The Evils Of Sexually Immoral Advertising
By David J. Stewart
1st Timothy 6:9-10, “But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
One of the most evil sins in America is the use of sexual suggestiveness in advertising. What prompted me to write this article was doing some research on the evils of Contemporary Christian Music (CCM). I noticed that the female CCM group “Point Of Grace,” on their album cover titled “A Thousand Little Things,” are pictured suggestively. For obvious reasons I can't show you the album cover, because it's inappropriate. They're all wearing skirts above the knees. This is wickedness.
Although modest by today's immodest standards, it is immoral by God's standards. The woman in the middle is sitting suggestively, subtly invitingly. The album cover is sexually suggestive, period. They know exactly what they are doing. All men who are normal and healthy have to battle continually against sexually impure thoughts. An honest homosexual told me that all men are sex pigs. Every man is either carnally minded and doesn't care, or he's a Christian who's trying to please God by bringing every thought into captivity unto obedience to Christ (2nd Corinthians 10:5).
Immodesty is a dangerous sin. Many men who have denied this truth have lived to reap what they have sown, proving my point. It's not uncommon to hear a pastor berating a relative or church member for committing sexual sins, and then one day they are guilty them self, on the other side of the fence now bearing the reproach of their sins. If that's you, know that the blood of Jesus cleanses all sins away. You'll never understand the grace of God until you mess up and people point their hypocritical finger in condemnation against you. Then the blood of Jesus will become sweeter than you have ever known.
But my teaching still stands, that is, women ought to cover their bodies thoroughly, dressing modestly and behaving ladylike. Modern female singers have impudent (a look of casual disrespect) faces, and they speak with authority like men, and they wear blue-jeans or miniskirts, shaming themselves and dishonoring the Lord they claim to serve. Immodesty is destroying our nation. Shame on any co-called Christian woman who wears her skirt above her knee, exposing her thighs for men to lust upon. Showing any part of the thighs invites a man's mind to think about her female reproductive organ. Why is that so hard to figure out? God judge this wicked generation!
The young folks who comprise these CCM singing groups in most cases have never even been saved, let alone understanding the grace of God that pardons the vilest sins. If they were truly forgiven and walking with God, then they wouldn't promote the wickedness of Rock music, sexual suggestiveness, the occult music industry, sensual music and be part of the world. The answer is not reformation, rehabilitation, legislation nor education; but regeneration. Ye must be born again (John 3:5).
This wicked world is willing to do anything to make money. When money means more than anything to you, then you'll be willing to do anything to get it. It is sickening to see a so-called Christian female group all wearing short skirts on their professed Christian album. It's the same sexual suggestiveness as the Rock music crowd, just toned down to corrupt a different level of listener. Wherever you are at in your down slope into Hell, Satan has a singer for you to idolize. Before you know it, you'll be selling your soul to the Devil like Katy Perry. I'm NOT FOR SALE!
Sex Does Sell and CCM Marketers Know It
Ladies and Gentleman the evil trash behind the music and movie industries are masters of subliminal manipulation. We often are told that Satan is a liar, deceiver and thief; but he's also every else unholy and evil thing you can possibly imagine, including a sex pervert. I get angry when I see a so-called Christian album cover with three shameful women showing a little skin to increase album sales. It's a proven fact that subliminal sexual suggestiveness boosts sales revenue of ANY product or music album. Here are some startling statistics from
Magazine Trends Study Finds Increase in Advertisements Using SexScienceDaily (June 5, 2012) — Sex sells, or at least that is what advertisers hope. A recent study from the University of Georgia looked at sexual ads appearing in magazines over 30 years and found that the numbers are up.
"Advertisers use sex because it can be very effective," said researcher Tom Reichert, professor and head of the department of advertising and public relations in the UGA Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication. "Sex sells because it attracts attention. People are hard wired to notice sexually relevant information so ads with sexual content get noticed."
People also succumb to the 'buy this, get this' imagery used in ads, he said.
"Some young men actually think Axe body spray will drive women crazy," he said. "But, brand impressions are shaped by images in advertising, too. Arguable, Calvin Klein and Victoria's Secret are not much different than Hanes or Vassarette, but perception studies show those brands are perceived as 'sexy,' and some customers want that."
Looking at 3,232 full-page ads published in 1983, 1993 and 2003 in popular magazines Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Esquire, Playboy, Newsweek and Time, researchers found sexual imagery in 20 percent of the ads. Using sex to sell everything from alcohol to banking services has increased over the years: 15 percent of ads used sex to sell in 1983; that percentage grew to 27 percent in 2003.
Ads were categorized based on the models' clothing, or lack thereof, and physical contact between models.
"Our findings show that the increase in visual sexual imagery over the three decades of analysis is attributable to products already featuring sexual content in ads, not necessarily widespread adoption by other product categories," Reichert said. "Specifically, alcohol, entertainment and beauty ads are responsible for much of the increase."
The study showed sex is primarily used to sell low-risk products purchased on impulse.
"Sex is not as effective when selling high-risk, informational products such as banking services, appliances and utility trucks," he said.
Much of the growth was seen in alcohol, entertainment and beauty advertising. Out of 18 product categories, those most often using sexual imagery in advertising were health and hygiene at 38 percent; beauty, 36 percent; drugs and medicine, 29 percent, clothing, 27 percent; travel, 23 percent; and entertainment, 21 percent.
"In almost every study I've seen, sexual content gives a purchase advantage in such instances," Reichert said.
