Jewish Stars Over Hollywood
I love Jewish people. I love Muslims and everyone else too. The intent of this article is not to criticize Jewish people; but rather, to expose the fact that the Hollywood elite have deliberately changed the names of hundreds of actors to hide their Jewish identity. Why the deception?
Jews totally dominate the film industry. Although most of the films are vulgar, violent trash, the industry falls all over itself giving each other awards for producing such. Propaganda and 'message' films flow out of Hollywood and across TV screens. (Read “How The Jews Invented Hollywood” by Neal Gabler)
Hollywood is the biggest source of filth—Communist, home-wrecking, homosexual, sexually immoral, violent, anti-American, anti-Christian, repulsive filth! If the American people knew the truth and researched the backgrounds of the people behind Hollywood, we'd see a dark picture of a bunch of sick-minded, anti-American, Communist, anti-Christian, sexually degenerate, greedy, God-haters. Hollywood is synonymous with sinful living.
“The Big Bang Theory” show epitomizes Hollywood. I respect the right of other people to choose their own beliefs; but I also have a Biblical obligation as a born-again Christian to expose lies, falsehoods and evil to warn others. Judaism is a Satanic religion rooted in rejection of Jesus as the Christ. The Talmud is a sexually degenerate manuscript, which debases Gentile women, children and motherhood. From beginning to end, THE BIG BANG THEORY sitcom is saturated with filthy talk, dirty-mindedness and sexual licentiousness (lewd and lascivious). It is evil.
Due to the evils of Zionism that has infected our churches, Judaism is not preached against as it should be. I love Jewish people and exposing Judaism doesn't mean that I don't love Jews, any more than exposing Islam would mean that I don't love Arabs. Anti-Zionism is NOT anti-Semitism. The Bible warns in Revelation 2:9 about a fake group of Jews who are not genuine Jews. These are occult Jews, originating back to the times of Israel's Babylonian captivity when some of the Jews learned the ways of the heathen. This Kabbalistic mysticism has perpetuated from generation-to-generation, existing today in Freemasonry, Mormonism, Judaism and other secret societies. The Bible calls this the “synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 2:9).
Prophetically, this is “The Great Whore” of Revelation 17:1, that is, the Illuminati who fornicates with the kings (nations) of the earth. As shocking as it may be to the average Christian who has never really understood the Bible, the Scriptures confirm that the city of Jerusalem is The Great Whore. Revelation 17:18, “And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” Israel controls the world! They control the U.S. military, newsmedia, politics and finance.
It's sadly ironic to me that the Jews and Arabs, who both descended from their biological father Abraham, deny the Lord instead of believing Him as did Abraham (Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:1-6). Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven!
Look at all the violence Americans watch on TV . . .
“The American Psychological Association says the average child watches 8,000 televised murders and 100,000 acts of violence before finishing elementary school. That number more than doubles by the time he or she reaches age eighteen.”
SOURCE: John Johnston, “Kids: Growing Up Scared,” Cincinnati Enquirer, March 20, 1994, p. E01.
Jesus Is Still Being Crucified by Unbelieving Jews Today
I love Jews, Arabs, and all people the same. Albeit, the sad fact of the matter is that elite supper rich Jews control Hollywood. Yet, they have managed to dupe Americans into thinking the opposite. Hundreds of Hollywood actors have changed their names to hide their true Jewish identity. Please read, Only Born-Again Jews Can Biblically Claim To Be God's People (all others are cut off, and that includes Gentile and Jew alike).
The Los Angeles Times reported on December 19, 2008...
The writer of the preceding article is admittedly Jewish in the article, so no prejudice is intended. Most Jews today REJECT Jesus as their Messiah, just as they did 2,000 years ago. Judaism totally denies that Jesus is the Christ Who came into the world to SAVE SINNERS as the Bible teaches. Followers of Judaism profess to only believe in the Mosaic Law, but ironically they don't keep that either, which is exactly the issue that the Apostle Paul brought up in Romans 2:13. The Mosaic Law was NEVER intended to save anybody; but rather, to show all men their guilty sinnership for breaking God's Commandments (Romans 3:19).HOW JEWISH IS HOLLYWOOD?
