99
WorldNet Daily - Government Deception II: TWA 800? - 9-14-99
Associated Press - Politicians Faced with Lie Detectors - 9-13-99
New York Times Flashback - 7-19-96
Reuters - Focus of TWA 800 crash on wiring - NTSB - 9-14-99
Swissair Missile Incidents - by Michael Hull - 9-19-99
Baltimore Sun - Flight 800 theorists stick to their guns - 9-19-99
Reuters - Several related articles 9-20-99
How many Stingers does bin Laden have? - 10-8-99
Reuters - US Judge Refuses To Dismiss French TWA Crash Cases- 10-7-99
Abstract - Presentation at the American Osteopathic Radiology Conference -10/20/99
New American Magazine - TWA Shootdown - Interview w/Donaldson 10-25-99
Wall Street Journal - US sees no evidence Boeing hid data - 11-1-99
WorldNetDaily - Bomb Downed EgyptAir 990 - 11-4-99
New York Post - Boeing Still Looking for Flight 800 Bomb - 11-8-99
Michael Hull - The Mystery of Flight 990 - 11-7-99
Boeing Press Release - 11-5-99
Associated Press - Boeing Pursues Theories in 96 Crash - 11-8-99
Seattle Times - Boeing role in probes of crashes scrutinized - 11-8-99
World Tribune - Egypt wants us to pursue link with TWA 800 - 11-8-99
NewsMax - Egypt Air Crash revives Flight 800 Theories - 11-11-99
Washington Weekly - Edward Zehr - 11-15-99
Letter from Rep. Traficant to NTSB Chair. Hall - 11-15-99
Letter from NTSB Chair. Hall to Judge Seybert re: U.S. v. Sanders - 7-14-99
Seattle Times - Study finds NTSB teetering 'near the breaking point' - 12-9-99
Seattle Times - Boeing lawyers still saying missile may have downed TWA Flight 800
Associated Press - Report Criticizes NTSB's work - 12-9-99
WorldNetDaily - New Evidence of Missile Attack - 12-13-99
Cmdr. Donaldson speaks at Surveillance Expo 99 - December 14, 1999
Cmdr. Donaldson shares startling new radar evidence of a missile impact on Flight 800 and evidence that the CIA and NTSB produced fradulent videos to dismiss the 96 eyewitnesses who saw a flare rise from the surface and strike Flight 800.
Surveillance Expo Press Release -
ARAP Press Relaase - 12-12-99
Cmdr. Donaldson's 12-8-99 letter to Chairman Duncan (pdf) (gif)- House Aviation Subcommittee
Cmdr Donaldson on radio
Originally aired live from 8:30 - 11:45pm, Friday, October 1, 1999Blast from the Past:
CNS - Former NTSB Official Backs Missile Theory - 7-21-98
Blast from the past - Missiles for Terrorists - October 1995Roll Call - Rep. Traficant Expects To Be Indicted Soon - 2-3-00
NewsMax - Various articles on Flight 800
Insight Magazine - Surppressed Data Looks New in Paris
Aviation Week - NTSB Re-interviews Flight 800 Witnesses -5-17-99
New York Observer - T.W.A. Flight 800 Skeptics Paying a Heavy Price -2-16-00
Tribune Cronicle - More mob connections recorded in Traficant's past
Spectrum Magazine - Interview with Donald Nibert
E-Mail - From Donald Nibert to Rob Chamberlin - House Aviation Committee
Gerry Evans - TWA Accident or Error?
New York Times - In Jet Crash Inquiry, Avoiding Past Errors - 11-3-99
Going After Boeing - Ed Zehr - 11-15-99
Letter from FBI Counsel A. Robert Walsh to Senator Charles Robb -11-18-98 Newsletter - March - Commentary on Withheld Boeing Fuel Tank Test
WorldNetDaily interview with "Deadly Departure" author Christine Negroni - 3-5-00
Book Review of "Deadly Departure" by Cmdr. Donaldson - 3-5-00
Accuracy in Media - TWA 800 Heroes and Villains - 3-3-00
Reuters - US probers say TWA 800 witness reports little use - 3-21-00
AP - Traficant Vows To Fight Govt. Probe -3-21-00
CNN Coverage of Witness Data - 3-21-00
Article by Tom Stalcup - 3-22-00
Article by Ian Goddard -3-3-00
Newsday Article - Families Can Sue for Damages - 3-30-00
Reuters - News item on Osama bin Laden - 3-16-00
Howard Mann - One Mann's Opinion on the CWT - 4-2-00 Howard Mann is a retired TWA 747 Captain, Engineer and Aircraft Accident Investigator.
