Who's Preaching the Truth?
By David J. Stewart
A genuine man of God is a truth seeker!!!
John 18:37, "Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice."
Paul and Silas had gone to Thessalonica preaching the truth, but the people were not receptive. Now they have gone to Berea, and these folks have gladly received the truth. In fact, they were so astonished by Paul's preaching that they had a hard time believing it. They needed to go verify the things Paul had told them... to see "whether those things were so." This is what God intended for preaching to be―the conveyance of TRUTH! Sadly, most of the preaching we hear coming from America's pulpits today is nothing more than weak, boring, filtered, dry, powerless, sermonettes! The Truth should shock people, either making them mad or causing them to want to learn more.
I can honestly say that most people today, Christians included, are woefully ignorant of what's going on in the world. I have spent the past several years searching "whether those things were so" and have spent many sleepless nights as a result. This website is the fruit of my labors. The truth is truly stranger than fiction.
“We need
porcupine preachers, so that the people will get the point.”
—Brother Lester Roloff,
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America is fast becoming a police state, and few Christians are listening to their elected officials who are desperately trying to warn us of the blatant evils within our own government. The 911 attacks were clearly orchestrated by the Bush Administration. Most Christians absolutely refuse to believe that our own elected leaders could actually murder 2,752 innocent people on 911, including hundreds of honorable firefighters, but they certainly did.
If you don't know it, then you are either woefully deceived or sinfully apathetic. The evidence indicting President George W. Bush and his Administration is overwhelming, concrete and incontrovertible.
The truth becomes self-evident over time. There is no argument today that The White House had multiple advance warnings before Pearl Harbor was bombed. The government wanted the Pearl Harbor incident in order to justify American involvement into WWII. Please read chapter 16 from William Guy Carr's eye-opening book, Pawns in the Game.
There is no doubt today that U.S. President Johnson's administration fabricated the Gulf of Tonkin incident to involve America into the Vietnam war, needlessly killing 58,000 U.S. soldiers.
History has proven that our government often lies to us about everything. Yet, there are many foolish Christian leaders who are teaching people to blindly support the government, and to look the other way, to remain silent, and go along with every form of crime imaginable being committed by our government. Biblically, we have every right to RISE UP against the evildoers (Psalm 94:16). Please read, Should Christians Obey Criminal Government?
I love Gerald Celente, he's my main man, right up there with Alex Jones. Listen to these MP3 clips from 'The Alex Jones Show' (March 26, 2012) of Celente preaching on the evils of a worthless congress and the imbecile public who keep voting for these con-artists. As Gerald point out, Pelosi didn't obtain a net worth of $200,000,000 in congress by being smart. They're all a bunch of criminals who decide the rules, and break them for their own financial gain and prosperity. Washington D.C. has become a cesspool of iniquity and all hope is gone without a revolution.
Gerald Celente Blasts Jon Corzine, Goldman Sachs and MF Global for Being Thieves
Gerald Celente - Imbecile People Continue To Vote For Evil (George Orwell would be shocked)
With all the thousands of interviews that have been done since the 911 attacks, with people who were either at ground zero or are professionals in their respective fields, there is no doubt of a massive government cover-up. There have been a virtual newsmedia blackout since 911 by the mainstream newsmedia.
The President's signing of directive w199-eye is damning evidence against him. Please watch Martial Law 911: Rise of the Police State (2 Hours, 35 Minutes). I care about the victims and their families. I care what happened. That could have been my loved ones. If you haven't done much research, then you are a fool to disagree. One man told me that people shouldn't believe everything they read, but he admittedly had read NOTHING on the subject. He has formed a biased opinion without any credible basis for that opinion. This is what most Americans do. They are either afraid, or just don't care.
Thank God for truth seekers like Alex Jones, men who have the guts to stand up for what is right! I don't agree with a lot of things on Alex's show, but he's a truth seeker and a patriot! I believe in God, guns and guts too!!! Check out INFOWARS.COM and PRISONPLANET.TV for the best source of alternative news available!!! FOX News are demonic liars!
I do greatly honor the Office of the Presidency; but that in no way should deter any U.S. citizen from demanding answers from our leaders concerning the suspicious, bizarre, and whitewashed attacks on 9/11. Remember, patriotism for one's country has NOTHING to do with loyalty to a certain political party or agenda. Fools like Bill O'Reilly at FOX Liars would have us to believe different.
911 Coverup Facts: 10-Page Summary
Verifiable Media Facts on 911 Coverup!To verify 9/11 facts, use links to articles on major media websites
For a two-page summary of the best of this 911 cover-up summary, click here
The only way to fight the evildoers is by spreading the word.
http://www.prisonplanet.com/911.html (tons of information!)
It's time to wake up, and start defending our God-given freedoms. "Rights" don't come from the government; but rather, from God. The American people are as cattle being herded into the slaughter house, and they're cooperating fully with the butcheries. My website is just the very tip of the iceberg concerning the truth.
