Sin City—A Living Nightmare!
By David J. Stewart | June 2013
“Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity!” —Habakkuk 2:12
The Las Vegas Chamber Of Commerce selected the slogan, “What HAPPENS in Vegas STAYS in Vegas!” and the official nickname “SIN CITY.” May I say, what HAPPENS in Vegas is RECORDED in Heaven! The photo to the right is an actual neon sign in Las Vegas, advertising a lewd business.
Another popular saying in SIN CITY is “IT'S VEGAS BABY!” NO, IT'S HELL FOOLS!!! I'm not trying to be unkind in any way, not at all. But as a born-again, God-fearing, caring Christian, I get so disgusted by the wickedness that is prevalent in American culture. It's so bad in America that even The Church Of Satan has officially said: “AMERICA IS ABSOLUTELY A SATANIC NATION!”
The core philosophy of Satanism is the same as the most infamous Satanist of the 19th century, Aleister Crowley, that is, “DO WHAT THOU WILT SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW!” Hence, The Church Of Satan recognizes the United States as a 100% satanic culture where you can worship the Devil openly, abort your children, commit homosexuality, get boozed-up, walk nude down the street and curse in God's name all day long if you desire. This is how Americans have foolishly used their liberties and freedoms which were bought with the blood of millions of soldiers and patriots. Liberty is the freedom to make our own choices; freedom is a reward for making the right choices. Americans have been making all the wrong decisions for the past century and now we're losing our liberties to a quickly rising thug Police State.
Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was a creepy person, banned from entering some countries. Crowley was the self-proclaimed “World's Most Wicked Man,” and he certainly did his best to prove it. Few people realize that Scientology is the continuation of Crowley's life's work and religious dogmas of Satanism. Truth is stranger than fiction. Although a talented movie actor, Tom Cruise is one of the most wicked men in the world, steeped in the greedy cult of Scientology.
In the following popular 2013 television commercial, “SIN CITY” Las Vegas is being advertised as “LIVING A DREAM!” Albeit, Biblically it is a hellish curse and a living nightmare, provoking the certain and inescapable judgments of a holy and angry God in Heaven...
SIN CITY Las Vegas is NOT living a dream; but to
the contrary, it is a LIVING NIGHTMARE!!! God's judgment is coming upon
evildoers and the wicked (Colossians 3:5-6; Romans 1:24-32; Jude 1:7). John
3:18 warns that unbelievers are ALREADY CONDEMNED (DAMNED) because they
don't believe the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. I feel sorry for anyone
who is so far away from God that they'd consider going to 'SIN CITY' Las
Vegas “living a dream.” If that's your dream, then you have issues!!! Las
Vegas is owned and operated by mobster criminals, who have mafia
connections. The FBI and Israeli intelligence meet regularly with Las Vegas
security. The Discovery Channel produced a big story about Vegas
casinos. Job 20:4-5, “Knowest thou not this of old, since man was placed
upon earth, That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the
hypocrite but for a moment?” Time is running out!
Not surprisingly, there is a large population of
Mormons who work throughout Las Vegas, supporting the SIN CITY
infrastructure. Mormons
make it happen in Vegas, hoping God will forget! I have news for you my
apostate Mormon friends (I am being your friend to tell you the truth)...
better abandon the religious whore of Mormonism and come out, running to the
cross of Calvary to trust on the gospel of Jesus Christ instead of Mormon
dogma. You'd better repent and get out of SIN CITY while you still can!
A very important truth to learn is that in Genesis
13:12 Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom (i.e., he faced the opening of the
tent toward Sodom so he could view the city), but one chapter later in
Genesis 14:12 the Bible says “Lot, Abram's brother's son, who dwelt in
Sodom.” Lot's heart was already in Sodom before he ever got there. Lot
had likely heard stories about rough areas of crime in Sodom, but also
likely didn't realize just how bad the wickedness really was. Lot found out
first hand when a lustful mob of NAMBLA
homosexuals gathered outside his home, breaking the door down to gang rape
the two male guests (angels which God sent to deliver Lot and destroy
Sodom). Don't kid yourself, if homosexuals could rape unrestrained and get
away with it, they would... AND WILL!!! Homosexuality is rooted in rebellion
of the heart and the lusts of the flesh; and not in love as is falsely
alleged by gays. Granted, two same-sex partners may genuinely love one
another, but the homosexuality itself is unclean, filthy, sensual, abnormal,
fleshly lust.
