Pray for the Iraqi People!

by David J. Stewart

       I don't like to write articles like this, because people get upset; but, it needs to be said.  Many Americans, especially church congregations, have a blind loyalty for our government and military, no matter what they do.  Something is very wrong with that.

Everywhere we go nowadays in America, we see bumper stickers, billboards, and signs which read, "Pray for our troops!"  BUT, what about the innocent people of Iraq who are being victimized by this illegal war?  I've never seen one bumper sticker, billboard, or sign asking people to pray for the Iraqis. 

We are a selfish nation.  We only care about what's beneficial to us, even if it hurts innocent people elsewhere.  Look at the the photo to the right.  Do you think this crippled boy is rejoicing with America?  I think not. 

What kind of life is waiting for him?  I wonder how George W. Bush would feel if that was his child.  According to the U.S. Constitution, the president cannot go to war without a declaration of war from congress.  Our government DIDN'T follow the U.S. Constitution.  Congress never declared war on Iraq. 

We have a God-given right to complain against OUR government's irresponsible actions!  Our leaders do what they do with OUR money, with OUR children, and in OUR name.  We have a right to protest, and demand change in a corrupt and run amuck government.  Our Bill of Rights, specifically the First Amendment, gives us the legal right to petition our government, and to assemble in protest.

Here's a video clip of Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell back in early 2001, at separate times, stating that Iraq had NO weapons of mass-destruction (WMD).  Yet, the same White House administration invaded Iraq shortly thereafter.  As expert at lying as they all are, they still get caught lying.  After the damage was done, and tens-of-thousands of Iraqi citizens had been mass-murdered, it became clear to everyone that the White House never had any PROOF of WMD to begin with.  The sickest thing is that the Bush administration wasn't tried for treason, and held accountable for their war-crimes against humanity in Iraq. 

They simply launched a massive propaganda campaign to brainwash the American people--with Fox News leading the way in misinformation.  As long as this criminal gang of thugs continues to convince America's citizens that there's a monster lurking around every corner--most people will sell their souls to them!  Take a look at what we did to the Iraqi people Here's more if you can stomach the reality of our evils against Iraq

Who do we think we are as Americans?  I spoke with a Marine who told me that America needs oil, and we have to do what needs to be done to secure our future.  I was angered that a spoiled American could be so bloodthirsty, coldhearted, and hateful as to willingly steal, kill, and hurt innocent people to spoil ourselves even more.  The American people are in trouble with God for their evils against the citizens of Iraq. 

et, we support our troops as they continue to kill innocent people in Iraq.  Say what you will ... Iraq never threatened or attacked the United States in any way, and no links were ever found connecting Iraq with 911.  Here is a typical wrong attitude that many Christians have toward Arabs.  Islam is not to blame for 911.  Our problems are at home, not abroad.  Our greatest enemies in America are ignorance, complacence, and immorality.  How dare we blame the Arabs, who wouldn't even think of ever aborting a baby.  Who's crazy?

The Reason Why Christians Tolerate This Evil

Most Christians are ignorant concerning Romans 13:1-6.  Many believers think that the Bible commands us to have a blind loyalty for government, regardless of how evil or irresponsible that government becomes.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Romans 13:1 plainly states, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

Carefully notice that we are to obey the "higher powers," with God being the highest power.  We are to obey God.  We are to obey our government as long as our government obeys God.  If our government does not obey God, then we are NOT obligated to obey our government.  Peter said in Acts 5:29, "...We ought to obey God rather than men."  That is very simple to understand.  The entire premise of Romans 13:1-6 is that the government is "not a terror to good works" (vs. 3). 

This Scriptural passage is simply saying that we should willingly submit to the government's authority (on matters such as taxes), because all authority is ordained of God.  However, we are NEVER expected to submit to a government that becomes a terror to good works, by disobeying God.  A perfect example is the Old Testament account of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel Chapter 3.  We read in Daniel 3:17-18, "...our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.  But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

These three young men deliberately disobeyed the government, and God was very pleased with them.  It takes a good man to break a bad man's rules.

