The Occult Significance Of 12-21-12

Compiled and edited by David J. Stewart | March 2012

       The occult significance of 12-21-12 cannot be ignored. It is absolutely amazing. December 12, 2012 is GOING TO BE A MAJOR NEWSMEDIA EVENT.

It's important for Christians to keep in mind as 12-21-12 approaches that there are no Biblical prophecies pertaining directly to this date. The unsaved world has their own separate agenda than God has. Demon-possessed New Age teachers like Madam Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Ron Hubbard and Aleister Crowley have written extensively, providing textbooks and ritual how-to-manuals for occultists to practice witchcraft. Witchcraft is Biblically defined as seeking guidance, power or advice from any familiar spirit (demon). Any spirit that is not the Holy Spirit is a familiar spirit.

I definitely am convinced that the forces of darkness in this world are up to something, but it's the Devil behind doomsday 2012 and not God. As born-again Christians we follow the inspired Words of God in Bible (King James Bible) as our Final Authority; but members of the occult look instead to divination with demons and occult numerology. Occultists search and rely upon these demonic sources of advice with the same desire, intensity and resolve as a Christian does the Bible.

Occultists and satanists believe that a carefully planned event must be carried out according to the correct numbers or else it may not be successful. They go to great lengths to make an event occur according to the correct numbers. The occult reveres the numbers 1,3,6,9, 11 and 13. The number 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect. The 911 attacks were carefully planned. It was an occult event. I sincerely wouldn't be surprised if the globalist-controlled Obama White House nukes Iran on December 12, 2012. December 12, 2012 is EXACTLY 11 years and 101 days since September 11, 2001. Occultists love to play with numbers.

...From researching the prime numbers of the occult in relation to 2012, there is a paramount reason why the world is popularizing the date of 12/21 2012 and the time 11:11. Without understanding the number system of the occult religion, the numbers of 2012 look innocent, we indeed don’t view the number 666 within the date. Well, this post will analyze the numbers of 12/21 2012 11:11.

The Numbers of the Serpent Occult Religion.

The most venerated occult numbers are: 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, and multiples thereof, especially 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77. A triplication of numbers is also considered sacred (possibly even more sacred) to the occultist: 111, 222, 333, and so fourth. The number 5 is the number of Death; also, an extremely scared number is the double 11, as in 11:11, or 11/11/11.

The number 7 and 12 are also an extremely important number universally. Seven is a number of complement and is considered a Divine number. Seven days in a week, seven colors to the rainbow. The occult will also use this number 7, but their favorite numbers are 11 and 6. The occult avoids using the numbers and multiplications of 4, 8, 10, and 12, unless they correlate with their numbers.

The 2012 Numerology?

The winter solstice in 2012 will occur 12/21 2012 and at 11:11 universal time. The time is 11:11 that adds to 22.

The entire date: 12/21/2012 = 1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2= 11! The date according to the Occult is really 11:11:11.

WOW, that means the date and time correlates with the triple power sacred number of 11:11:11. The number 11 correlates with the letter K as in KKK = 11:11:11. 1+1+1+1+1+1 = 6; 11+11+11 = 33.

Also, 6+6 = 12, 3×7 = 21; the day and month 12/21 or, = 1+2+2+1 = 6 which adds 666 to the mix, from the month of 12. The day of 21 is a multiple of 7×3 that signifies a time of complement.
2+1+2 = 5, the number of death; the year 2012. But, not the “end of the world” but the death of an old age into a new—the new world order.

All the numbers of the Occult are related to 2012; 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 22, and 33 = 11:11:11.

So the day and month relate to 6 and to 666 (covertly), the year relates to 5 (death), and the time of the solstice relates to the power number of 11 doubled (activation). And, the day relates to 7 (time of complement). And, most importantly the entire dates adds to 11 that creates the triple 11:11:11 and adds to 33 (Illuminati Mason Pyramid of the 33*).

All the numbers of the Occult are involved with the 2012 syndrome. But, what is the meaning, and the deception behind 2012?


11:11 signifies the activation of a “new beginning”. Aquarius is associated with the astrological 11th house, the “water bearer”, a possibility of entering into the “Age of Aquarius”. The current age of Pisces, the two fish, possibly representing the battle between the darkness and the light of the last two thousand years. The Occult Serpent religion views a “death” and a new beginning as very important.

Throughout the centuries the fertility worship of the spring equinox has held in place that dates all the way back to Summer of 3500 BCE. Considering this history, the death of an old age, into a new age is extremely important, and this age will be the age of the dominance of the New World Order and the rise of the occult agenda. So considering the occult numerology about 12/21/2012 11:11, or more importantly, 11:11:11, we can be assured that startling events will take place around this time.

