Harold Camping's Heresies EXPOSED!
By David J. Stewart
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” —Matthew 7:15
Harold Camping
(pictured to the right) is a false prophet! The
following are just a few of his false doctrines that have been taught, and
that you would hear live on his heretical "Family
Clearly, Harold Camping is NOT a true Christian, and has fabricated his own cult. Please read, Religion: The Occult Connection. The Word of God must be our Final Authority, and not the traditions and lies of men.
False Doctrines of Harold Camping
The following are some examples of the wildly speculative exegesis of Harold Camping. All the references are from The End of the Church Age … and After. Beware of such a "Bible teacher." Notice his many assertions, none of which he proves from the context or from the language of the text itself.
(1) The star in Revelation 9:1-3 is the Lord Jesus Christ (pp. 8, 86).
(2) The three and a half years of famine in the days of Elijah typify the three and half years of Christ’s earthly ministry (p. 22).
(3) Isaiah 5 "is speaking about the kingdom of God as it was represented by the local congregations throughout the church age" (pp. 24, 29).
(4) "We may safely equate the stinking fruit of the church age with the high places of Old Testament Israel" (p. 29).
(5) "We know that the two witnesses (of Rev. 11) represent the true believers who are driven out of the churches or in obedience to God’s command come out of the churches" (pp. 32-33).
(6) "The beast and the false prophet are pictures of Satan as he ruled in the churches during the Great Tribulation" (p. 41).
(7) "The rider on the black horse (Rev. 6) is a warning to the churches that if they do not remain faithful God will begin to take the Gospel away from them" (p. 42).
(8) In Revelation 12:7-11, "Michael is the Lord Jesus Christ" (p. 56).
(9) "The wood, hay and stubble (of I Cor. 3:12) must relate to the church members who are still unsaved" (p. 64).
(10) The beast from the sea is Satan because "in the Bible the sea frequently represents hell" (p. 89).77
(11) "The image of Satan (Rev. 13:15) consists of the unsaved within the churches" (p. 97).
(12) The merchant in the parable of the pearl (Matt. 13:45-46) "can only be Christ. The pearl is the kingdom of God. Christ sold all that He had, that is, He emptied himself of His glory and became the suffering servant in order to obtain the kingdom of God" (p. 100).
(13) The woman in Proverbs 31 is a "picture of the believers as we buy without money the Gospel and sell it to others who buy from us without money" (p. 101).
(14) The corn and wine after which the children pine in Lamentations 2:11-12 are "words pointing to the Gospel" (p. 108).
(15) "When a Gospel is preached all over the world that emphasizes grace and grace alone, the land, the kingdom of God, will enjoy its Sabbaths (Lev. 26:33-35). It will enjoy a totally works-free gospel" (p. 145)
(16) "Causing someone to fall backward is equivalent to calling down fire from heaven" (p. 181).
(17) "The application (of Jeremiah 7:16) is that God is commanding us not even to pray for the churches" (p. 197).
(18) "This prophecy (of Ezekiel 9:5-7) can relate only to the judgment on the churches during the Great Tribulation" (p. 197).
(19) "The abomination of desolation (Matt. 24:15-16) is Satan" (p. 210).
(20) "The housetop (Luke 12:3) is identified with bringing the Gospel … the house identifies with the church" (p. 229).
(21) "Paul (in Acts 28) is a picture of all who have been cast out of the churches and congregations. In this chapter, as in chapters 22-27 of the book of Acts, the churches and congregations are typified by the Jews who do not want to hear the whole counsel of God" (p. 231).
(22) "This half hour (Rev. 8:1) must be understood to be the first part of the Great Tribulation during which heaven is not saving people by means of the Gospel going forth from the churches" (p. 249).
(23) "The seven women mentioned (in Isaiah 4:1) identify with the seven churches of Revelation 2 and 3 … In Isaiah 4:1, they are presented as those who take hold of a man, that is they want the Son of man, Christ, to be their Savior and King. But they don’t want Him to be their spiritual bread, and they don’t want to be clothed with His robe of righteousness. They want their own bread and their own clothing, that is, they want the name of Christ; they want to identify with Christ, but they want their own salvation program. In other words, they want to be the final authority as to truth. They do not want to be that concerned about the truth of the Bible … however, verse 2 of Isaiah 4 reveals that in that day, the day when this sorrowful condition exists in the churches, the branch of the Lord (Christ) shall be beautiful and the fruit of the earth (those who are becoming saved) will be excellent. They are the ones who are being saved because there were those who have escaped from the church or congregation and continued to bring the true Gospel outside of the church" (p. 257).
(24) "The keys (Matt. 16:19) can only be the Bible" (p. 273).
(25) "A careful study of this chapter (Eze. 28) would show that78 Tyre is representing the churches as they send the Gospel into the world" (p. 286).
(26) In Revelation 12 "the woman is the Old Testament believers represented by Mary, who gave birth to Jesus. They are clothed with the sun, that is they are clothed with Christ who is their robe of righteousness. The moon is under her feet. The moon represents the law of God. The believers have become victorious over the law in the sense that the law of God can no longer condemn them. The crown of stars signifies that the believers reign with Christ" (p. 290).
(27) When the dragon drew the third part of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth (Rev. 12:3-4) "this third part represents all who are believers" (p. 290).
(28) "When Jesus entered Jerusalem just before He was crucified, He sat on a pair of donkeys. Spiritually, it can be shown that79 these donkeys represent unsaved people he came to save" (p. 298).
(29) The merchants of the earth (Rev. 18:11) represent believers in the churches who were bringing the Gospel but may no longer do so during the Great Tribulation (p. 311).
The most damning of Mr. Camping's listed teachings is that "Michael is the Lord Jesus Christ" (The End of the Church Age … and After, p. 56). Harold Camping is a Jehovah's Witness in doctrine. To deny that Jesus Christ came to earth as the Godhead incarnate is blasphemy against God. Colossians 2:9 in the trustworthy King James Bible states... "For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." John 1:1-3,14 clearly evidences the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, and again in John 10:33 when Jesus Himself claimed to be God.
In Revelation 1:8 Jesus claimed to be "the Almighty!" There is NO heresy in the Bible about Michael, the archangel, becoming flesh and dying for men's sins. Harold Camping is a Modernist, an imposter who knows not the God of the Bible. Mr. Camping's ministry is of the Devil.
"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction." —2nd Peter 2:1