Few Christians understand this, because they don't learn the Word of God for themselves.  Most Christians have been brainwashed by authoritative pastors, who act more like dictators than spiritual leaders.  The Apostle Peter said in 1st Peter 5:2-3, "Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock."  Some ministries operate more like cults--helping wives divorce their husbands, breaking apart families, swindling people out of their money through high-pressure tactics, placing heavy burdens upon their members, operating in secrecy, etc..  The church is supposed to be for the family; not the family for the church. 

The Apostle Peter stated in 1st Peter 4:17 that judgment must begin at the house of God (with Christians).  If America's Christians are blindly supporting a corrupt government, then how can we expect any better of the heathen?  America's churches are eerily silent concerning murderous abortion laws.  America's churches are disturbingly silent concerning legislation permitting same-sex marriages. 

America's churches are frustratingly silent concerning the legalization of booze.  And America's churches continue to foolishly vote for these evil leaders.  Most Christians in America voted for President George W. Bush, who has given over a billion dollars to Planned Parenthood (Murderhood) throughout his presidency to kill more children.  Planned Parenthood (Herodhood) is the number one killer of America's babies!  Why do you vote for such an evil man?

Most church members are taught never to question church authority.  Most people wouldn't dare question their pastor's judgment.  This mentality has caused America's Christians to blindly follow the government as well.  It wasn't until I began to think for myself, that I realized just how evil and wicked are many of our top leaders in the United States.  No Christian should ever vote Republican or Democrat. 

To do so is to support their evils.  Sadly, most professed Christians are totally brainwashed, and are part of the problem.  If God's children are sleeping, then who is going to sound the battle cry?  Who is going to take a stand against sin, and warn the wicked of the judgment to come? 

The Hypocrisy of Praying Only for Our Troops

The average churchgoer in America blindly prays for the U.S. troops; but never gives a thought to pray for all the Iraqi victims.  The average churchgoer religiously votes Republican, loves George W. Bush, and can't get enough of Fox News.  Tragically, such believers are doing more harm than good. 

As long as evil men like George W. Bush have the support of most of America's churches, evil will continue to flourish.  The average American churchgoer has been brainwashed to believe that the invasion of Iraq is good because Islam is a hateful religion (i.e., the Iraqis are getting what they deserve).  Yes, Islam is a false and hatful religion; but, America itself is a land infested with false religion and violence.  Catholicism is straight out of the pits of Hell, and is followed by most Americans.  America loves violence, which is reflected in movies and street crime. 

America is the world's largest producer of pornography, and accounts for 25% of all sex-tourism globally.  Look at all the tens-of-millions of babies that Americans have murdered by abortion!  Who deserves to be judged?  America is long overdue for it's day of reckoning!  How dare we condemn Iraq, when we are utterly guilty of so much more evil in America!  We are hypocrites!  If you want to pray for someone, pray for the victims in Iraq!

I am totally, uncompromisingly, against the war in Iraq.  Our troops are being exploited as paid mercenaries to fight a war that has absolutely nothing to do with defending America's freedom.  Get mad at me if you want, people's sons and daughter's are being killed for selfish agendas that do not involve America's freedom.  If you want to fight as a paid mercenary, fine; but don't expect me to recognize you as a "hero" when you come back in a body bag.  You're getting paid, as a "career opportunity" (what a lie) to kill innocent people. 

Think about it!  Who decides who lives and who dies?  Just because the U.S. White House administration labels someone as a "terrorist" doesn't mean it's so.  It's not what you call man that determines who he is; but what he answers to!  There is nothing heroic about dying as a paid mercenary.  These young people, who enter the military, are required to SIGN CONTRACTS.  In effect, you are agreeing to kill people for money.  If America were ever legitimately attacked, you wouldn't need contracts because men would willingly come to arms to fight.  To clarify, I believe that war is inevitably a part of life, and it is clear from the Scriptures that God approves of war at times. 