SOURCE: The Occult Numerology of 2012 | The Illuminati New Age of Deception

The Winter Solstice will occur on 12-21-12, marking the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, which has come to represent the appearance of the Antichrist.

Many of the following proposed dates for the transition into the New Age of Aquarius are symbolic rather than astronomical or astrological, based as they are on intuitive datum points or perceived transitions...

Among the more obvious suggestions for the beginning of the Age of Aquarius are the following:

1898: According to Hindu chronology, the Kali Yuga (Age of Iron) began in the year 3102 BC. As the yuga has a duration of 5000 years, its end occurred in 1898.

1904: Aleister Crowley in the Book of the Law, dictated to him by a discarnate Egyptian entity, proposed April 1904 in Cairo. when the channeling occurred, as the beginning of the New Aeon ruled by Horus, the solar god of ancient Egypt.

1905: Gerald Massey used the standard precessional period of 2160 years for each zodiac sign of 30 degrees and assumed a starting point of 255 BC, which meant that the beginning of the Age of Aquarius was in 1905. He used the correct precessional period, but his starting point seems only to be justified because it is significant to Massey, rather than for humanity as a whole. (Signs of the Zodiac)

1911: Madame Blavatsky predicted that the reality of a Universal Church would become possible towards the close this century. The Theosophical Society based their calculation for the dawning of the Age of Aquarius on the channeling of the Lord Maitreya by Krishnamurti in 1911. (Madame Blavatsky biography; Books by Helene Blavatsky)

1921: The Jockey Club of Barcelona received tremendous backing for a prediction that the world would end at this time.

1936: Edgar Cayce stated that during 1936 the terrestrial axis had begun to shift, an exorable process which would activate the transition between world ages. The change would accelerate rapidly, with catastrophic consequences. A well-known American geologist confirmed that this axis shift did indeed begin below the Earth's surface in 1936.
(Edgar Cayce Books)

1945: Alice Bailey determined that the transition to the Age of Aquarius occurred in the 1930s as described in The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. In 1945 the Master Djwhal Khul gave out The Great Invocation which invoked the powers of Light, Love and Divine Purpose irrespective of all religions, and in 1946 Alice Bailey wrote:...the day is dawning when al religions will be regarded as emanating from one great spiritual source. (Alice Bailey books)

1962: Peruvian spiritual messenger Willaru Huayta of the Quechua Nation, a part of the ancient Inca confederation believes that the Age of Aquarius began in February, 1962.

1975: Rudhyar designated 1975 as the time when the Avatar of the New Age would appear. He allowed the possibility that it might not be the Second Coming of Christ anticipated by many, but that the Christ energy could be carried by a series of individuals who would be agents for this message.

1975: A. Woldben in After Nostradamus suggested a range of dates including 1975, 2000, 2023, and 2160. He stated that the transition of world ages is never exact and can take hundreds of years because they constitute a modification in collective consciousness.

1987: In August Jose Arguelles organized The Harmonic Convergence which was a foretaste of the imminent New Age.

1997: Carl Jung was inspired by the work of Nostradamus and supported his contention that the New Age would happen between 1997 and 2000.

2000: There are many prophecies which agree that the Millennium year is 2000, among them those of Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, St. Malachy, Garabandal, Fatima and other Christian prophets. Margaret Hone in The Modern Textbook of Astrology gives the year 2000 as a symbolic date for the new Age. The seer Catharine Emmerich believed that Lucifer would be unchained in 50 or 60 years before the year 2000. The theory of The Divine Plot, by this author, is an astrological model of the historical process expressing multiple cyclic world ages, and it projects a transition to a new world age in the year 2000.

2001: G. Barbarin stated that according to the principle of the Great Week and the six days of a thousand years of the Adamic Era, there will follow a day of rest, the Millennium, which from the year 2001 will bring a thousand years of peace. While his prophecy echoes the Seventh Day Adventists, it is also similar to the Hebrew Jubilee Year and Nostradamus Seventh Millennium. (Catholic Jubilee Year) (Jewish Jubilee Year; Nostradamus Prophecies) (Year of Jubilee)

2009: from Jude Currivan PhD


Whether or not we'll see something big happen on 12-21-12 I don't know, but I can definitely tell you that 12-21-12 will be a MAJOR EVENT for occultists. On 11-11-11 last year, members of the occult held ceremonies and rituals within the Egyptian pyramids...

There was plenty of coverage over the weekend regarding the closure of the Egyptian pyramids amidst fears of occult rituals. Authorities were concerned that groups ranging from the “Universal Kabbalah Network” to the “11.11.11 Gathering of Souls” would descend on the ancient wonder to perform esoteric rituals relating to the numerological significance of the date.

