Satan's Favorite Word: Christian

By David J. Stewart

2nd Corinthians 11:13-15, “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”

       I was watching a clip of THE VIEW the other day and heard co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck (born 1977) profess to be a “Christian.” Naturally I was curious to learn if she was a genuine Bible-believing, born-again Christian, so I did some further research. Hasselbeck is a staunch Roman Catholic and no Christian at all. She also supports gay-marriage and is neutral on banning abortion. Hasselbeck is a big fraud!

Roman Catholics are taught that salvation rests in the Catholic Church, and water baptism is the door into the church. They pervert the meaning of Matthew 16:18, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” If Catholics would only study the Bible as 2nd Timothy 2:15 tells us, then they would know that “Peter” in this Verse is petros, meaning “a stone” (a piece of rock); but “rock” in this Verse means Petra, meaning “a rock” (mountain). Jesus is THE ROCK, but Peter is a little stone. The New Testament Church is built upon Jesus Christ, clearly evidenced in 1st Corinthians 3:11, “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

Hence, the Roman Catholic perverted view of salvation through the Catholic Church by water baptism and the keeping of the Sacraments is of the Devil. Elisabeth Hasselbeck is not a genuine Biblical Christian. THE VIEW is so wicked and pathetic, praising the recent horde of gay marriages in New York since same-sex marriage was legalized in July of 2011.

'THE VIEW,' Bringing Sodom and Gomorrah into Your Home

Many Christians watch THE VIEW because of Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who pretends to be a conservative Christian. In reality, she's a religious unsaved person who has immoral and unbiblical views, straddling the fence and flip-flopping...

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: 'I Actually Support Gay Marriage'
The View's Elisabeth Hasselbeck tries to clear up some misconceptions about her in an interview with Fancast:

"I am not ultra-ultra-conservative on every issue. I actually support gay marriage. I think the gay marriage thing would definitely surprise people. I mean, for some people, it will surprise them to the point that they won’t want to hear it. 'No, that can’t be, I really want to have this sort of idea of her in my head,' so I sort of rain on their parade there. I am a person that does believe that life begins at conception, but I also don’t believe that the government should tell women what to do with their bodies. So I’m torn there in terms of supporting laws [for or against abortion].


Satan loves the word “Christian,” because Satan labels unsaved and immoral people as “Christian” to deceive others who are naive and ignorant. Here's a so-called “theologian,” Kittredge Cherry, who teaches in a so-called “Christian” university that abortion should be a sacrament in churches. Can you imagine such wickedness? Christian?

Here is a typical quote showing the kind of filth and mocking of sin that happens on THE VIEW...

The cohort also discussed whether Biblical restrictions should be taken literally, with Behar noting that the Bible prohibits eating lobster. Goldberg called the laws "too restrictive," questioning a rule that dictates, "Man shall not lie with an animal, or he shall be put to death and so shall the animal." Baa-ing like a sheep, Goldberg jokingly asked, "Now what did the animal do?"

SOURCE: Elisabeth Hasselbeck Condemns Gay Marriage Protesters In New York (VIDEO)

Ha, ha, ha, big joke! Whoopi Goldberg is a flaming bisexual, who mocks God's Laws against bestiality by making sheep sounds. Really funny isn't it? Do you think God is laughing? No, God is angry with the wicked every day (Psalm 7:11; John 3:36). There is no genuine Christian aspect of THE VIEW and it offends me that Hasselbeck is being used to portray a Christian's viewpoint. Christians don't worship Mary. Christians don't trust in sacraments for salvation.

Whoopi Goldberg calls God's Laws “too restrictive.” Who are you, or me, or anybody else to tell God that He is too restrictive? That's exactly what Eve said in the Garden of Eden. Eve told the serpent that God forbade them from even touching the fruit, but God only said not to eat the fruit (Genesis 3:3). Eve magnified her restrictions. Whoopi Goldberg thinks God's laws are too restrictive concerning homosexuality; but we have no right to recreate God in man's image. It's the other way around, that is, God created man in His image and God is NOT a homosexual.

Joy Behar is ignorant concerning the Scriptures, confusing ceremonial laws with moral laws. The prohibition to eat lobster and pigs were ceremonial dietary laws only for Old Testament Jews; but God's prohibition of the sin of homosexuality is a moral law that applies to all humanity and is still in effect today. Moral laws apply 24/7, and never expire. Romans 1:24-32 plainly condemns the vile lifestyle evils of homosexuality. In Genesis 19:1-10, an angry homosexual mob tried to break down Lot's door and rape the two male guests. The Bible says that the city of Sodom was so evil and wicked that God destroyed it with fire and brimstone as AN EXAMPLE (Jude 1:7) of what will happen to all wicked people throughout history; that is, they will be cast into the Lake of Fire to be tormented in flames of fire in God's vengeance for ever (2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 20:11-15).