By Joel Stein
I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe "the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews," down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.
How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah...The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish.
As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood. Without us, you'd be flipping between "The 700 Club" and "Davey and Goliath" on TV all day.
So I've taken it upon myself to re-convince America that Jews run Hollywood by launching a public relations campaign, because that's what we do best. I'm weighing several slogans, including: "Hollywood: More Jewish than ever!"; "Hollywood: From the people who brought you the Bible"; and "Hollywood: If you enjoy TV and movies, then you probably like Jews after all." ...
SOURCE:,0,4676183.columnI say this not to be unkind in any way, and the issue is not about Anti-Semitism at all, God forbid. The issue is about a group of elite Jews who obviously hate Jesus Christ with a passion and blaspheme His holy name every chance they get, repeatedly cursing the Savior in the movies they propagate upon the American public. Since Hollywood is so publicly visible in their hatred of Jesus Christ and have nothing but contempt for everything Biblical and holy, it is certainly fair to speak out against such preponderance of evil. Jesus' middle name is not FU_KING and I'm tired of Hollywood blaspheming My Lord and Savior.
Unbelieving Jews crucified the Lord Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago, and elite Jews in Hollywood are still crucifying Jesus today in every Hollywood piece of trash they produce. You'll be hard-pressed to find a Hollywood movie that doesn't take God's name in vain, doesn't contain sexually-suggestive scenes, nor any violence. Hollywood is homosexual to the core!
Joel Stein also provides the names of Jewish executives controlling the entertainment and television industries; including the companies: CBS, NBC, Walt Disney, News Corp, AMC, Paramount Pictures, SONY, Warner Brothers, MGM. It was in the news recently that TV executives are exploiting young underaged teen girls for profits.
There's a saying amongst celebrities... “It doesn't matter whether they're saying good or bad about you, in Hollywood there's no such thing as bad publicity, just spell the name right!”
I certainly love Jewish people and have no ill-feelings toward anyone because of their race or heritage. My all-time hero is Jewish, Jesus Christ Himself!!! I speak the truth because it is the truth. What is so wrong about speaking THE TRUTH?
It has been proven through many studies that violence on television DOES increase social violence . . .
“The Parents Television Council cites a review of nearly 1000 studies presented to the American College of Forensic Psychiatry in 1998. They found 'that all but 18 demonstrated that screen violence leads to real violence, and 12 of those 18 were funded by the television industry.' ”
SOURCE: David Grossman, “What the Surgeon General Found; As Early as 1972, the Link Was Clear Between Violent TV and Movies and Violent Youths,” Los Angeles Times, 21 October 1999, B-11.
The Jewish Hollywood moguls long ago decided that it would help them make more money if the general public viewed films as being "Christian." In fact, they personally wanted to blend in with the Gentile community. Thus Samuel Goldfish changed his name to Goldwyn and Cecil B. de Mille insisted that he was a Gentile until his death when a Rabbi officiated at his funeral. Every single one of the original Jewish developers of the movie industry divorced their Jewish wives and married beautiful Christian starlets.
This includes Louis B. Mayer, Samuel Goldwyn, Jack Warner, David O. Selznick and Harry Cohen. They gave orders to the numerous Jews they made "stars" to change their Jewish names to Christian sounding ones. This has also included a lot of "nosejobs" for both Jewish male and female stars. Here are but a few who followed this road to stardom.
Here are a list of many Hollywood actors and their real Jewish names . . .
