by Pastor Jack Hyles

(Chapter 6 from Dr. Hyle's excellent book, Let's Baptize More Converts)

Once a year at our church we have a course on personal soul winning. This course is sometimes taught on several consecutive evenings. Sometimes it is over a period of several weeks on Wednesday nights, but every year we teach our people how to win souls to Christ. We use the simple little plan in my book, Let's Go Soul Winning, published by the Sword of the Lord Publishers at $1.00 per copy. We do not go into the details as to what Scriptures to use for what particular kind of sinner. We simply teach the simple way to lead a soul to Christ. We call it the "Roman Road."

Then, from time to time, we have soul-winning skits. Someone that we have won to Christ is brought to the platform. The experience is relived before the people. Such a skit is presented on my long-play record recorded by Diadem Studios and sold at $3.79 per copy. This record deals for forty minutes with the soul-winning course that we teach and for twenty minutes in an actual experience of winning a soul to Christ.

A number of years ago we had such a skit. The person who had been won to Christ was asked if he were a Christian. He replied, "Yes." We paused for a minute and explained to him that we were reliving his experience and wanted him to act as he did the day he was saved.

Again we knocked on the door and asked. "Sir, are you a Christian?"

He replied, " ... Yes ... I am ... ." Again we interrupted the skit and reminded him that he was supposed to say, "No, I am not a Christian," because we were showing the people what happened the day he was saved. It seemed that he understood. Again, we knocked on the door and asked, "Are you a Christian?"

"Yes," he replied. Then he began to weep a little and said with puckered lips, "I am not going to get lost again for nobody."


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