Tears Over The Pride And Wickedness Of
Our Generation
We are told in the Scriptures that Lot was vexed
over the wickedness that he saw in the city of Sodom where he lived. 2nd
Peter 2:7, “And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of
the wicked.” The word “VEXED” is a very interesting word. In the
Hebrew language the word is kataponeo and means “to labor down, that
is, wear with toil (figuratively harass).” The word “conversation” in Hebrew
is anastrophe and means “behavior.” Thus, the Godless behavior of the
people in Sodom were draining Lot's batteries, wearing him out emotionally,
dragging his spirits down. Lot was extremely frustrated, which goes along
with the territory of being a conservative Christian. This fact tells me
that Lot didn't move to Sodom to commit sin. He moved there for economic
reasons, for the Bible says they had “fulness of bread” in Sodom (Ezekiel
If you are a Christian and love the Lord Jesus
Christ, then you love righteousness, for the Lord is righteous...
Hence, you (like myself) are wearied
(vexed) by the abortion industry, the homosexual movement, Hollywood's
blasphemy and perversion, public immodesty on women, the rebellion of
feminism, crimes in government, the lucrative divorce racket, cutthroat
greedy lawyers, lesbian judges, the rigged court system, the exploitation of
our youth in the armed forces, the 911 WTC cover-up, the sinful arrogance of
American pride, the theft on Wall Street, the thieving Federal Reserve
Banking System, the dishonest teachings of evolution, the Satanic Bush
family, the Communist public school brainwashing system, the Godless Clinton
family, widespread use of the internet to commit adultery, the treasonous
Obama family, the evil sellouts in congress, the sleaze of television, the
youth-destroying perverts at Walt Disney, 'American idol' which glorifies
the sin of idolatry, the evils of Rock music, the sexual immorality
glorified by Country music, the evils of gambling casinos, the evil narcotic
drug of booze, legalized prostitution in escort services and massage parlors
nationwide, the neglecting of the poor and homeless, the epidemic gossip
culture in America, CIA supported street gangs, umpteen false religions
which are leading billions of people into Hell forever, the murdering of
over 1,000,000 innocent Iraqi citizens, the bogus 'war on drugs' used as a
cover-up to sell more drugs, the greedy college-loan racket in America, the
criminal deindustrialization of our nation by greedy CEO's and treasonous
leaders, degenerate Mormon polygamists bragging on national TV, banks
stealing men's homes, evil predatory lending, bestiality allowed in the
military, politicians who blatantly lie their way into office and never get
into trouble, rigged political elections, shady insurance companies who
won't honor a claim, shady advertising that uses fine-print to manipulate
consumers, the banning of the Bible in government (tax-payer supported)
public schools, greedy credit card companies, the crooked IRS, sleazy talk
show hosts who exploit broken families to make money, the mega-lying
mainstream newsmedia, the criminal pharmaceutical industry, the crooked
judges of the U.S. Supreme Court, and all the wickedness!!! My heart is
vexed continually, as was Lot's, over these deeds of the ungodly!
I could go on-and-on, mentioning literally
THOUSANDS of evil things happening in America today. Even so, come, Lord
Jesus. I challenge you to make a list for yourself of all the things wrong,
crooked, evil and shady in American society these days, and then beg God to
give you tears and a brokenheart over sin if you don't already have one. The
Bible says in James 4:8 that if we want to be close to God, then we must
draw near unto Him. God PROMISES to draw near unto us, if we'll draw near
unto Him. This means SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES as Jesus commanded in
John 5:39. This means praying in accordance with the Scriptures, by faith.
And the Bible plainly says in James 4:9 that to
draw near to God that we need to “Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let
your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.” No one
can maintain a partying, 'goodtime Charlie' and careless attitude and expect
to walk with a holy God Who lives with a brokenheart over sin and lost
sinners. The Bible says in Psalms:126:5, “They that sow in tears
shall reap in joy.” God is moved by tears.
The Old Testament prophet Jeremiah was known as
“THE WEEPING PROPHET!“ Jeremiah 13:17, “But if ye will not hear it, my
soul shall weep in secret places for your pride; and mine eye shall weep
sore, and run down with tears, because the LORD's flock is carried away
captive.” Oh, how we need tears today in our marriages, in our families
and in our churches. Tears show that one truly cares!!! Do you care? I DO!
The Bible associates winning souls with tears
(crying), because it requires a caring heart to reach out to others with the
gospel. Most people (believers included) are selfish; represented by the
seeds which fell amongst the thorns, choked by the cares, riches and
pleasures of this temporal life as Luke 8:14 says. Jesus taught in Luke 8:15
about the seeds which fell upon fertile ground, saying that those Christians
who have an honest and good heart will bring forth much fruit to perfection.
