WESTCOTT SEZ: As federal, state and local governments spend billions of dollars on drug interdiction programs at our boarders and anti-drug programs in our schools, we have Howard Stern boasting of his drug habits.
We have state governors such as Gov. Whitman of New Jersey and Gov. George Pataki of New York who support Mr. Stern and, thereby, his drug use.
We have United States Senators such as Al D'Amato of New York and Torticelli of New Jersey who support Mr. Stern and, thereby, his drug use.
We also have a government agency, the FCC, that allows Stern to broadcast his drug use to millions of children, everyday!
Is there any wonder that we have a drug problem in this country?
The government takes your taxes to fight drugs and the government allows Stern to broadcast a "drugs are cool" message five days a week.
Is it just me or is there something wrong with that scenario?
It is merely a reflection of our society when the Federal Communications Commission (each Commissioner appointed by Mr. Clinton) allows an asshole like this guy to use our public airwaves to promote illegal drug use to our children
Here's a few of Stern's pro-drug announcements.
Dateline February 11, 1997
When Watching
'Private Parts'