The Genesis Account of Creation
By David J. Stewart
“As a blind man has no idea of colors, so we have no idea of the manner by which the all-wise God perceives and understands all things.” —Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
God created the world in an orderly fashion. The Bible gives us incredible information in the Book of Genesis concerning the origins of life, mankind and the universe. It is important to notice the distinction between the word created and made in Genesis Chapter one.
The following video shows how Swiss watches are assembled. This particular Patek Philippe watch sells for $2,200,000!!! This amazing watch contains 1,366 separate parts!!! Wow! As you watch this video, consider that an explosion could no more create the universe than such a chaotic release of energy could create an intricate luxury watch. Notice that Psalms 102:25 mentions God's hands. Literally, God made the universe and everything in it. Only a wicked person and a complete fool would dare claim that such amazing complexity just HAPPENED! Watch how the watch maker uses his hands with precision, observing minute details through a magnifying lens, wearing protecting finger covers, working in a clean room and articulately assembling every part in a specific plan and order. Do you really believe that empty space just went KABOOM and then there was a universe with no God? Only a wicked person and a complete fool would dare claim that such amazing complexity just HAPPENED! Romans 1:22, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” Are you a fool who thinks he is wise? Most people are familiar with the story of creation from Genesis Chapter one, but the following quote is something you likely have never heard before. Here's an eye-opening quote from Dr. Younce's book, which further explains this doctrine on page 111...
SOURCE: The Truth About Evolution; Or, Don't Let Satan Make A Monkey Out Of You, by Dr. Max D. Younce Isn't that interesting? The word “created” in Genesis 1:1 doesn't appear again until Genesis 1:21 on the fifth day of creation. On the second, third and fourth day the Bible uses the word “made” instead. The word created in Hebrew is absolute, meaning that God created something from nothing. However, the word “made” is much broader in application and means that God remodeled what had been previously created. Dr. Max D. Younce has written an excellent exegesis on this controversial subject of a Young Earth verses an Old Earth... The Truth About Evolution; Or, Don't Let Satan Make A Monkey Out Of You (.PDF file) Click here if you need Adobe to read .PDF files... Website Of Arthur C. Custance (1910-1985) (an exegeses of Genesis 1:1-2)Hidden Things Of God's Revelation "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." —Hebrews 11:3 |