by David J. Stewart | August 2019
Romans 3:23, For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
I was reading the other day that Freemasons have information locked away somewhere in Europe that, if released to the world, would undermine Christianity and the King James Bible. Right! Could it be that they have a new Bible version for us, the ultimate deception? Believe me, if the Devil (the god of this world) could undermine Christianity, he would have done it a long time ago! With all the literally HUNDREDS of counterfeit English Bible translations that have been published over the past century, it would make perfect sense to expect for Satan to introduce his 'THE FINAL BIBLE' for the Antichrist's appearing.
One of my favorite people, Dr. Gail Riplinger states the following:
Is the Antichrist's final bible already here, waiting in the wings in new version manuscripts Vaticanus (B) and Sinaiticus (Aleph)? New Age leader Vera Alder's When Humanity Comes o f Age betrays the method by which 'the Christ' will create the bible for his one world religion. [T]he World Government and its Spiritual Cabinet of 12, headed by 'the Christ' will study all archaeological archives . . . From it, the Research Panel would develop the 'New' Bible of a World Religion which would be the basis of future education.
Texe Marrs, New Age researcher, observes how the words 'Research' and 'archaeology' are woven into this web of deception.
For centuries Satan has inspired scientists and pseudoscientists to label Christians as unsophisticated and behind-the-times. Many of these . . . secular humanist arguments will become part of the New Age Bible. The bible that is developed by the Antichrist will be applauded as fully in keeping with a high-tech age. Furthermore, New Age citizens will be told that the New Age scriptures can be changed whenever new scientific discoveries suggest revisions are needed.2
The Antichrist's ploy has its precedence in the prefaces of the new versions which boast of their use of "recent discoveries of Hebrew and Greek textual sources' or "linguistic discoveries in this century." The RV of 1881 used Aleph & B. The RSV added 16 papyrus, the NASB added 13 more, the NIV added another 10 and the NRSV another 18. (It should be noted these additional sources in most cases caused the subtraction of words, phrases or sentences.) As Comfort's and my collation have shown, these sources were used very haphazardly. U.S. News and World Report (11/8/93) reveals plans by Canon Seminar scholars for a "radical revision of the New Testament" that will replace the Book of Revelation with "Other writings . . . [previously] dismissed by church leaders as unauthentic or heretical." "We're saying to the church, 'If you think you have everything you need in your Bible . . . we don't think that's true.'" They "hope their new canon eventually will work its way into the churches' major Christian denominations."
When the Antichrist's bible comes, it too will boast a resurrection from the 'archaeological archives'or is it already here? A word-for-word translation of Vaticanus (B) or Sinaiticus (Aleph) with its Apocrypha will serve Satan's purposes perfectly. I can just see the ads"More accurate . . . closer to the originals."
Thank God for the true, time-tested, pure, inspired, authorized, KING JAMES BIBLE!!! If you don't have and use only the King James Bible, well then good night friend, why not? This world is fast going to Hell, and everything is only going to get worse morally, the LGBTQ garbage is just getting started! Just wait until homosexuals rise to every high position of society and government, which in many cases they already have. Read up on the homosexuality of recent U.S. Presidents and you'll be shocked. George Bush Sr. and Jr., Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Ronald Reagan are all known bisexual homos and pedophiles. Yet naive Christians continue to vote for these ungodly reprobates.
The average churchgoing Christian today is afraid of the truth of the New World Order, so instead they turn a blind eye to it. That is why Bob Jones University (BJU) is a citadel of apostasy, promoting the Devil's counterfeit Bible versions. They are sincere, no doubt, but they are wrong, following the crowd, going along to get along with the apostate religious world. A disturbing phenomena of human nature is that people normally become loyal to whatever group they are a part of, even to the point that they'll deny criminal activities on the part of their leaders and protect them. We see this phenomena in every profession, not just the churches, where church leaders over time build trust in their followers. It is often true in law enforcement, where dirty cops protect dirty cops because of the solidarity they share. Likewise, graduates of a particular Bible college (or any college) tend to be loyal to that institution. I have never met a graduate of Bob Jones University who believed that the King James Bible is inspired, and that the modern Westcott and Hort based Bible versions aren't. They are true to the demonic teachings given to them at BJU, that we don't have God's perfect, infallible, inerrant, pure and holy inspired Words today in the King James Bible. Thus, the folks at BJU accept the modern corrupt Bible versions, even selling and allowing students to use the English Standard version (ESV). Pensacola Christian College isn't as bad, they at least take a King James Bible only stand.
A truth-seeker is different, willing to stand alone if need be, because they have a love of the truth. A truth-seeker is willing to go against the crowd. Truth has always been in the minority in this wicked world. If you stand with the truth, you will be persecuted and even prosecuted, if not martyred. 2nd Timothy 3:12, Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Living godly means standing with THE TRUTH!
How Permanent Is Your Salvation?
(an excellent MP3 sermon by Pastor Hank Lindstrom,
Mark 1:15: ...repent ye, and believe the gospel.
The mark
of the child of God is that he loves everybody!
(a quote from Pastor Jack
Hyles' classic MP3 sermon, FORGIVENESS)
Mark 11:22, And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!