Joey Adams ................................ Joseph Abramowitz
Eddie Albert ................................. Eddie Heimberger
Woody Allen................................. Allen Konigsberg
Lauren Bacall .............................. Joan Perske
Jack Benny .................................. Benny Kubelsky
Milton Berle .................................. Milton Berlinger
Ernest Borgnine ........................... Effron Borgnine
George Burns .............................. Nathan Birnbaum
Joan Blondell................................ Rosebud Blustein
Joyce Brothers ............................ Joyce Bauer
Mel Brooks .................................. Melvin Kaminsky
Joey Bishop ................................ Joey Gottlieb
Charles Bronson ......................... Charles Buchinsky
Rona Barrett ................................ Rona Burnstein
Cyd Chrisse ................................. Tula Finklea
Tony Curtis .................................. Bernie Schwartz (daughter is Jamie Lee Curtis)
Joan Crawford ............................. Lucille Le Sueur
Dyan Cannon ............................... Samile Friesen
Kirk Douglas ................................ Isadore Demsky (son is Michael Douglas)
Bob Dylan .................................... Robert Zimmerman
Rodney Dangerfield .................... Jacob Cohen
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. ................. Douglas Ullman
Joel Grey ..................................... Joel Katz (father of Jennifer Grey)
Elliott Gould ................................. Elliott Goldstein
Zsa Zsa Gabor ............................ Sara Gabor
John Garfield .............................. Jules Garfinkle
Judy Garland ............................... Frances Gumm
Paulette Goddard ........................ Paulette Levy
Eydie Gorme................................. Edith Gormezano
Cary Grant ................................... Larry Leach
Lorne Green ................................ Chaim Leibowiz
Judy Holliday ............................... Judith Tuvin
Leslie Howard .............................. Leslie Stainer
Buddy Hackett ............................. Leonard Hacker
Jill St. John ................................. Jill Oppenheim
Danny Kaye................................. David Kominsky
Alan King ..................................... Irwin Kniberg
Larry King.................................... Larry Zeiger
Tina Louise.................................. Tina Blacker
Ann Landers................................. Esther Friedman (Abigail Van Buren is her sister.)
Dorothy Lamour .......................... Dorothy Kaumeyer
Miehael Landon .......................... Mike Orowitz
Steve Lawrence .......................... Sidney Leibowitz
Hal Linden.................................... Hal Lipsh**z
Jerry Lewis ................................. Joseph Levitch
Karl Maiden ................................. Maiden Sekulovitch
Paul Muni .................................... Muni Weisenfreund
Ethel Merman ............................. Ethel Zimmerman
Jan Murray ................................. Murray Janofsky
Walter Matthau ........................... Walter Matasschanskayasky
Lilly Palmer ................................. Maria Peiser
Jan Pierce................................... Pincus Perelmuth
Roberta Peters.............................Roberta Peterman
Eleanor Parker............................. Ellen Friedlob
Joan Rlvers ............................... Joan Molinsky
Tony Randall ............................. Sidney Rosenberg
Edward G. Robinson .................. Emanuel Goldenberg
Dinah Shore ............................... Francis Rose Shore
Shelly Winters ............................ Shirley Schrift
- Winona Ryder..................... Laura Horowitz
Gene Wilder............................... Jerome Silberman
If your Jewish, be proud of it. Why change your name to hide your real identity? The answer is obvious. Because if the public knew THE TRUTH that Hollywood and the television networks are Jewish owned and controlled, many people would think twice and stop watching. Nobody likes to be manipulated, whether physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. Anything based upon a lie is not something that Christians ought want to be a part of. I don't like Hollywood's deception, anymore than I do their immoral filth that has corrupted America's homes for the Devil.
Research and you will find, that Judaism rejects Jesus as the Messiah 100%, and those unbelieving Jews are behind the most vile smut, filth and sexual immorality imaginable in society today. They revel in it, and the profits! Wherever Jesus Christ is not found, neither is morality and righteousness. If I were a part of the shameful culture of Hollywood, which glorifies wickedness and blasphemes the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I guess I'd change my name too in embarrassment.
The New World Order is all about God and the Bible. Satan is the god of this sinful world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Revelation teaches us that the most wicked city on earth is Jerusalem, where our Lord was crucified, and the spirit of Sodom and Egypt still dwell there today. Wherever the Jews have been scattered throughout the world, the spirit of Sodom and Egypt are prevalent.
Why do you think Freemasonry is everywhere, Jewish owned and controlled, who follow the ancient teachings of mysticism in the Kaballah? Mormons also follow Kaballah. Wherever Jews are found, there is homosexuality and occult societies, permeated with the spirits of Sodom and Egypt. Just look at Hollywood today and then read Revelation 11:8, “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.”