Billy Sunday was hated for his strong stand against alcohol, gambling, and dancing...
“I've stood for more sneers and scoffs and insults and had my life threatened from one end of the land to the other by this God-forsaken gang of thugs and cutthroats because I have come out uncompromisingly against them.” —Billy Sunday
Expose the 911 Coverup!
Insouciant Americans
(by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts)
You will NOT find freedom in America. It is now utterly impossible. Wherever you may go, you will be surrounded by insouciant [marked by blithe unconcern] people and they are the real force you are having to struggle against, and they will always hold you down.
America WANTS to be the way that it is today, by choice. All the claims for freedom and a return to liberty are factually false.
Those that hold these beliefs are guilty of blatant hypocrisy and their own reluctance to practice what they preach. The rest of the country simply doesn’t want it either. —ARCHIVES by Dr. Craig Paul Roberts
Ecclesiastes 5:8, “If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.”
A Genuine Man of God is a Truth Seeker!!!
I am amazed and saddened how many of America's preachers are afraid of this stuff. In their arrogance, they criticize and condemn people like me, when they ought to be exposing every work of darkness as Ephesians 5:11 commands. Most pastors choose to avoid research the occult, having the mindset that we ought not learn about the workings of Satan. Meanwhile, the same woefully ignorant pastors are allied with the government through 501c3 state-licensing, and many pastors are even signing up now with the government's treasonous Clergy Response Teams, and other pastors who have forsaken the inspiration of the Bible are now praising the wicked. The very fact that most pastors are actually supporting criminals and tyranny in America is evidence enough that I am 100% correct in what I say. Christians, especially Christian leaders, ought to research and know what their nation's leaders are involved with, because it affects us in every way.If we as born-again believers don't stand up against the wicked, then who will? There is a preponderance of verifiable, documented evidence to expose these criminals. President John F. Kennedy publicly spoke out against Secret Socialites, and yet the average Christian leader who despises Kennedy's openly immoral lifestyle is woefully ignorant of the Depths of Satan which Kennedy warned us about. It is an alarming paradox in our nation! America's religious leaders are the dumbest and most gullible among us. A genuine man of God is a truth seeker!!!
"And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." (Acts 17:10-11)
The Evils of Censored Preaching
In Bible colleges all across America, guest speakers are expected to speak within certain "understood guidelines." This includes America's Independent Fundamental Baptist Colleges. Chapel speakers are expected to preach on faithfulness, hard work, not quitting, loyalty, etc... and these are certainly all noble and necessary subjects.
Please don't misunderstand me, I'm all for preaching the basics of the Christian life over and over; HOWEVER, there's much more to the truth than that. The average Bible college graduate today is as ignorant as can be concerning the Bill of Rights. In fact, a survey of 339 U.S. colleges and universities found that more than three-fourths of students and administrators did not fully understand their 1st amendment rights! We are slowly, but surely, losing our rights! Jesus became angry over evil, and so must we as Christians! Tragically, most Bible college graduates are naive about the evils of the Patriot Act.
Please read Congressman Ron Paul's article, It Can't Happen Here. If you want a good education as to what is happening to America, then please read Congressman Ron Paul's' article, We've Been Neo-Conned, in which he makes the following statement...
"It is getting more difficult to get fair and balanced discussion on the issues, because it has become routine for the hegemons to label those who object to preemptive war and domestic surveillance as traitors, unpatriotic and un-American."
In other words, the Bush Administration and their allies in the news media label anyone who disagrees with their warmongering as traitors and un-patriotic. Read, It Can't Happen Here by Dr. Ron Paul. Sadly, I've been called "unpatriotic" even by Christians, because I expose the evils within the Bush Administration, and the pre911 planned war in Iraq.
I want to go vomit every time I hear someone mention how wonderful our recent U.S President's are. They're all members of Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones and Freemasonry (all demonic groups). Did you know that members of Bohemian Grove worship the Devil? Watch the end of the Martial Law 911: Rise of the Police State video and then tell me how wonderful they are. Watch The Obama Deception. The Bush family has deep roots in the German Nazi-party, as is documented in the video. Former U.S. President George H. Bush is purportedly married to Aleister Crowley's daughter. Don't take my word for it... check for yourself "whether those things were so." Here's another video on how wonderful the Bush Family is. Watch here about the Bush/Carlyle group exposed!
Here's some free videos and articles to give you a crash course in what's going on in the world today...
END GAME (a shocking documentary, crash course into the New World Order. Please watch!!!)
INVISIBLE EMPIRE (2:14 hour video documentary defining the New World Order)
Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA (video exposing the Military Industrial Complex)
The Obama Deception (Wall Street is Washington D.C. and Washington D.C. is Wall Street)
The 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising - Full Film (shame on Christians who don't care about 911)