We Need A Police State in America!

By David J. Stewart

Proverb 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

       As much as I hate to say it, we need a Police State in America! There's a large group of people who are waking up to the Communist takeover and corporate fascism which has hi-jacked our government; yet these very same people have no regard for the Commandments of God's Word.

God is not going to bless the wicked, whether they be the criminal elite or the heathen public. If you honestly think that God is going to give the country back to abortionists, feminists and homosexuals, then you are woefully ignorant and deceived. God is not going to bless a nude, lewd and rude culture of pleasure-seekers. Unless the American people repent and turn back to the God of the Bible, then our days of freedom are numbered as a nation.

Love for sin has caused our nation to stop caring. Washington D.C. politicians are as criminal as can be, but the average church pastor couldn't care less and actually supports such criminals. It is shameful. Most of America's clergy and ministers are cowards, opportunists and golf-club preachers. This is why our nation is going to ruin. Where are the preaching preachers? The morality of America's pulpits today will determine the morality of tomorrow generation.

As long as abortion continues, a Police State will continue to form in the United States. As long as same-sex marriage is allowed, God will continue to curse our nation. Judges 6:1, “And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD: and the LORD delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years.” If God gave over His own people to the hand of wicked oppressors to judge them, then we cannot expect to be treated any differently. Americans are no more special than third world people. God deals with all humanity unconditionally. God is fair and justified in all His doings. If anyone doesn't obey God, then God will not bless them.

American patriots, Constitutionalists, Tea Party groups and Opposition Wall Street protestors cannot turn America around. We need God's hand of blessing to conquer the criminals behind the New World Order (NWO). Biblically, we know that the NWO will happen, but depending on whether or not we obey God will affect how fast it happens. The way we treat God as a nation, I'm surprised we are still even called a free nation. Time is running out!

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS!

"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10