Psalms 126:5-6, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He
that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless
come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” How many
Christians today GO FORTH WEEPING? Not many, not many at all! Jeremiah
13:17, “But if ye will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places
for your pride; and mine eye shall weep sore, and run down with tears,
because the LORD's flock is carried away captive.”
How To Start Caring If You Don't
Perhaps you ask... How do I learn to care enough
to cry over OTHERS?
You start caring by simply taking time to think
about others. Think about your loved ones, your neighbor, your doctor,
your family, your friends, people at church, your acquaintances, distant
people you've met, friends online, web visitors, America's pastors, et
cetera. Jesus taught in Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there
will your heart be also.” Your heart follows your investment. I feel
sorry for people whose heart is fixed day-and-night on a bank account. Many
people worship money and a retirement account. Not me, never! I have spent
tens-of-thousands of hours working on my website ministry (I lost track
several years ago of the hours, and never really counted them because it
doesn't matter to me, it's all for the Lord). My labors are all for God.
These are His websites and ministry, not mine. I am God's humble servant.
Therefore, my heart is in my websites and the thousands of people who have
had their life changed forever because of them. YOU are my investments, my
treasure! You are a walking book that I have helped author. 2nd
Corinthians 3:2, “Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known
and read of all men.”
Think about OTHER'S needs... spiritual,
emotional and physical. Does your neighbor need better health? Does your
family need more understanding? Does your doctor need more patients? (pun
intended... I think about my web visitors and what they
need spiritually to help them in the Lord. Sometimes I'll share on my
website an interesting tip if I've found a nice recipe or a helpful health
tip. Everything that I upload to the internet influences someone's life.
Therefore, I take very seriously that “a great door and effectual is
opened unto me, and there are many adversaries” (1st Corinthians 16:9).
As you think about someone's needs, pray for
that person and those needs. I don't follow this outline step-by-step;
but rather, I do them all combined. The Bible teaches in 1st Thessalonians
5:17 to PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. That means I must think about OTHERS without
ceasing, so I can think about their needs and pray for them. I think about
the needs of others continually. I pray for people upon thinking about them,
so I don't forget later. God wants our mind to continually be anchored upon
the Word of God, thinking how we may be a blessing to others.
Look for ways to meet OTHER'S needs. The
Bible says to HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST (Philippians 2:5). We learn the mind
of Christ in the preceding verse in Philippians 2:4, “Look not every man
on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”
That is, get your mind off of yourself! If you buy a slice of pizza, get one
for someone else! If you see a homeless person outside the store, buy them a
sandwich and some water or juice. If you see empty carts in a store parking
lot, bring one in with you if you're going in anyway. It's fun to live each
day looking for ways to be a blessing. Christians ought to care more than
Pray and ask God to help you care, and to care
more continually.
Read biographies of missionaries and great
Christians who cared and lived sacrificial lives. Read about
George Mueller
(1805-1898) who continually prayed for God's provisions to keep his
orphanage's doors open for hungry and homeless children. Read about
David Brainerd
(1718-1747), who spent his life reaching the American Indians for Christ,
who prayed until his knees wore a dent in the wooden floor. Read about Dr.
John R. Rice (1895-1980) who founded a dozen churches, preached city-wide
revivals, held tent meeting crusades and reached a nation for God with the
gospel. If there's one thing that today's youth are missing, it's reading
the biographies of great Christians men and women.
Care about yourself. You can't care about
OTHERS if you don't care about yourself. The hardest person in the world to
forgive is yourself. It's ok to love yourself as the object of God's love.
You are a person, and you ought to love yourself as you would love all
humanity as a Christian. I'm not talking about selfish love, God forbid. I'm
saying to eat good so you'll feel good. Pray for yourself too. I pray for
myself last, but I do pray for myself, because I'm no good to help others if
I'm falling apart myself. Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001) teaches this important
truth in his book, “BLUE
DENIM AND LACE,” in the chapter titled, “IF
As you think, pray and look for nice things to do
for someone else, you will develop genuine concern for them, and perhaps
even some tears when that person hurts. You can cry with a complete stranger
if you've been spending time with the Lord and your heart is already tender.
Caring is really a matter of having a tender heart. Americans nationwide are
becoming obese, depressed, drugged-up, lulled by television, apathetic and
nothing will move them to tears for OTHERS.
This is largely in part because of the evils of
television, which has DESENSITIZED viewers to everything. People see so much
killing, death and murderous reality shows and crime dramas that the killing
of over 1,400,000 innocent Iraqis by U.S. led troops means nothing to hardly
anyone. Who cares, right? We are so used to death and killing that the
murder of over 53,000,000 human beings in the womb by abortion means nothing
My Personal Health Afflictions And
My bodily afflictions are a blessing in disguise.