Jerusalem is called spiritually, Sodom and Egypt. That's a powerful, sad and shocking statement, which explains much concerning the world today. The U.S> mainstream Jewish-controlled newsmedia have cover-up 911 completely, they've covered-up the stealing of the Federal Reserve Banksters. Please read, Media Brainwashing!!!
Please note that I love Jewish people. God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11) and neither should we be. Anti-Semitism is a sin, for God welcomes all nations and races into the kingdom of God (Romans 1:16) by God grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9), the only begotten Son of God (John 3:16; 20:31). What a Savior! The issue is with high-powered occult Jews who are extremely wealthy, members of the Council On Foreign Relations, like Pastor Rick Warren (who is an illuminati plant to deceive evangelical Christians into joining the Ecumenical Movement and embracing the homosexual Agenda. It is apostasy. Rick Warren is of th Devil.
More Jewish Stars Over Hollywood
There are hundreds of other Jews in Hollywood "stardom" - far too numerous to list them all here. However the following are Jews whom many think are Gentiles: Ed Asner, Bea Arthur, Gene Barry, Richard Benjamin, Kevin Costner, Lee J. Cobb, Richard Dreyfus, Ted Danson, Peter Falk (Columbo), Eddie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Richard Gere, Betty Grable, Sharon Gless, Jennifer Grey, David Duchowny, Alicia Silverstone, Natalie Portman, Mandy Patinkin Steven Segall, Dustin Hoffman, Monty Hall, Amy Irving, Jack Klugman, Leonard Nimoy, Ken Olin, Ron Perlman, George Segel, William Shatner, Peter Strauss, Rod Steiger, Jane Seymour, Barbara Walters, Debra Winger, and Bruce Willis.
The following are half-Jewish; Joan Collins, Goldie Hawn, Paul Newman, Robert DeNiro and Geraldo Rivera.
Jews in the music field include, Billy Joel, Barry Manilow, Tony Martin, Bette Midler, Barbara Streisand and Ringo Starr.
Here are but a few in the field of "comedy" which is 90% Jewish dominated! Roseanne Barr, David Brenner, Jerry Seinfeld, Sid Caesar, Richard Dawson, Don Adams, Norm Crosby, Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer, Fran "The Nanny" Drescher, Adam Sandler, Jason Alexander, George Jessel, Alan King, Carl Reiner, Don Rickles, Martha Reye, Garry Shandling, and Henry Winkler.
Infamous comedian Sarah Silverman is a beautiful woman outwardly; but inwardly she is filled with dead man's bones and rotting maggots. Matthew 23:27, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.” As with many elite Jews today, Silverman hates Jesus Christ and often blasphemes Him in her works of darkness. In one stunt she portrays herself in bed as having sex with Jesus. Sarah Silverman is a sick woman. Get this, one of her 2 biological sisters is a feminist rabbi, the other an actor. Of course, they're all Jewish.
“Good! I hope the Jews did kill Christ, I'd do it again. I'd F*cking do it again in a second!” —comedian, Sarah Silverman, Jesus is Magic; 72-minute movie, 2006
The Illuminati, Communism and the Moral Decay of America
Many Illuminati members are elite Jews (which has nothing to do with Anti-Semitism). Many of the names you've often heard from Hollywood are fake, hiding the actor's real Jewish name. This was done on purpose to prevent the American public from realizing just how “Jewish” Hollywood really is—the number source of immoral, Communist, Anti-Christian, Anti-family, Anti-American, blasphemous, brainwashing propaganda in existence.
I love Jewish people as much as anyone else. I love Muslims. I love all people. Jesus died for all people. The issue is not about racism at all; but rather, the powers that are in control of Hollywood, the newsmedia, The White House, major corporations, our school system, the United Nations, et cetera. You'd be surprised to know. Please watch, Mystery Babylon and the Illuminati by Pastor Texe Marrs. The demonic group of Freemasonry, which founded America, is rooted in Jewish occult mysticism, known as Kabbalah. More on Kabbalah. It is a mistake to think of the New World Order as being Jewish; but it is equally a mistake to fail to understand that Freemasonry is the occult group which Satan is using to establish a New World Order (aka, the Beast system of the Antichrist).
