Are you going to wait until it's too late?

It's one second to midnight!

       Oh foolish Americans! When will you wake up? The wickedness happening in the highest levels of our government is shocking.

Over one million Iraqi's are dead, killed as a consequent of an unprovoked war and malicious lies. The United States has shed innocent blood. Iraq never attacked us. No Weapons of Mass Destruction were ever found. No connection was ever made between Saddam Hussein and the 911 attacks.

I am appalled that many professed Christians think God approves of what we have done in Iraq. Does anyone read the Ten Commandments anymore? (Exodus 20). Stealing Iraq's oil is a sin. Killing innocent Iraqi's is a sin. Coveting Iraq's oil is a sin. Bearing false witness is a sin. God is only supportive of legitimate war. There hasn't been a legitimate major war since the Revolutionary War.

The international banking cartel (Banksters) start the wars and then finance both sides of the war. The mainstream American newsmedia is controlled by the Banksters. Their top executives and journalists are all members of The Council On Foreign Relations (which is the visible organization of the New World Order[ NWO]).

Their goal is to achieve a global order in every aspect, under the totalitarian control of the Banksters. Once completed, the NWO control grid will usurp dictatorial control over everything. Already, they have taken fascist control over banking, lending, housing, automotive, farming, education, pharmaceutical, medical, military and information services.