Loyalty To Apostasy Is Sinful Compromise By David J. Stewart
I believe in loyalty, I truly do. I believe that people should be loyal to the man of God which God has blessed them with. I believe that a congregation ought to be loyal to their pastor. However, there is a dangerous cult-like philosophy in many churches today, that leads people to remain loyal even when the pastor turns apostate. There are some lines that if a pastor crosses that he should be asked to resign. One such line is if he denies the inspiration of the King James Bible.
A pastor of a church one day announced to his congregation that he didn't believe the King James Bible is inspired. The former pastor clearly DID believe that the King James Bible is inspired. The church never thought to ask the new man while candidating, if he believed that the King James Bible is inspired, because it was always assumed. Do you know what assuming does? (ASS-U-ME) That's right, it makes asses out of you and me. Never assume anything in life!
Most of the church rallied around the pastor and defended his apostasy. Others went home and cried. Some left the church. Shortly thereafter the church bought a brand new vehicle for the chairmen of the deacon board, costing tens-of-thousands of dollars. I'm sure the deacon chairman didn't expect it, but you get the picture.
Brother, I thank God that I'm not for sale. I get sick when I see churches selling out. I thank God that I can say whatever I want to say, freely, without fear of being fired, nor having a congregation starve me out, nor a thug pastor to fire me if I recommend his removal for denying the inspiration of the Bible. It's sad, but true, once you get an apostate for a pastor, it's almost impossible to undo the damage to that church. It's over. Apostasy has set in like rigor mortis. I wouldn't be caught dead in such an apostate church, whose pastor trashes out the Bible. It is wickedness!
If you don't believe that the King James Bible is inspired, something is very wrong with you. Look at the churches that are changing... they're the same churches who say that the Bible is not inspired. Loyalty to apostasy is sinful compromise. Please decide that you're not for sale. Stand for what is right!
May I say, if you are a pastor who denies the inspiration of the King James Bible, I love you in the Lord. I do not hate you as a person. I hate apostasy, sin and evil as the Bible commands all believers to hate (Psalm 97:10). I pray that you would come back to God. God's Words are inspired in whatever language they're translated into. The inspired originals are in Heaven (Psalm 119:89). The Greek, Hebrew and Chaldean are inspired, and so are the later translations that were accurately done.
The New International Version (NIV) is NOT inspired because it is a corrupt translation that came from the corrupt manuscripts of Alexandria, Egypt. Whereas our trustworthy inspired 1611 King James Bible came from the reliable manuscripts from Antioch, Syria in the Textus Receptus (or received text). Here's a flow chart comparing the two different sources. Although there have been numerous textual revisions of the 1611 King James Bible, there have NOT been any new translations since. If you are using a King James Bible today, it is based upon the reliable 1611 translation.
Be very careful about listening to the horde of Bible-correctors who go around saying this was mistranslated, or that was mistranslated in the King James Bible, because God used 52 scholars to give us the King James Bible. They rendered the Scriptures the way they did for a good reason. Yet one Bible scholar will go against 52 scholars. Take heed when you study the Scriptures, for they are the eternal Words of the living God above. John 6:63, It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
"The biggest split that has ever come will come in the next ten years, if not sooner, over the King James Bible - and it couldn't come soon enough for me. I'm tired of colleges and universities advertising that they 'use' the King James Bible - tell the whole story! Tell everyone that you do not believe that it is inspired word for word." Pastor Jack Hyles, from the Wednesday night Bible study titled, Revelation to Illumination (1998)