Airline Pilot responds to Bernie Loeb - 4-2-00
Blast from the Past - White House Press Conference - 7-18-96
Blast from the Past - State Department Press Conference - 7-19-96
UPI - Article on Bin Laden's successor - 4-14-00
Newsday - Boeing settlement talks - 4-14-00
Blast from the Past - Testimony of Jim Hall - 7-10-97
Blast from the Past - Testimony of James Kallstrom -7-10-97
Blast from the Past - Exerpt from Aviation Subcommittee Hearing -7-10-97
New York Times Book Review - Tin Kickers by Andrew Chaikin
(A journalist explores the controversy over the crash of TWA Flight 800) - 5-14-00
Mike Hull's e-mail to Andrew Chaikin & Andrew's response -5-16-00
Associated Press article on bin Laden -5-17-00.htm
Reuters - FAA Said Considering New Rules on Jet Fuel Tanks -6-2-00
Reuters - White House Plans to Probe Safety of Aging Wiring -6-2-00
Reuters - Iran Defector Talks to CBS - 6-4-00
Etherzone - Fact vs. Government Fiction - by Phil Brennan Text only
Krieger Comparison - From FIRO Website
CWT Explosion Test - From FIRO Website
Washington Post - Letter to the Editor - by Graeme Sephton
Cmdr Donaldson was interviewed by Lisa Stark for an ABC News Story on 6/1/00
Following is an e-mail to David Westin, President of ABC News from Reed Irvine
E-mail from Graeme Sephton to Washington Post on the Stinger Missile Story.
NTSB Tests Stinger Missiles - Washington Post -6-1-00
Washington Post - Missiles Test Crash Theory - Text Version 6-1-00
Reed Irvine - Official Lies on TWA800 Exposed
Website System Outage - 6-28-00
Streaming Video Now Available -The remaining videos have been converted to streaming video. In most cases the first link will be for the streaming video using RealPlayer. The second link will allow you to download the original quicktime file. The quicktime files provided by the NTSB are generally much bigger than the streaming video files.
New Chat Room Service Available - Use the chat room to talk to others about the Flight 800 disaster.
New TWA Flight 800 Message Board Available - Use the message board to discuss Flight 800 topics in a non real-time environment.
New Search Capability Available - Use the search feature to search all HTML documents in the database.
Commentary on Eyewitness Appendix FF by independent researcher
NewsMax - New Photographs Show TWA 800 Cover-Up -7-10-00
Reuters - FAA explores nitrogen to prevent TWA 800 repeat - 7-13-00
NewsDay - Flight 800 Report Due Out In August / NTSB to blame blast generally on fuel tank
ABCNews - Could 100 Witnesses have been Mistaken? 7-17-00
MSNBC - US sued over TWA Flight 800 documents 7-18-00
Associated Press - 2 Witnesses Doubt Flight 800 Probe - 7-18-00
AFP - Group sues US government to release TWA flight 800 probe documents - 7-18-00
Reuters - Group sues FBI, NTSB for release TWA Flight 800 Data - 7-17-00
AP - Ceremony Held for TWA Flight 800 - 7-16-00
Gannett - Witnesses push TWA-crash theory - 7-18-00 - Did a Meteor Strike TWA Flight 800? - 7-21-00
Pensacola News Journal - Interview with Dwight Brumley - 7-19-00
TWA800 facts will be discussed on Ray Briem Show on KIEV870 in Los Angeles on
Sat. 7/22 at 8:00 PM - PST. If you are out of the area, you can pick it up on the internet at using the free Real Player on your computer.
E-Mail from Cmdr. Donaldson to NTSB - What Happened to TWA Flight 800?
Press Conference Summary -7-17-00
A Tribute to the Crew of TWA Flight 800 -7-17-00
Advance Statement of Cmdr. Donaldson - 7-17-00
A Challenge to the NTSB - By Michael Hull 7-17-00
Press Conference at the National Press Club - Monday July 17, 2000
Paula Zahn from the Fox News Channel will inverview Cmdr. Donaldson
on her program - The Edge, at 10pm, Monday July 17, 2000.
Update!!! Cmdr. Donaldson's appearence on The Edge was cancelled this evening to make room for coverage of Hillary Clinton's alleged racial slur.
