The 'Big Bang' Lie Of Satan
By David J. Stewart
, “Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.”Psalms 102:25
following video shows how Swiss watches are assembled. This particular watch
sells for $150,000!!! As you watch this video, consider that an explosion
could no more create the universe than such a chaotic release of energy
could create an intricate luxury watch. Notice that Psalms 102:25 mentions
God's hands. Literally, God made the universe and everything in it. Only a
wicked person and a complete fool would dare claim that such amazing
complexity just HAPPENED! Watch how the watch maker uses his hands with
precision, observing minute details through a magnifying lens, wearing
protecting finger covers, working in a clean room and articulately
assembling every part in a specific plan and order. Do you really believe
that empty space just went KABOOM and then there was a universe with no God?
Only a wicked person and a complete fool would dare claim that such amazing complexity just HAPPENED! Romans 1:22, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” Are you a fool who thinks he is wise?
I choose to be as narrow-minded as the Bible. I want God's opinion to be my opinion (Amos 3:3). I want to be God's friend. James 4:4 says it is impossible to be God's friend and at the same time be a friend of the world. Nearly all celebrities today go along to get along with the sinful world. Their fans follow them into sin and evil. This is why Carrie Underwood has yoked together with Steven Tyler of Aerosmith to produce her latest sexy-smut videos.
The Truth About Evolution; Or, Don't Let Satan Make A Monkey Out Of You (.PDF file)
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