SOURCE: 11:11:11 Pyramid Rituals and Bohemian Grove

The Age of Aquarius is world's eager anticipation of the arrival of the Antichrist. They have been welcoming him through music, flashing Satan signs, and literally even reserving an empty seat for him in the European Parliament. The wicked leaders of this world (and occultist groups worldwide) have been awaiting the arrival of the Antichrist for ages. Just as faithful Christians have been awaiting the return of the Lord Jesus Christ for thousands of years, so have unsaved satanists and occultists been awaiting the appearance of the Antichrist. This event in history has been associated with the Zodiac and th

Literally, members of the occult make major life's decisions by the alignment of the solar system and what their psychic tells them. Hollywood actors, famous singers and the elite (including many U.S. Presidents and their wives) have sought ungodly advice from psychics, soothsayers, witches and other familiar spirits (demons) when faced with major life-changing decisions.

"...through astrologers (reading the stars and planets), Kundalini Yoga (communicating with the presiding deities over the planets). Now is the time to prepare for the incoming New World Order, Alien War, and the complete activation plan of the darkness. 9/11 activated the preparation stage for the New World Order. The Activation of the New World Order will happen on December 21 2012. The Powers of the Darkness would have used 11 years and 101 days of preparation. After some time (possibly spring/summer of 2013) the powers of the darkness will stage an external war by presenting alien lifeforms to humanity. The whole world will unite to save the human race from the aggressive alien invasion. As the weaker human force will be perceived as the loser of the war, the Master of the Darkness (antichrist) will Save the World."

As Christians we are always a step ahead of the Devil because the Bible tells us what the future holds. Satan is the god of this evil world. Ninety-nine percent of Freemasons don't know that the inner esoteric group worships Lucifer; but we know as Christians because of their false teachings of The Great Architect.

I wanted to share this information with my web visitors. I'm not placing any weight upon this information as a Christian, but many members of the occult DO place strong emphasis upon these things. There were secret rituals held in the pyramids of Egypt on 11/11/11 last year. The pyramids were closed to the public. There's absolutely no doubt that occults are going to go whacko over 12/21/12.

Perilous Times Are Only Going To Get Worse

It appears to me that the criminals who have taken control of the U.S. government, i.e., the New World Order gang, are working relentlessly to keep our minds preoccupied with anything but the truth these days.

While FOX NEWS spends weeks talking about one sex-scandal; not a word is mentioned about the TENS-OF-TRILLIONS of dollars missing, unaccounted for, and blatantly stolen from American taxpayers by Washington politicians. The newsmedia has succeeded in causing Americans to fear their own neighbor; while leading us to offer unquestioning blind allegiance to the criminals in our own U.S. government who orchestrated the 911 attacks, blew up the Murray building in Oklahoma, shot down TWA flight 800, illegally invaded Iraq to steal their oil, and deliberately encourage illegal immigration to bring to fruition a North American Union. We have been betrayed by our government leaders, sold-out to the criminal New World Order.

Something big will likely happen in 2012, which is why we are hearing so much hype. Pastor Lindsey Williams was a chaplain for many years with an oil company along the Alaskan Pipeline. He became friends with some elite people and sat in on their board meetings. Today, pastor Williams still maintains contact with some of those men, and has shared some very vital information with the American public concerning where we're headed as a nation. I recently heard pastor Williams on the Alex Jones show. He said that Americans will be MUCH poorer by 2012. There will be war in the Middle East around 2012, starting with Iran, and will draw the nations of the world into the conflict.

Gas prices will skyrocket to $7 or $8 per gallon. The U.S. dollar will collapse. Nearly everyone in America will work either directly or indirectly for the government. At present, 35,000,000 Americans are receiving Food Stamps! The unemployment rate is at 16% nationwide! America will economically implode. America's churches, all 501c3 businesses since the 1950's, will all bow to the government in blind submission. Sadly, the American public is stupid, and the elite know it. We've bought hook, line and sinker into everything the elite have throw at us. They're laughing at us.

But the whole matter goes much deeper than 2012. The 2012 scare is just another big diversion to keep our minds preoccupied with anything but THE TRUTH. It is important that believers remember that everything happening in the world today is all geared towards the development of a New World Order, i.e., a Godless Global Totalitarian Communist Police State which will usher in the reign of the man of sin, the Antichrist. It will be Satan's finest hour, when the hordes of humanity will follow and worship Satan's man of sin (2nd Thessalonians 2:10). This is why we see so many people nowadays flashing the Satanic hand-sign, already worshipping the Beast. Some of them know what it means, but most do not. They are expressing their allegiance to the Prince of Darkness, Lucifer, the Beast, the Dragon, the Devil himself.

“And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” —2nd Thessalonians 2:8-10

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