Since I am continually in a state of bodily misery, God uses it to compel me
to preach against everything. I'm like the elephant with the thorn stuck in
my foot. I need a mouse to pull the thorn out (I only wish)...
I live in constant physical pain. The neck
pain is the worst, like a horrible constant toothache where the bone is
located in the back of my neck. It NEVER goes away. I have continual mild
razorblade-like pain extending down my right arm and leg into the
forefinger, thumb and big toe. My arms feel doubled in size day-and-night.
My arms and legs tingle. My left leg is numb on the outside. I have a
noticeable limp when I walk, because my right leg always feels half asleep.
I can walk it out after 10-minutes, but once I sit down for a break, then my
leg feels like dead weight when I get up to walk again, and I limp much. I
have muscle pain throughout my body. I have spasms of peripheral neuropathy
episodes, causing burning/freezing, chills, sweating and fatigue. I have
ripping tension, neck stiffness that accompanies the pain 24/7. The
toothache-like neck pain radiates into my facial area. My gums feel like
falling out at times. My eyes hurt behind the socket, because the nerves are
inflamed from my neck. It all comes from the neck.
I have to ask God to
help me care. My bodily afflictions cause me much pain and make it difficult
to do anything. Everything that I do is in spite of my afflictions. I fight
depression, because the pain gets me down daily. I look fine outwardly,
because pain cannot be seen, like electricity in a wire. My burning,
tingling, puffiness, freezing, stiffness and pain cannot be seen with the
visible eye. Therefore, many people have no idea what I'm going through.
They simply don't understand. People don't understand why I am so reluctant
to go places, to fellowship, do things or even leave my residence. On
infrequent occasion, I try to play my guitar in public, but it's only once
every two months or so. Even going to the grocery store can be a challenge
for me.
I feel completely
overwhelmed with stenosis, spondylosis (osteoarthritis), radiculopathy and
other problems. As of 2013, I still have a bone spur still at C5-C6, a
protruding spinal disk at C3-C4 and other problems in my neck. I have a
titanium plate across C5-C6-C7. I had a bone graft from my left hip put into
my neck in 2010. Eight surgeons since 2004 haven't been able to determine
where my neck pain is coming from. I have to believe that God wants me to
have this horrible and chronic pain, for a divine purpose. I've not had a
pain free moment since 2004. I've been told by three doctors (including an
orthosurgeon and neurologist) not to get anymore surgery, since the last two
surgeries made me much worse, leaving me with peripheral neuropathy.
I endure in misery, truly. Don't
misunderstand, I have perfect peace in my soul with God. I have joy. Brother
Hyles says that the word happiness comes from what “happens” to you.
It's difficult to be happy when you're in pain and few people understand
what you're going through. I have great joy, but little happiness. I
continually think of amputees and people in worse situations than me, and
there are many. I think of victims of car accidents because of booze. I
think of cancer survivors who live in chronic pain. I think about the woman
on Oprah whose friend's chimpanzee ate off her face, eyes, nose and fingers.
The woman had a cadaver face surgically implanted on her. She is blind. I
can only imagine her pain, both bodily and physically. I have no complaints.
God is good, good, good! I get happy thinking that another day of my life is
passed and there's only so many left. I'm ready to go brother (sister)!!!
My life is Christ's. I live every
remaining day for Jesus! My goal is not to be happy, but to please God.
Ecclesiastes 12:13, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear
God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”
Las Vegas Exemplifies the Sin-Loving
American People!
Las Vegas is merely evidence of our nation's
spiritual poverty. To the Laodicean Church in Revelation, and to all
lukewarm churchgoers today God says...
Revelation 16-17, “So then because
thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my
mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and
have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and
miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.”
The average American is utterly poor in God's eyes,
spiritually bankrupt, and they don't even realize it. So many of America's
Christian leaders have become caught-up in the sinful apostasy of Rick
Warren, Pat Robertson, and Max Lucado (all ecumenical ministers promoting
the New World Order). Tens-of-millions of people follow these teachers.
You'll never hear any of them preaching hard against sin. SIN CITY
is of the Devil. As obvious as they statement may be, the American people
have become so used to SIN CITY that it doesn't shock or upset anybody these
days. The Bible makes sin EXCEEDINGLY SINFUL the Bible says in
Romans 7:13; whereas the televisions DESENSITIZES people to the
awfulness of sin. This is why kids are introduced to Harry Potter, to
desensitize them to the awfulness of the sin of witchcraft (1st Samuel
15:23). Romans 3:18, “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
Woe Unto America!