Products not using sex in their ads were charitable organizations and computer companies.
Women are used to sell products most often when pitching sex. In ads sampled from 2003, 92 percent of beauty ads that contained models were female. Just under half the ads did not contain models.
With the exception of entertainment advertising, females overwhelming occupy the pages of sex-selling advertisements. Of the 38 percent of provocative health and hygiene advertisements that feature models, 31 percent feature females and 7 percent feature males.
"Perhaps more important, this analysis shows that the proportion for alcohol ads in 2003 increased to about one sexual ad for every three ads (37 percent)," Reichert said. "Using sex to sell products such as alcohol and tobacco is a moral issue."
Reichert said this upward trend in erotic ads is a reflection of society.
"It takes more explicitness to grab our attention and arouse us than before," he said. "In the early 1900s, exposed arms and ankles of female models generated the same level of arousal as partially nude models do today. We can see during our lifetimes the changes in sexually explicit content on television, movies, books and other forms of media beyond just advertising."
SOURCE: Magazine trends study finds increase in advertisements using sex
Look carefully at the last paragraph again please...
Magazine trends study finds increase in advertisements using sex"In the early 1900s, exposed arms and ankles of female models generated the same level of arousal as partially nude models do today. We can see during our lifetimes the changes in sexually explicit content on television, movies, books and other forms of media beyond just advertising."
Isn't that interesting? Men were sexually aroused 100-years-ago by simply seeing a woman's ankles and arms, since it was at the time BEYOND the normal dress for women. Today men see so many women dressed immorally that it has become socially acceptable for women to walk around 90% naked. But men are still men, and they do become aroused by the preponderance of nude girls and women. Thus, sexual sins are epidemic in America today! Women and girls who wear dresses are laughed at and mocked to scorn by the wicked, just as they laughed at Noah before the flood.
Out of 3,232 magazine pages, over 600 contained sexual advertising in 2003. Have you been through a retail or grocery store lately? Literally, 90% of the magazine covers contain sexual advertising!!!
“Looking at 3,232 full-page ads published in 1983, 1993 and 2003 in popular magazines Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Esquire, Playboy, Newsweek and Time, researchers found sexual imagery in 20 percent of the ads. Using sex to sell everything from alcohol to banking services has increased over the years: 15 percent of ads used sex to sell in 1983; that percentage grew to 27 percent in 2003.”
SOURCE: Magazine trends study finds increase in advertisements using sex
you read earlier, over half of all alcohol ads exploit women sexually for
filthy lucre (money). That doesn't surprise me, since alcohol is Liquid
Devil. But what is tragic and shameful is that “POINT OF GRACE”
(a professed Christian female gospel group) uses sexually suggestive
advertising on their album to make money. There's no mistaking the way they
are sitting, the short length of their skirts, the way the woman in the
center is sitting. The entire picture is sexually inviting. It's subtle, but
that's all the Devil needs to put immoral ideas into people's minds. Human
nature doesn't change! Satan's greatest tactic is to make people think that
he doesn't exist. Satan makes people think that something immoral is moral.
Shame on them!!! Men are having enough of a hard time these days without whores wearing shorts skirts, with the camera positioned just right to make people think dirty. But you say, “Preacher, you just have a dirty mind.” No, I have a man's mind!!! And you're an idiot if you don't know what I'm talking about. Don't act stupid, the Lord is coming back soon and we all need to redeem the time. Women ought to wear long dresses!
Don't be stupid, I'm trying to help you!!! It's no secret that all of television has been programmed deliberately to make people think dirty these days. Americans are the most dirty-minded perverts in the world. Hollywood knows it! In fact, they are the primary cause of it. They're all a bunch of homosexuals and pedophiles. There are videos of actor Will Smith asking another man if he can f*ck him. That's your hero, Will Smith, a homosexual on camera.
ZOEGIRL and AVALON all wear tight pants,
contributing to the moral demise of America. Look at any historical photos
from the early 1990's and you discover that pants on women were unheard of.
Men were men back then, and women were women. This unisex garbage that we
see in modern times began with the homosexuals in Hollywood. The immoral
perverts, pedophiles and God-haters of Hollywood have dictated the moral
code of our nation since the 1930's.
The Bible Ought To Set Our Moral Code Of Standards, Not Hollywood
of obeying the absolute final standard of the Bible (God's holy Word), we
have allowed Hollywood to tell us what's right or wrong. What happened to
our nation? It's because a handful of preachers cannot out influence
hundreds-of-millions of people watching television controlled by the wicked.
The Christ-rejecting Jews bought up Hollywood in the 1930's. It all makes
when you read the Jewish plot for world domination. It's the dead
pulpits in America that have led to today's spiritual mess in America. Dead
preachers all have televisions. I hate TV and don't watch it. The
television, more than any other unholy thing, has destroyed the integrity
and morals of our once great nation. You can't walk in the Spirit and walk
in the flesh at the same time. It's IMPOSSIBLE!
Men who try to live right for God have a rougher time living right than ungodly men. People who don't care about their weight just eat all they want and get fat. But people who try to diet and lose weight have a rough time. Losing weight is very difficult. Your mind hears every word that mentions food. When I was dieting I heard a preacher mention Brother Bacon. Oh man, that made me hungry, because I was dieting. And when Christian men abstain from sexual sins, it makes them much more tempting. Evil women know this and sport at tempting preachers.
Darkness cannot stand light and the Bible is that precious Light! Psalms 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”