High ranking 32nd and 33rd degree Freemasons are definitely members of the Illuminati. The truth is so bizarre that most people can't handle it. Joseph Smith (founder of the Mormons) and Charles Taze Russell (founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses) were both 33rd degree occult Freemasons. Ron Hubbard who founded Scientology was personal friends with renowned Satanist and 33rd degree Freemason, Aleister Crowley. There is a creepy occult connection between many religions today. Occult Connection Part 2. It just proves that all these religions are of the Devil. Biblical salvation is not found in any religion; but rather, in a Person—the Lord Jesus Christ. Religion didn't die on the cross for our sins, Jesus Christ did. Religion wants to fit us with glasses, but the Lord wants to open our eyes.
Meet The Banksters...
It's important to understand who controls America's banks—because our jobs, homes, standard of living, taxes and economy are directly controlled by them . . .
Our Film Folk, a column by Herbert Luft, appears only in Jewish publications. His description of the 1982 Academy Awards applies to all such events: "Jews award Jews for Jewish theme movies! Reds glorified the Soviet Revolution, Chariots of Fire instilled a guilt feeling in Gentiles for discrimination against Jews. Genocide was best documentary on the German Holocaust of Jews. " In the film "Holocaust" both Poles and Ukranians are described as "worse than Nazis." In "The Eye" the French betray the Jews during World War II.
Propaganda Goals OutlinedIn the famous Playboy Magazine interview of Jan. 1979, actor Marlon Brando explains this phenomenon: " You've seen every single race besmirched, but you never saw an unfavorable image of the Kike because the Jews were ever so watchful for that. They never allowed it to be shown on screen!"
No film maker dares to be critical of Jews, Israel or Zionism. A Jewish male must be referred to as "a nice Jewish boy", a young girl is an "American Jewish Princess". Jew musicians are always "talented", writers "gifted", painters "sensitive", doctors "brilliant." Jew millionaires "philanthropic and visionary."
Hollywood Molds Minds. Millions of innocent non-Jews have been victimized by pro-Zionist film propaganda. They do not realize the Jew "name changers" have used subtle and very sophisticated stories to manipulate the minds of our people. No nation can long remain free while such a powerful medium is totally controlled by Jews whose loyalty is to Zionism first.
Follow The Money
How can CBS-TV be totally controlled by the Jew Larry Tisch when it has 24 million shares of common stock-outstanding worth $4.66 billion? The answer is that Tisch and his Loew's Inc. bought 25% of the CBS stock. Often a 10% to 20% stock holding in a large company gives one total control. Tisch has turned CBS into an all-Jewish run firm! He named the Jew Howard Stringer president and Jeff Sagansky entertainment head - he determines what you will view each night on CBS. ABC-TV is headed by Leonard Goldenson with Stu Bloomberg in charge of "entertainment".
NBC-TV president is Leonard Grossman with Irvin Segelstein as vice-president. In 1980 they named the 31year-old Jew Brandon Tartikoff as president of entertainment.
The Jewish Post And Opinion of December 6, 1974 states:
"Jews dominate Hollywood today as they did in its infancy, The Jewish presence in Hollywood is a historic fact, A majority of the producers and directors are Jewish while the Writers Guild is practically 70% to 100% Jewish!"What happens when non-Jews buy a film company? The Jews maintain control because it is "The Deal" in Hollywood which brings in the BIG MONEY! Buying the film story, signing stars to contracts, (who are under Jewish agents) and the distribution of the film to Jewish owned theater chains like Odeon. You had better be in solid with the Jews if you want to make money.
November 16, 1989, the Japanese Sony Corp. bought Columbia Pictures and Tri-Star films. They immediately agreed to pay the all-time record sum of half-a-billion to two young Jews to run the studios. They are Jon Peters and Peter Guber to whom Sony paid $200 million for their production company and each received $50 million as a signing bonus plus $2.75 million each for five years!
