

'Final Authority' video 1, Part 2, Part 3, 4


Title: Final Authority: A Christian's Guide to the King James Bible
Dr. William Grady
Pages: 392 pages - Hard Bound

Final Authority exposes the deceit behind many of the common charges leveled against the Authorized Version. This book is thoroughly documented, footnoted, and contains an extensive bibliography. You will find this book to be one of the best books written about this issue, in a style that easy to grasp, enough humor to refresh, and detailed enough to satisfy those who are looking for in-depth information about this issue. 392 pages (hard bound). ISBN: 0-9628809-1-4

Pages 1-36
Final Authority
The Deeds of the Nicolaitanes
The Doctrine of the Nicolaitanes
The Transmission of the Text (Part 1)
Pages 75-114
The Synagogue of Satan (Part 2)
Two False Witnesses
Pages 156-197
The Old Black Book (Part 2)
Sanctioned From on High
Enter, The Jesuits (Part 1)
Pages 237-279
Vessels of Dishonour (Part 2)
Behind Closed Doors
The Midnight Hour (Part 1)

More Messages by Dr. Bill Grady

My Personal Testimony
Why I Believe the KJV


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© Grady Publications, All Rights Reserved 2007
The Last Adam (MP3 sermon by Dr. Grady)

Note by David J. Stewart: This is my own personal webpage, which is not officially sanctioned by Dr. Grady. I am simply promoting his needful book, FINAL AUTHORITY, which defends our beloved and trustworthy King James Bible. Thank you Dr. Grady!

Brother Grady was also one of my faithful teachers at Hyles-Anderson College (1985-1993), who taught me to uncompromisingly stand for God's Final Authority.

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