No Free Speech Zones

By David J. Stewart | May 2010 | Updated July 2015

       It is unconstitutional for any government to designate a "no free speech zone." This infringement upon our Bill of Rights as Americans has increasingly been used to stifle protesters at World Trade Meetings and other political events. If you give the Devil an inch, he'll take a foot, and then become a ruler (pun intended). The government has succeeded in banning Americans from speaking their minds and now they're expanding their dictatorship nationwide. We have a pack of looting crooks running our society in the United States. They are the bad guys at the federal level. The Banksters have taken control of our military, The White House and congress is being blackmailed and railroaded continually.

With the legalizing of same-sex PERversion in all 50 states on June 26, 2015 by the lawless U.S. Supreme Court, liberals and kooks are already working relentlessly to outlaw Christian's speaking out against the filthy sin of homosexuality. This week (July of 2015), Puppet California Politicians Introduce a Bill To Ban the words 'Husband' And 'Wife', Claiming They Are Anti-Gay Words!

New Free Speech Zones Mock First Amendment

American Free Press | January 31, 2004

It was the second time around when last October Brett Bursey was arrested while protesting a president�s arrival at Columbia airport in South Carolina. Thirty-three years ago, at the same airport, Bursey was seized by Secret Service agents protesting the Vietnam War as he held a placard denouncing President Richard Nixon�s visit to the state. On that occasion, he was fortunate when a state court judge ruled that a protester could not be charged with trespassing on public property.

This time, the state court also dropped charges, but that was not the end of the matter. The U.S. attorney in South Carolina, J. Strom Thurmond Jr., son of the late Sen. Thurmond, stepped in and charged Bursey with �threatening the president.� The charge was filed under an obscure statute that permits the Secret Service to restrict access to areas visited by a president. The statute has only been used 12 times by the courts since 1992.

On Jan. 6, a federal judge dismissed Bursey�s defense that he was entitled to free speech and ruled that he had broken a law designed to shield President Bush. Bursey was fined $500 and immediately announced he would appeal.

"We are appealing because this establishes the bad legal precedent that the Secret Service has no limits on the size of restricted zones they establish around the president. We believe that it is important that we appeal, because the ever increasing size of the sanitized areas around the president makes a mockery of the First Amendment," declared Bursey.

According to Bursey, his most recent ordeal began on October 24 while he was waiting for President Bush�s plane to land. He was with other protesters, holding a sign condemning Bush administration policies but was the only protester arrested. Law enforcement officials made no attempt to detain or bother pro-Bush supporters gathered nearby.

Bursey claims he was not arrested because he was a threat to the president's physical security, but because the White House has a policy of keeping protesters out of sight of the president and media. The restricted zone where he was arrested was over 70 acres and stretched for a mile.

Bursey is no stranger to the law. In 1970 he was jailed for 18 months for vandalizing a military draft office in Columbia in protest at the Vietnam War.

The son of a Navy dentist, he grew up on the military base at Parris Island, S.C. Nowadays, he is executive director of the South Carolina Progressive Network, a coalition of more than 50 organizations.

His experience has a resonance in other protest cases. On Labor Day 2002, retired steelworker Bill Neel, 65, found himself on the wrong side of the law during a Bush visit. Local police, at the Secret Service's behest, set up a "designated free-speech zone" on a baseball field surrounded by a chain-link fence, a third of a mile from the location where the president was to give a speech.

Neel was carrying a placard proclaiming, "The Bush family must surely love the poor; they made so many of us." When police cleared the path of the presidential motorcade of protesters with signs, Neel refused to go to the designated area. His placard was confiscated, and he was arrested for "disorderly conduct." No effort was made by law enforcement to interfere with pro-Bush supporters.

"As far as I'm concerned, the whole country is a free speech zone. If the Bush administration has its way, anyone who criticizes them will be out of sight and out of mind," he later declared.

District Judge Shirley Rowe Trkula threw out the charge against him. "I believe this is America. I don't agree with you, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it," she told him.

There have also been allegations that the government repressed protests during several Bush visits to the St. Louis area, especially on Jan. 22, 2003, when 150 people carrying signs were shunted far away from the main action and effectively quarantined.

A spokeswoman for the ACLU of Eastern Missouri commented: "No one could see them from the street. In addition, the media was not allowed to talk to them. The police would not allow any media inside the protest area and wouldn't allow any of the protesters out of the 'protest zone' to talk to the media."

SOURCE: American Free Press, January 31, 2004

The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights only outlines our God-given rights. We are entitled to free speech by birth as free men. It is not surprising that criminals working in our government would attempt to enslave us and shut us up. People are waking up to the evil agendas of those who want Global Government at the expense of America's sovereignty and the lives of our children in the military. This monstrous system is the New World Order.

Teachers in Nebraska were told in November 2014 not to refer to school children as 'boys' and 'girls' anymore, because such terms are not inclusive of transgendered children. Brother, who says that only people in the big cities are crazy? Nebraska is out in the sticks, and they are as loony as can be!!! Politicians couldn't care less about anyone's rights. The real issue is government interference, scrutiny and control over everyone's lives. This is necessary so that the New World Order can succeed. We're losing our freedoms and liberties.