Universal Pictures is 100% Jew controlled with Lew Wasserman as chairman of MCA (the parent company). Universal president is Sidney Sheinberg with Thomas Pollack as film head.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer is run by the half-Jew Alan Ladd, Jr. (his mother being the Jewess Sue Carroll). Paramount Pictures president is the Jew Mel Harris with Martin Davis chairman and Deborah Rosen as communications director.
Fox TV is owned by the Jew Barry Diller.
The Rockefeller Liberal Connection
In many ways, the Rockefeller Family works step-by-step with the Jewish Zionist and Soviet conspiracies. John D. Rockefeller was a monopolist who followed in the way of many Jews whose control of industries, especially banking, demonstrated the manner in which power, once achieved, might be forever wielded "from the top," high above the citizens of the world's nations.
Although the Rockefellers claim to be Christian Protestants, their activities are so similar to those of their Jewish brethren that there seems to be little mistake that they then to follow the leader. Perhaps this is because their mentors in monopolizing the oil industry and the many conglomerates which they control have lead them into the deepest realms of the grand conspiracy to control the nations of the world through leftist political approaches, one world orders, and Soviet type top/down planning.
The Rockefeller fortune is so large that it literally eclipses the income of entire nations where Rockefeller Oil is pumped, countries like each and every African nation, the Southeast Asian countries, and small nations in the Southern Hemisphere of The Americas. Its operations are streamlined top/down and down/up/decide/down, a manner typical of communist regimes.
The Rockefeller's job as conspirators seems to be penetration and compromise of the Republican Party. The Rockefellers are representative of the Left Wing/Liberal/Soviet side of Republicanism. Some think that the Rockefellers are a part of the internationalist conspiracy, because their holdings are international, and a war would disrupt their revenue streams significantly and might threaten all of them. Peace by any means is the method used by internationalists to maintain their power and wealth.
SOURCE: Jew Watch - Leaders - Rockefeller Dynasty/Conspirators
The Illuminati and The Kaballah
Comment from webservant of
I am not anti-Semite in any way. However, I am 100% against the false doctrine of religious Zionism. America does not belong to the Jews, it belongs to the citizens of the United States. Tragically, prominent Jews have usurped control over America's newsmedia, Hollywood, The White House, Congress, the Central Bank, and just about everything else too. It's because certain occult Jews in key positions of power and influence control the money and government. Anyone who has followed Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton during their campaign trail, has witnessed them both worship the Jewish elite and Israel in an effort to get elected. It's disgusting. God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11).
There's not a more immoral group in America than the creeps who own and operate Hollywood (or should we call it... Holly-WEIRD)? There's something very suspicious going on when the names of hundreds of Hollywood actors are changed to HIDE THEIR TRUE IDENTITY. Even a brief sincere study of Freemasonry will quickly reveal it's roots in the Jewish Kaballah and ancient occult mysticism. This group is commonly referred to informally as "The Illuminati" today. The average Jewish person today is as much a victim of the forming New World Order as are Gentile citizens of the United States. It is elite Jews, such as the Rothschilds' family, that are behind the evils of the New World Order.
As bizarre as all this information is, the evidence is irrefutable. Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4) and operates through occult organizations, the main group being Jewish Freemasonry.
Thank God for pastor Texe Marrs who has exposed the diabolical plot amongst Freemasonry Jews to overthrow the United States, and usher in a New World Order (i.e., the Beast system of the coming Antichrist). Few people today realize the extent to which Freemasonry controls America. Please watch the eye-opening video by pastor Texe Marrs...
Mystery Babylon and the Illuminati (1 Hour Free Video by Texe Mars)
“You cannot make God cool, hip, and acceptable to the world.” —Pastor Danny Castle
This world is filled with ingrates today who hate Jesus Christ, like comedian Sarah Silverman. The real joke is her life...
“Good! I hope the
Jews did kill Christ, I'd do it again. I'd F*cking do it again in a
Sarah Silverman,
Jesus is Magic; 72-minute movie, 2006
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