However, God also commands us, "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13) and "Thou shalt not steal" (Exodus 20:15).  What we are doing in Iraq is cold-blooded murder and theft.  Again, Iraq never attacked us.  The Bush administration made criminals out of themselves, when they couldn't muster up one single piece of evidence linking Iraq to 911, or of weapons of mass-destruction in Iraq.

For Whom Should We Pray?

My prayers are with the victims in Iraq, who's loved ones are dead.  They have been ruthlessly attacked, and robbed of their national sovereignty.  If you want the truth, read foreign news; not U.S. news.  Of course, I am sad that American troops have died, as I believe they sincerely fought for what they believed was a war against terror.  But that's what they were PAID to do, and signed a CONTRACT agreeing to kill. 

My sincerest condolences go out to their grieving families.  I have no doubt about the sincerity or motives of most of our troops.  I am supportive of America's young people, even though I am totally against the evil war in Iraq.  It's not an easy situation.  On one hand, you want to support the American troops, because you love America, and believe they are doing what they've been TOLD is right to do. 

But on the other hand, innocent people are dying at the hands of these same young people, fighting for the selfish agendas of the global elite.  It's hard to call them "heroes" when their not saving anybody.  Our troops are being exploited.  And here's a FACT that most people refuse to acknowledge: Even after Saddam Hussein was captured, tens-of-thousands of Iraqi men still continued to fight in defense of _____?  You tell me! 

Why would all those men continue to fight for over a year (and they're still fighting), for an alleged brutal dictator who's been captured?  Obviously, they are defending their own country.  And another question: Why has the Bush administration continued this illegal war on the Iraqi people, even after admitting that they were completely WRONG concerning intelligence reports of WMDs in Iraq?  Think about this! 

Americans are deceitfully led into an illegal war, over a hundred thousand innocent people are killed, NO WMDs are ever found, the White House admits they goofed; but, the killing and war continue.  Am I missing something here?  No, I see just clearly what is going on, and it stinks with the evil rot of Hell. 

Pray for the Iraqi people, for they are the unfortunate victims in all of this. 

Time to Wake Up America!

My prayer for the U.S. troops is that they will wake up and realize that they have been brainwashed by evil men in power--men who detest America, despise Christianity, and think the U.S. Constitution is nothing more than a piece of paper.  These evil men place no value at all on life.  Do you think they care about your son or daughter dying on foreign soil 10,000 miles away?  No they don't.  So while you get to think of the life your dead child might have had, the politician's children get to live life to it's fullest. 

Don't you want to see your grandchildren in 5-20 years, instead of your son's casket engrained in your mind forever?  Sure you do!  But you won't if your son ends up dead like Cindy Sheehan's son.  The sure way to end ALL wars, is to draft the sons of the politicians!!!  This ought to be a law!  It ought to be a law that before any government leaders can go to war, their own children MUST go first.  War would be eliminated forever!  Please parents, do everything you possibly can to prevent your children from joining the armed forces. 

The U.S. government has run amuck, and American citizens are being horribly EXPLOITED by the very people who were entrusted to protect us.  Are the politician's children worth more than your own?  Let them fight their own war.  God does not expect us to obey this type of evil and irresponsible government.  And if you don't agree with that, then you are truly blinded to the truth.  If you don't believe me, then please listen to some of your own government leaders who are trying to wake you up--such as the honorable Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney; and the honorable Congressman, Ron Paul ...

America's Friend: The Honorable Congressman Ron Paul

If you want to pray for the U.S. Troops, then fine; but keep in mind that they are killing a lot of innocent people in an illegal war that has nothing to do with freedom.  This is evidenced by the lies of WMD which were never found.  Our entire reason for invading Iraq is GONE!  So why are we still there?  Why are our troops still dying? 

Fox News is an evil organization in my opinion, dedicated to brainwashing the American people with misinformation.  They keep crying "terrorist" and stressing the desperate need for America's troops in Iraq; BUT, the reason for us invading Iraq in the first place is GONE; but they won't talk about that.