There Are Two Sure Ways To Be Rich

By David J. Stewart | October 2010

       There are only 2 ways to become rich my friend. After reading the truth I am about to share with you now, you may become filthy rich. The 2 ways to be rich are:

  1. Have all You Want

  2. Want All You Have

That's it my friend, it's that simple.

If you have to have all you want in life to be happy and rich, than you'll never truly find happiness and contentment. The Bible teaches Godliness with contentment is great gain. 1st Timothy, “But godliness with contentment is great gain.” Most people aren't content today with their material possessions. Biblically we are to be content with food and clothing (1st Timothy 6:8). Anything more makes us blessed and well-to-do compared to the poor who don't even have clean running water in certain parts of the world.

Most Americans have way far more possessions than food and clothing, and are ungrateful toward God, complaining that they don't have more, gripping over their wages and benefits. They demand, “Give us more, more, more!” Should it be surprising why so many U.S. corporations have abandoned the spoiled American worker for $20 an hours; to instead go hire appreciative foreigners for $1 per day, who will work 16-hours without slacking off, no union grievances, no OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) complaints, no sassy American feminist women to contend with, and attitudes in the workplace in general. The American people have ruined it for themselves by being greedy, demanding higher wages, and going on strike. The companies finally said, goodbye America!

Now I'm against outsourcing American jobs to overseas. I think congress should have stepped in and done their jobs, outlawing relocating our jobs overseas. America's jobs ought to remain at home in America. If companies can't survive, then let the corporations go belly-up. Because what's happening now is that American citizens are going belly-up (you know, a dead fish floats belly-up to the surface when it's completely dead). Millions of Americans have lost their homes to the banks, hiring lawyers by the tens-of-thousands to foreclose on people's homes as fast as possible to prevent homeowners from saving their homes from confiscation to the government. It's banking fraud and America's Nightmare!

As many former homeowners are learned the very hard way, the ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) that were advertised as being so promising to help homeowners save tens-of-thousands of dollars in interest on their mortgage payments; thus opposite has happened, raising interest rates so high that the average homeowner cannot make the payments anymore. The rotten banking lenders knew this from the very beginning. Heck, they're the same people, i.e., the Federal Reserve Bankers, who control the interest rates. They're all in bed together. Birds of a feather flock together!

These evil men and women are greedy, never happy unless they have more, so they steal from innocent taxpayers in the form of insane government approved reckless debt-spending (which is debt-borrowing as far as taxpayers are concerned, because we and our children's children will have to foot the bills). Truthfully, they will become enslaved to a bankrupt system at the mercy of the United Nations, with foreign military troops policing America's streets, confiscating all of our properties. It will be like Will Smith's movie, I-Robot, where the robots take over and control everything.

Being Rich God's Way

The second way to be rich is to be content with what you already have. I you want all you have, then you are rich indeed. I am happy with what the Lord has given and provided to me. I ask for nothing more. I would like healing for my body, to remedy the razor-sharp radiating pain in both arms and legs, but that is up to God. I've been praying since 2004 to no avail, and now surgery has made me much worst. The pain is much sharper, more intense, and more frequent; I am surviving in Hell.

I thank God for my talent to play the steel guitar, but it hurts when I play, I can drive my car, but I experience sharp radiating down down into my right leg. It's really bad sometimes and medications haven't helped, they just make me sick. I am not rich health wise, depending how you look at it. I can still see, hear and talk, so I consider those great blessings from the heavenly Father above. Someone always has it worse. So I rejoice in then health that I do have, thank God.

There is nothing more that I need to be content in life. I live along, but in today's crazy, feminist, selfish, angry, and rebellious society, I count my blessings to be single. I might get a dog one day, or a cat; but they break my heart too much when they're gone, so probably not, unless it's cold winter and I see an animal suffering in the cold. That's why my mom had 15-cats. She couldn't bear to see a freezing cat outside in zero degree weather. Bless her heart!

If you want all you have, then you are rich indeed. If the richest man or woman in the world is not happy because they want more, then they are not truly rich. With all the problems that rich people have, and all the people trying to cheat them out of their money, I wouldn't want to be filthy rich. There is great peace and contentment in owning little, and less worries. I love the Lord for what He has given to me. I am thankful for what I have. I am rich by Biblical standards, and so are you, if you have anything more than mere clothing and food.

A spirit of gratitude is the first step to finding God in one's life. Romans 1:21, “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.” So many elite snobs eat the best of meals, go dancing and frolicking in the ballrooms, wine and dine with powerful and wealthy peers, and don't acknowledge (i.e., honor) God in their lives, being unthankful. A grateful heart often leads to genuine repentance in an honest person. Many people believed on Jesus because He had compassion on them and healed them. Jude,1:22, “And of some have compassion, making a difference.”

There are often times in people's lives when they are not content with what they have.  I read about a professed Christian woman who complained to her husband that she wanted a bigger house. She is spoiled. Many people wish they had any home, let along a bigger home. I have always thanked God just to have a roof over my head and a place to keep dry and warm.

I have NEVER been dissatisfied with any car God provided for me. I've prayed a lot for each of my cars to keep running; but I never complained to God for what I didn't have. I've never wanted a new car, and don't ever plan on getting one. Buying a car is the worst investment you'll ever make. Literally, you can buy a home in Charlotte, North Carolina for around $25,000, the same price as that fancy air-conditioned car with power seat and windows. A home is a tangible asset; whereas a car deteriorates in appreciative value every day that passes.

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