Las Vegas is a cesspool of iniquity with
prostitution! Can you imagine? Billy Sunday would
have had a heart attack if he could see the decadence of America today. America has murdered her children through torturous abortions, she has
the aborted babies' body parts, she has attacked innocent nations and shed
blood of millions, she has defiled herself with booze and recreational
drugs, she has corrupted the world through her idolatrous pornography, she
has defiled herself with covetousness and gambling, she has corrupted the
world through her illegal drug trade, she has killed millions with her
military created AIDS virus, she has defiled herself with the TV and Godless
movies, she has molested the world's children through the increasingly
popular child sex-tourism industry, she has defiled herself and the world with adulterous
Hollywood and Broadway, she has defiled herself with witchcraft and
Satanism, she has turned a deaf ear to the poor and hath praised the wicked,
she has called good “evil” and evil “good,” she hath scorned the pulpit and cleaved to
false teachers propagating damnable heresies, she is filled with arrogant
pride and self righteousness, she is filled with devilish music and unholy
spirits, her corporations are driven by brutish greed, and her government
blatantly commits wicked injustices unabashed, America has committed great
wickedness in the sight of the Lord God! It is sin that separates men far away from
God... Isaiah 59:1-4,
“Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither
his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have
separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from
you, that he will not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood,
and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue
hath muttered perverseness. None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth
for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief,
and bring forth iniquity.” Oh how this accurately describes the American
people... our hands defiled with blood as a nation, fingers defiled with
iniquity, lips which have spoken lies, tongues which have muttered
perversions, no one is calling for justice for all the evils being committed
across our nation, nor are any pleading for the truth. They trust in vanity,
and speak lies, and conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity. Wow, the
Bible is so amazingly accurate about mankind!!! Are you listening to these Scriptures? This is
what God was upset over, and it perfectly indicts Americans today. How many
people are calling for justice concerning the 911 attacks? Although there
are thousands of 911 Truth Seekers (and I praise God for every
one of them), they are extremely few in percentage compared to the remaining
99% of Americans who are brainwashed with malicious lies dished-out by the
lying newsmedia. You're a complete fool if you think Osama Bin Laden was
behind the 911 attacks. Bin Laden's 2011 killing and mysterious burial at
sea were a cleverly
fabricated hoax, which only brought closure to a lot of suffering
gullible and naive victim's families. Everything reported by the mainstream
newsmedia since 911 has been a cleverly concocted psyops cover-up.
“Woe to him that buildeth a
town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity!” —Habakkuk 2:12
Woeful are the evils of the American people! Woeful are the evils of the U.S. government! Woeful are the evils of Sin
City! America needs repentance! I believe that we are living in the
Last Days of Biblical prophecy. The beast system is being set up, the
New World Order (aka, globalization) is almost complete. The information
control grid is being assembled. The cashless society is coming. GPS tracking of every person on earth is no longer fiction, but a real threat.
America is fast becoming a surveillance society. The military controlled
police state is being formed. Our Bill of Rights and the U.S.
Constitution are soon to be completely nullified. We will lose our
freedoms. We will lose our economic abundance.
We have already lost much of our sovereignty as a
nation. Our national parks are under UN control. Our
manufacturing jobs are fast going overseas. Our borders are wide open. Our government is deliberately borrowing us into national bankruptcy in a
diabolic plot by the central bank (Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, etc) to
conquer America. All of our recent presidents have been occult
members. By the way, Ronald Reagan lifted the ban on Astrology in California
when he was governor. So much for being a “Christian.” George Bush and his father are also occult members.
Great is the wickedness of the American people. The
term “Sin City” is really misleading to the rest of the world because
America should be called “Sin Nation” for that is what we are! Thank God
for the few remaining Christians...
“That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons
of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation,
among whom ye shine as lights in the world” —Philippians 2:15
Can you imagine a wicked nation who brutally
murderers tens-of-millions of it's own children? Such wickedness is
unthinkable! We're talking about America! Should it be surprising
that we would also torture poor Terri Schiavo to death? Not at all. We have become a culture of death. We have lost our soul as a nation, we
have been demonically desensitized by the HELLivision. We are past
feelings anymore...
“Who being past
feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all
uncleanness with greediness.” —Ephesians 4:19
What Happens In Vegas, Is RECORDED
In Heaven!!!
“Ye that love the LORD, hate evil...” —Psalm 97:10