FIRO Files Lawsuit - Press Release 7-17-00
Accuracy in Media - Press Release 7-17-00
Roll Call - Traficant Invokes 5th Amendment -7-24-00
Free Republic - TWA 800: ALPA Report Critical of NTSB Secrecy, New Doubts Raised
NTSB Advisory - Announcement of NTSB Board Meeting 7-31-00
Beyond the Unexplained w/ Janet Russell 7-31-00
Trulock Sues FBI over Civil Rights Violations - 7-31-00
Website Outage - The website was off-line today, August 1, from 6am to 3pm EDT. The web hosting company, CI Host, unexpectedly disconnected the site because heavy download traffic from was overloading their server. Sorry for the inconvenience.
CI Host has assured me it will not happen again. 8-1-00
Village Voice - Flight 800's Last Stage by Robert Davey -8-2-00 local copy
AP - Skeptics Sue For TWA 800 Details -8-4-00
Political Landscape - A Hero Crumbles to Mud and Dust -8-7-00
Letter from Mark Berry to his Friends -8-7-00
Reuters - Boeing settles lawsuits -8-7-00
WorldNetDaily - Congressman: Reno a traitor -8-8-00
Reuters - Boeing fails to pinpoint TWA 800 crash cause -8-10-00
Letter from Mike Hull to the NTSB Board - 8-10-00
AFP - Egypt Requests Radar Data Withheld by NTSB - 8-13-00
FIRO - FBI force-fed mainstream media Flight 800 CIA Propaganda -8-14-00
AWN - Egyptian Pilots Accuse US Investigators of Cover-up - 8-14-00
FIRO - Dear Major News Networks, a Request for Equal Time -8-15-00
FIRO - Lawsuit against the NTSB -8-15-00
FIRO - Lawsuit against the FBI -8-15-00
Reuters - Airliner Fuel Tanks Safe, Says Industry Report -8-15-00
New York Times - Flight 800 Report to Show No Exact Cause -8-15-00
FIRO Press Release - 8-18-00
NTSB Live - 8-18-00
Letter to the NTSB from Eyewitness Lisa Perry - 8-15-00
Newsday - Flight 800 crash makes old wiring an aircraft issue -8-20-00
ARAP - Press Release -8-22-00
Washington Post - TWA Flight 800 Crash Still a Mystery -8-22-00
AFP - Independent panel criticizes TWA Flight 800 crash report -8-22-00
Newsday - NTSB Rules on TWA Jet Crash Cause -8-22-00
AIM - Irvine Carried out of NTSB Hearing -8-22-00
AP - NTSB Rules on TWA Jet Crash Cause -8-22-00
Tom Kovach - Letter to the Editor of Newsday Magazine -8-23-00
WorldNetDaily - Official TWA "Findings" Bogus -8-23-00
Reuters - Electrical Fault Likely Cause of TWA Crash -8-23-00
Reuters - Boeing Design Faulted in TWA 800 Crash -8-23-00
E-Mail to NTSB - 8-23-00
Reuters - Boeing says design not key in 747 crash report -8-23-00
AP - NTSB: TWA 800 Downed by Fuel Tank -8-22-00
Report on the NTSB Hearings by Tom Stalcup - Chairman of FIRO
FIRO Press Conference -8-23-00
A Disgraceful Performance -8-24-00
WorldNetDaily - It Was Only Frayed Wiring? -8-26-00
Op-Ed the Washington Post refused to print -7-4-00
Quote from The Whitley Streiber Show - 7-30-00
Sacramento Bee - Investigation ought to end rumor-mongering -8-27-00
Insight Magazine - Amazing Report on Crash of TWA 800 -8-28-00
Richard Hirsch & Tom Shoemaker - An Independent Perspective -8-25-00
The Washington Post - Letter to the Editor - Rejecting Eyewitness Accounts - 8-29-00
Tom Stalcup - Letter to the Editor - Case Closed? What Case? 8-29-00
Press Release - NTSB Clears Crane Fuel Pumps in TWA800 Accident -8-30-00
Statement by ALPA - 8-23-00
Recent E-Mail - Viewer reports seeing a home video of a missile broadcast on his local station the evening of 7-17-96. This is similar to dozens of reports we have received reporting similar brief videos that were never shown again. Independent Researchers purchased 24 hours of CNN footage from that night but did not find the video. If anyone else has seen such a video please e-mail us and contact your local TV station to see if they still have a copy.
