Confusion Is Caused By The Devil

By David J. Stewart

1st Corinthians 14:33,“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”

       There have been over 400 revisions sand translations of the English Bible since 1611. Certainly the English language hasn't changed that much in four centuries! The reason why there are so many Bibles is because Satan's wants to confuse people, and it has done just that! So many people nowadays are confused about which Bible to use. Let me tell you friend, the King James Bible is God's Word!

I remember when Bill Clinton was running for U.S. President. Someone asked him what his position was on abortion. Mr. Clinton said that even leading theologians cannot agree on whether abortion is right or wrong, and so he said he wasn't in a position to judge. Well, let me tell you, abortion is cold-blooded murder according to the Bible (Exodus 20:13).

There is much debate today over the issue of homosexuality. Many churches, including the Methodist and United Church of Christ, support homosexuality and even ordain Sodomite ministers into the ministry. Although Satan has confused many people because of this wickedness, the Bible plainly teaches that homosexuality is a vile affection (Romans 1:26) that God abhors (Leviticus 20:13) and punishes (1st Corinthians 6:9-10).

Satan has confused the masses of humanity by creating thousands of false religions. I've heard so many people express their confusion because of all the different religions. But those same people won't lift a finger to search for the truth. God has made life such that those who seek the truth will find it. If people would seek the truth as much as they complain about being confused, they'd find the truth. Proverbs one says that wisdom crieth in the streets; but who will hear?

All the confusion in the world, and in our churches today, is deliberately caused by Satan to blind men's minds from the truth. The reason why there are thousands of religions, hundreds of Bibles, and dozens of Christs; is because the Devil is a big liar! God only wrote one Book, the Bible. The King James Bible is that inspired holy Book! No religion can take a man to Heaven; you need to be born-again, i.e., born-anew of the Spirit of God. Salvation is NOT found in any religion; but rather, in a Person—the Lord Jesus Christ! Jesus is the only true Christ, Jesus, the Son of God; there is no other name given amongst men whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:10-12). This is the TRUTH!

Satan has brought Rock 'N' Roll into many churches, confusing young people. Rock music often becomes a stronghold in a young person's life, which leads them away from God into worldliness. I have more respect for an unsaved heathen Rock band who are genuine, than I do for the hypocrites who make demonic music and masquerade as Christians. Christian Rock bands are confusing, because they claim to love Jesus while the fans only praise the performers.

There's nothing wrong with secular music, but carnal music is wrong. A marching band is secular, but appropriate. A Rock band is carnal, appealing to the lusts of the flesh, and is therefore sinful. Rock music is sex according to the claims made by many musicians. When an unsaved person comes into a church and hears worldly Rock music, and sees women wearing worldly clothing, and hears worldly gossip, and worldly attitudes, they get confused and leave. Why should they join a church that's no better than the heathen workplace where they work, or the bar where they hang out?

A genuine Christ-honoring, people-loving, sin-hating, soul-winning, New Testament Church is hard to find these days; but they're out there, honoring the Lord. The key is the pastor. The man makes the church! A congregation rarely rises above the spirituality of it's pastor. America has dime-a-dozen preachers; but where are the men of God? Few pastors are passionate about soul-winning, fervent about fighting against public wickedness, consumed with helping the misfortunate in Jesus' name. Thank God for those true men of God who sacrifice to make a church a Church, uplifting the precious King James Bible as the Final Authority in the Church! Thank God for those men who pray and have the power of God on their life and ministry!

There is no controversy if you believe the Bible! The one's who are confused are the drifters, the naysayers, the doubters, the rebels, the blinded religious crowd, and the unbelievers. There is no confusion if you believe that God only wrote one Book, and meant what He said. God deliver us from the Bible-a-month club! God deliver us from situation-ethics morality! God deliver us from the fig-leaf religion of Adam and Eve!

Bless God, you don't have to be confused about which Bible to use. Use a King James Bible! You don't have to be confused about what's right and wrong. The Bible tells us plainly! You don't have to be confused about which religion will take you to Heaven. None of them! Find you a good old-fashioned Independent Fundamental Baptist Church and get busy for God winning souls to Jesus! If the church doesn't go soul-winning and use only the King James Bible, get out quick!!!

Ye Must Be Born Again!

You Need HIS Righteousness!