Dress Codes For The World
Dress Codes For The Church
This subject always stirs up some preachers and you begin hearing that you are a legalist, etc. especially from preachers whose wife "wears the pants" in the family — and also at other times doesn't wear much of anything at the church swim-ins.
Several years ago Mary and I were in New York state in meetings. At a campground where we were staying between meetings I picked up a folder advertising the horse racetrack not far down the road.
I was interested in the fact that in order to eat in the Clubhouse overlooking the racetrack you had to dress a certain way. In other words, they had dress standards.
Men had to have on a coat — or jacket and a shirt and tie. No jeans, shorts, etc. The ladies were required to wear a dress or skirt and blouse. At the bottom of the folder it stated that you would not be allowed into the Clubhouse for dining unless you were dressed properly.
I could not help but think of how sloppy many of God's people dress for the church services. I am not talking about sinners coming to church. I am talking about those who claim to be saved who show up dressed like the world.
They come poured into a pair of pants or a short skirt or a dress that they have to keep pulling down. Or a low cut dress or blouse that reveals part of their breast. We should strive to be an example to the lost world.
Recently while in Albuquerque, New Mexico having my truck serviced, Mary and I went across the street to a little coffee shop. I picked up an advertisement for a place called Club Obsession.
The advertisement said, "Albuquerque's newest and most glamorous nightclub. Featuring the hottest DJ's in the nation. Turning out the hottest R&B, pop, reggae, hip hop dance music ever."
Sound like a fun place? In large 12 point bold type along one side of the folder were these words: "Dress to impress - no denim tops or bottoms, no T-shirts or jerseys, no flannel shirts, no baseball caps, no combat/hiking boots, no tennis shoes."
Just below that, in large type, were these words: "No exceptions." I could not help but think that some Baptists I know would not be able to meet the dress code of this nightclub.
I am sorry to say I see men and women in many churches that would not be able to get into this night club. I see them participating in the services and taking up the offering, etc.
Folks, we are in a mess in our churches and so many preachers do not have the backbone to preach separation. We need to get back to the Bible, but it will never happen with the sissies coming out of most of the Bible schools.
What a tragedy that horse racetracks and nightclubs have better dress standards than many so-called Bible-believing Baptist churches. Your welcome! —The Flaming Torch