A Very Tasty 'Dirt Cake' Recipe

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By David J. Stewart

Dirt Cake Recipe:



  1. Grind Oreo cookies until very fine (should resemble potting soil). Cream filling will disappear.
  2. Cream the butter, cream cheese, and sugar in a large bowl until smooth and fluffy.
  3. Whisk together milk and pudding mix according to directions, until well blended.
  4. Using a rubber spatula, fold pudding and cream mixtures together.
  5. Line the flowerpot with aluminum foil if there are drainage holes on the bottom. (If you are using a clay pot, sterilize the night before at 350 degrees for 2 hours, then line the pot fully, leaving 1/2 inch from the rim of pot. Then press crushed cookies (dirt) on the bottom of lined pot until bottom is covered.
  6. Alternate the layers of creamy mixture with cookie (dirt) mixture until the top is layered with cookies (dirt); chill overnight or for 3-4 hours.
  7. Top with artificial flowers just before serving; serve with new garden trowel.
  8. ENJOY!)

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