Cmdr. Donaldson will be a guest on Coast to Coast AM with Mike Siegel
8/30/00 - Wed 10pm PDT / Thu 1am EDT
FIRO Press Conference -8-23-00
A Disgraceful Performance -8-24-00
Blast from the Past:
The American Spectator - The goblin on the wing of Flight 990 - 11-2-99
The American Spectator - The dissent of Flight 800 - 7-99
Cmdr. Donaldson will be on the Barbara Simson show tonight 10-1-2000 at 8pm eastern, ABC/KSFO. You can listen at
Cmdr. Donaldson is also booked as "the guest" on Wednesday - October 4th at 6:05 PM - ET, on the "Investigative Journal" Radio Program with David Bresnahan. The program can be heard on the Genesis Communications Network.
Letter from a Pilot - 9-1-00
Egyptian Pilots Sue Bill Clinton over EgyptAir Crash - 9-1-00
Scott Holleran - Review of 2 TWA 800 Books -8-6-00
Dan's Papers - Pilot Who Flew The Plane Before Fateful Flight Questions Official Conclusions -9-6-00
Letter to the Editor of the Washington Post - NTSB Electrical Short Scenario - 9-6-00
E-mail to Editor of Seattle Times - 9-6-00
NY Review of Books - Swissair 111, TWA 800, and Electromagnetic Interference 9-21-00
E-Mail to Chuck Taylor - Seattle Times - 9-11-00
Mike Hull's Analysis & Website:
The Tale of the Tapes
The Mystery of SwissAir 111
The Mystery of EgyptAir 990
The Village Voice Collection
Village Voice - How Did Flight 800 Blow Up? - 2-25-98
Village Voice - Flight 800 - Ships Ahoy - 4-15-98
Village Voice - Flight 800 - The Missing Evidence - 4-15-98
Village Voice - Eyewitnesses Believe a Missile Brought Down Flight 800 - 7-15-98
Village Voice - FDR Redux? - 7-29-98
Village Voice - One Man's Private Jihad - 8-19-98
Village Voice - Scattered Clues - 2-24-99
Village Voice - The FBI and Flight 800 - 7-14-99
Village Voice - Flight 800's Last Stage - 8-2-00
Village Voice - Rubber Stamping Flight 800 - 9-13-00 Local Copy
The Observer (UK) - Air Crashes Blamed on Military Pulses - 9-10-00
Message from FIRO - Eyewitnesses & National Security
New York Observer - The snoots snub Nader, but I think he's great
Boeing Fighter Prototype Ups Ante for World-s Largest Military Contract
E-Mail to NTSB Chairman Hall
Blast from the Past
London Telegraph - traces of nitroglycerine found in Flight 800 wreckage - 8-26-96
Associated Press - Study Shows Need for Wiring Upgrade -10-11-00
National Post - Theory links plane crashes to secret military killer beams -10-9-00
Blast from the Past
FBI Congressional Testimony on Terrorism - 2-24-98
Washington Post - Terrorism Victims Set Precendent -10-22-00 - Who Benefited? - 10-28-00
Aviation Safety Network - Latest Aircraft Shot Down by Rebels -10-31-00
Correction - Executive Order 13039 is still at White House Web Site - 11-14-00
Message Board - In response to complaints about some users of the message board, we have upgraded the system to provide for registration of posters, scoring of posts by readers and preview and spell check capability. Anyone can read the messages, but posters must register. In addition, offensive or inappropriate posts will be deleted.