I watched a needful video yesterday of a recent 2015 interview with Professor G. Edward Griffin, whom I admire tremendously. In the interview he said: Rights Are Granted By God, Earned On The Battlefield, And Kept By Fighting To Keep Them. Rights are never guaranteed. God-given rights are secured by going to war, and to keep them we must continually fight to keep them!!! We live in a retarded society of fools in America, who think we should confiscate everyone's guns and ban them. If you could ask the afflicted citizens of Spain in 1936 what they think about guns, they'd be 100% for owning guns. Take a look at what happened to the people of Spain when the Communists first required them to register their guns, and then took them away, and then murdered them!!! 1936 Spain (“the people found themselves helpless, forced to register & surrender their arms!”). It will happen in the United States in the future, I guarantee it!!! Don't ever surrender your firearms!!!

The average America citizen has never questioned what those occult symbols and Latin words mean on the back of every U.S. one dollar bill. Under The Great Pyramid with the All Seeing Eye are the Latin words... 'E Pluribus Unum' means 'One out of many' (that is, order out of chaos) which is the foundation of the New World Order's plan to establish a world government, world economy, cashless control grid, six FEMA regions, world court, et cetera. It's all about Satan building a Godless Global Totalitarian Communist Police State to rule over the planet. Literally, a PrisonPlanet!!! WHY THE ANTICHRIST MUST COME SOON!!!

Under the pretense of civil rights, the globalists (aka, Illuminati) are creating a fascist police state in America, which eventually will rival Germany during World War II. Over the past couple years the news has been saturated with literally thousands of horrifying reports of tyrannical police abuse, murdering innocent citizens, and insane use of unjustified force nationwide. If you haven't figured it out yet, there is an intentional relentless Satanic attack going on against the American public. All the filth of Hell is being unleashed upon American society. On every front, the Illuminati are trying to destroy America!!!

America has become a house-divided. Whether it be moral or political issues, Americas are a house divided. This is all by design to keep us preoccupied arguing with each other, while TRILLIONS-of-dollars have been looted from taxpayers and blatant crimes are being ignored by the biased lying newsmedia. THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS is rotten and evil to the core, the visible organization of the New World Order. They are the sworn enemies of the United States.

The global elite want to get Americans fighting with each other over race, politics, religion, anything to mislead us from the crimes being committed by the predatory ruling elite in Washington D.C. The newsmedia focuses on what your neighbor does, striking fear and distrust in the hearts of all Americans against their fellow neighbors; while leading us to trust rotten criminals who have ripped us off for trillions-of-dollars, killed our children in needless wars, poisoned our drinking water and environment with toxins, taken our children away from us, kicked God out of public schools, and is creating a Police State to abuse and control us in complete tyranny. To Hell with the New World Order!

Never give up your right to free speech! The truth needs to get out. We are witnessing an information war in the U.S. Homeland Security is evil to the core, created to police Americans and smash all resistance against government tyranny. They even sent a liaison to Hollywood to incorporate brainwashing propaganda into movies, to promote evil New World Order agendas and to promote blind trust from the public for government criminals. Such agendas include the right to torture, feminism, homosexuality, population reduction, abortion, sterilization, New Age religion, et cetera.

No matter what happens, don't stop preaching the truth! There's always a way to get the truth out. Short-wave radio will be very important when the government takes complete control over the internet. The Obama administration is working relentlessly to take away the rights of truthers to have free speech. Dangerous times are here! We are living in the Last Days as foretold in 2nd Timothy 3:1-7. But until the end comes, God will always make a way for people to receive the truth. The big question is, do you want the truth?

The average person, including Christians, take everything for granted, especially their freedoms. Free speech is a freedom that we still have to preach the gospel and teach the Word of God. How sad that most professed Christians don't exercise this right? Life is a gift from God. We only have so many days on earth to reach people for Jesus Christ with the truth. What does it profit a person to know all the truth about the New World Order; but remain woefully ignorant about the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The greatest truth you'll ever hear is in John 20:31, “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”

Thank God for free speech! Thank God for the truth of God's Word and the gift of His dear Son. Jesus Christ is precious (1st Peter 2:7). END

“It is the nature of all governments to expand their power. Since power leads to corruption, governments eventually become crime syndicates.” —Professor G. Edward Griffin

Individual Ownership of Guns Under Attack in America and Abroad Man arrested, cuffed after using $2 bills Travellers must have retina, thumbprint scans or face jail New York's Total Snoop Grid Moving Forward  Surveillance Cameras Sprouting Up All Over Central Texas

First the terrorists were Al Qaeda, then it was Tim McVeigh, now it's Ron Paul supporters! First Amber's Law was enacted to save little girls, now it's being used to turn in your neighbor to police for owning guns. This is how tyranny operates!

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