The Hyles Sunday School Manual
(Loyal Pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana for over 42 years)
The Organization of the Sunday School
- The Division of Departments
- The Division of Adult Classes
- Buildings and Equipment
- Publicizing the Sunday School
- Sunday Morning Schedule
- The Enlistment and Qualifications of Sunday School Teachers
- The Teachers’ and Officers’ Meeting
- Proper Preparation
- The Weekday Duties of the Teacher
- The Presentation of a Lesson
- Promotion
- The Beginner Department
- The Primary Department
- The Junior Department
- Special Classes
Dedicated to the departmental superintendents of the Sunday school of the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana:Mrs. Richard Barr
Mrs. Lowell Burnside
Mrs. Johnny Colsten
Mrs. C.W. Fisk
Mrs. Tom McKinney
Mrs. Raymond Newton
Mrs. Reginald Plopper
Mrs. Robert Plopper
Mrs. Alvin Rice
Mrs. Walter Ruskowski
Mrs. Lewis Shoaf
Mrs. Glen Smith
Mrs. Lindsay Terry
Mrs. Martin Waechter...and to the over three hundred teachers and officers who have faithfully and diligently tested and proved the work-ability of the methods advanced in this Manual.
“How many did you have in Sunday school last Sunday?” “What is your Sunday school averaging now?” These and many similar questions can be heard at conventions, in fellowship meetings, and at many other places where pastors convene and converse. Such questions remind us that the Sunday school is the number one criterion by which we judge the success of our churches. Hence, I felt impressed to add The Hyles Sunday School Manual to The Hyles Manual Series. Methods and materials presented herein come from the author’s experiences of over twenty years of pastoring churches whose Sunday schools have ranged in attendance from 7 to 4700.
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"I am an old-fashioned preacher of the old-time religion, that has warmed this cold world's heart for two thousand years." -Billy SUNDAY.