Elisabeth Hasselbeck criticizes anti-gay marriage protesters! Hasselbeck is supposed to be the right-wing, Christian, conservative element of THE VIEW; but in reality she is a big liberal phony, a wolf in sheep's clothing. What true Christian wouldn't feel compelled to speak out against homosexual marriage? If you are a normal person, then you will think homosexuality is disgusting. If you are right with God, then you will also think homosexuality is a sin. Morally, biologically and socially, homosexuality is sickening, abnormal and wrong.

Hasselbeck thinks Christians should be quiet and leave gays alone. Ephesians 5:11, Psalm 94:16 and hundreds of other Scriptures teach for Christians not to accept the person of the wicked; but rather, to expose evil and rise up against the evildoers. Homosexuals want a lot more than to quietly commit sin in their private homes, they are parading homosexuality all across America, sticking it in everyone's faces, and pushing the Homosexual Agenda in all public schools on children. Gays want to homosexualize America. God's curse is upon our nation because of homosexuality, divorce, abortion, pornography and a host of other deplorable sins.

America is under attack by liberals, Modernists and imposters left and right. Pastor Max Lucado, another bought and paid for stooge for the criminal global elite, is being used to lead America's churchgoers to tolerate, receive and help law-breaking illegal immigrants, perverting the Scriptures in an attempt to destroy America's national sovereignty. Whether it be Elisabeth Hasselbeck influencing America's TV watching churchgoers to tolerate same-sex marriages; or Max Lucado leading America's churchgoers to embrace illegal immigrants and open borders (we're headed for a North American Union); the enemy has come in like a flood. The time has never been greater for born-again, God-fearing, bible-believing, Christians to stand for God against evil, contend for the faith, and aggressively preach the gospel to lost sinners.

Satan Has Labeled Every Form of Evil as “Christian”

Satan is repacking all sorts of apostasy and wickedness with a “Christian” label. Nearly every hellbound false religion in the United States professes to be “Christian.” Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, and Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians in any sense of the word. They are all corrupt, perverted, demonic, false religions. Lutheranism is of the Devil, just as is Calvinism and the Lordship Salvation of Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron, John MacArthur and Paul Washer. These men corrupt the simplicity that is in Christ (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4), making salvation hard and impossible. It is impossible to be saved by self-righteousness (Romans 3:20; 10:3-4). Lordship Salvation is nothing more than Calvinism's perseverance of the Saints repackaged. Witchcraft doesn't frighten me as much as Lordship Salvation, because witches are obviously of the Devil. Kirk Cameron is much more of a threat to America's churches than Harry Potter's witchcraft, because Harry Potter doesn't teach a false gospel like Kirk Cameron does.

You see, THE VIEW is a wicked and morally reprehensible show, a front for the criminals who've hi-jacked our county. So they use someone like Elisabeth Hasselbeck to give the immoral show a phony face of conservative Christianity. It's all a fraud! It's like a candy store or a car dealership that's a cover for an illegal drug operation. Fox News, The View and Glenn Beck are stooges, bought and paid for by the criminal global elite, whose purpose is to brainwash the public and keep people confused, dumbed-down and wandering in circles in the wilderness. People are confused because they're listening to a bunch of contradicting opinions from the mainstream newsmedia. You need to read something besides the manure-spreading newspaper, listen to alternative news, watch some documentary videos, and think for yourself while praying for God to open your eyes. If you don't think for yourself, then you're going to believe what other people tell you. THE VIEW is packed full of lies, misinformation, and disinformation.

The Bible warns us that Satan is a liar (John 8:44), and a deceiver (Matthew 7:15), and appears as an angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:15), and whose ministers appear as ministers of righteousness (2nd Corinthians 11:13-14). Satan's kingdom is all about deception, lies and falsehoods. Satan is so effective at lying and tricking people that even many Christians are supporting wicked agendas—selling out for 501c3 state-licensing (thus, refraining from speaking out against blatant crimes in government), embracing the homosexual agenda (Romans 1:24-32 condemns the sin of homosexuality), teaching that divorce is ok (Matthew 19:8 says it's not), supporting abortion rights (God says don't kill, Exodus 20:13).

The word Christian is tossed around so much these days that it hardly means anything Biblical anymore. Catholics are not Biblical Christians; they are religious, period. Catholics have churchianity, but not Christianity. Catholics have Mariology, but not the doctrine of Christ.

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