Washington Post - TWA Flight 800 Hulk to Anchor New GWU Facility -11-14-00
WTNH - Review of Channel 8 broadcast - 11-15-00 - E-Mail to David Mayer - NTSB - 11-15-00
Associated Press - Boeing Makes Pledge to TWA Memorial
Air Crashes, Black Boxes & Unsafety Boards
Ed Zehr's Analysis of the Climb Scenario
CNN - But What About Iran? -12-5-00
AP - Hall to Resign from NTSB - 12-18-00
Reuters - Transportation Safety Board's Hall to Resign - 12-18-00
Washington Post - Global Threats Against US will Rise, Report Predicts - 12-18-00
Seattle Times - NTSB Chirman Hall to Resign
TWA FLIGHT 800: Streaks in the Air - Radio 12-19-00 - 7 pm
TWA was not a unique Missile Event - Hull Thread -12-29-00
Letter to Senator Inhofe from Reed Irvine - Accuracy in Media - 12-30-00
Reuters - Remains of 33 EgyptAir crash victims flown home - 12-30-00
Tower Transcript Shows Witness to Boat Leaving Crash Site - 12-31-00
The Crash of TWA Flight 800 - Part 1 - Ian Goddard -1-3-01
Bush Sticking with Freeh at FBI - 1-5-01
Reuters - TWA marked many firsts in aviation history 1-8-01
APA Information Hotline - 1-8-01
State Department Caution - 1-6-01
A Brief History of TWA -1-10-01
'Golden Era' of flying ends with TWA buyout 1-10-01
TWA on approach for final landing - 1-10-01
New York Times - Holy Warriors -1-14-01
Hartford Courant - Marge's Vow - 1-14-01
Reuters - TWA Wreckage to Be Teaching Tool at NTSB Academy -1-17-01
Washington Post - At Bush Request, Tenent to stay at CIA - 1-17-01
Carmody named Vice-Chairman of NTSB - 1-19-01
NewsDay - Missile Theory Tested - 6-1-00
NTSB Missile Test Results - Buried in the reading room at NTSB headquarters - not available on line. Looks like it was too much trouble for NewsDay to do the research. 1-25-01
Goddard - Analysis of Missile Test Results - 1-25-01
USA Today - Pilot Links Defendant in Bombing Trial to bin Laden -2-15-01
Jet Purchase - bin Laden Linked - 2-15-01
Washington Post - Witness Tells How Bin Laden Group Works - 2-7-01
Washington Post - Bin Laden Called Top Terrorist Threat - 2-8-01
Associated Press - Missile conspiracy theory spreads on the Net - 2-28-99
Reuters - Bush Administration identifies Iran in Kohbar Towers Bombing - 2-23-01
Congressman Duncan's Remarks in Congressional Record - 10-17-00
Blast from the past:A Mind Changing Report - Reed Irvine - 7-23-98
Was Flight 800 Felled by EMP? - by Ian Goddard - 3-12-01
AP - Thai Airways Fire Report Released - 4-12-01
New York Times - A Similarity Seen in Two Plane Explosions -4-12-01
USA Today - CWT Blamed in Thai Explosion - 4-13-01
FBI Document Discovered that refers to suspicious boat - 8-21-97
International Herald Tribune - NTSB points to Center Tank - 4-13-01
Thai minister, police at odds over aircraft blast - 3-13-01
Freeh to resign - 5-1-01
Another Discrepancy in the Investigation 5-5-01
US to Propose New Fuel Tank Rules - 5-2-01
FAA to Issue New Fuel Tank Rules -5-3-01
Letter to NTSB from Ray Lahr - 4-18-01
Blunders in Big Cases Plague FBI -5-12-01
Agency Head Wants More Tank Rules -5-14-01
Air Safety Online - Air Safety Online Releases Groundbreaking New Study on U.S. Airline Safety; Launches New Aviation Accident Database -5-15-01
FAA Issues Fuel Tank Safety Rule - 5-7-01
FAA Concludes an Occasional TWA 800 Repeat Crash Is Cost Effective - 5-22-01
WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Haunting evidence of missile attack 5-31-01
New video documentary makes compelling case for shootdown:CBS - Iran Responsible for Khobar Towers Bombing - 6-12-01
Press Release from -6-23-01
WorldNetDaily - Article by Jack Cashill - 6-21-01
New York Times - 6-23-01
AP-Ex-FBI Chief Hired by Credit Firm - 7-13-01
TWA Crash Settlement Said Reached - 7-13-01
Questions Remain from Flight 800 Crash -7-16-01
MSNBC - TWA 800 Remembered 5 Years On - 7-15-01
Airline Safety Net - The Mysterious Disaster of TWA Flight 800 - 7-17-01
TWA Flight 800 Victims Remembered - 7-17-01
The Village Voice - Five Years Later, Flight 800 Still Poses Questions Still Bearing Witness by Robert Davey -7-17-01
NewsDay- FIVE YEARS LATER Witnesses Voice Their Accounts-Missile brought down TWA-7-15-01
NewsDay - Five Years Later - Of 230 Suits, Only 30 Unsettled - 7-16-01
NewsDay - Five Years Later - In Remembrance Relatives gather on LI to mark 800 crash - 7-16-01
An Open Letter to Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) - 7-6-01
Reed Irving - Fear of Eyewitnesses - 7-20-01
AP - Airline Fuel Tanks Idea Rejected -8-7-01
AP-Task Force Rejects non-flammable Gas -8-8-01
Letter from Glen Schulze to Attorney General John Ashcroft - 8-9-01
Letters from Michael A. Hamann to various government officials -8-13-01
An Open Letter to the Department of Justice - by Reed Irvine -8-15-01
Keyword: TWA Shot down, shot down, TWA 800, plane 800, ground to air missile, shoulder rocker