Sin is the Problem; Jesus is the Answer

 By David J. Stewart

Everywhere we turn nowadays, we see the consequences of sin.  The newsmedia is saturated with reports of crime, insanity, and heathendom.  Who would have imagined a day in America when a 6-year old would be arrested and charged with a felony.  Who would have thought a day would come when we would see a 5-year old being handcuffed in the United States.  Who would have imagined a nation so immoral, that teenagers could legally walk around naked in public.  In October of 2007 a Manhattan, New York, mother was arrested for trying to sell her 2-day-old newborn son for $25,000.  Can you imagine?  What cesspool of iniquity has America deteriorated into.  The United States has become so evil that we have even officially labeled one of our biggest cities... SIN CITY!  The wicked are saying, "In your face God!"  Woe unto the U.S.A.!

Few people desire to know the truth anymore.  Fox News is leading the way in lying propaganda, and most Americans can't seem to get enough of it.  The U.S. dollar is falling in value like a rock.  Since 2001, the U.S. dollar has lost 37% of its value.  The total amount of federal taxes collected doesn't even cover the interest which American taxpayers now owe the Federal Reserve crooks.  Our U.S. congress has greedily sold us out to corporate interests.  The Federal government has been taken over by a gang of criminal thugs in The White House, under the watchful eye of The Council on Foreign Relations.  The average citizen is woefully ignorant concerning the evils which have befallen America today.  And sadly, the very blessings which God has bestowed upon America has become our downfall, because we have forgotten the Lord Jesus Christ in our complacency and indifference (Deuteronomy 6:10-12).  This is what sin does, it desensitizes a nation, ultimately leading to apostasy and anarchy. 

Stress and Financial Woes

I was reading an article this week in the news about stress in America, as compared to other nations.  In Japan for example, over 32,000 people committed suicide in 2006.  This is so tragic.  In 2003, it was over 34,000 suicides.  Every day in Japan, 100 people commit suicide. 1   Much of this is attributed to unemployment.  Few Americans realize that a box of cereal in Japan costs about $20, and a small bag of rice about $50. 

We see this inflation trend happening in America today, but it's showing up in the housing, medical, insurance, and other various markets (which have skyrocketed).  In addition, the staggering drop in the dollar's value is nothing less than inflation (because it requires more money to equal the former purchasing power of the dollar).  Insurance premiums are skyrocketing, while coverage is quickly decreasing.  The average American home now costs $238,000, and mortgage companies are increasingly signing up first-time homeowners for 40-year bank loans!  That's insanity!  It is because of corporate greed, criminal politicians, Communist international bankers, and most of all, ignorant and complacent American citizens, that our nation is headed for imminent bankruptcy.

In the U.S., suicide rates are equal with Japan (but only about half if you factor in a larger U.S. population)...

The total number of Japanese suicides is roughly equal to that of the entire United States, a country that has more than twice Japan's population. To put the latest data in context, in today's Japan one is roughly five times as likely to die by one's own hand as to be killed in a traffic accident. -SOURCE:

So, roughly, 100 people commit suicide every day in the United States.  However, if you consider cigarette smoking as a slow form of suicide (which it certainly is), then the U.S. tops all other nations with millions of suicides.  I would also contend that any idiot who drinks alcohol, and then gets behind the wheel of a car, is suicidal, whether he realizes it or not.  Taking into consideration all of the adverse costs and damages which tobacco, alcohol, gambling, pornography, and other sinful vices inflict upon U.S. tax-paying citizens and the economy, we are an extremely irresponsible, careless, and wasteful nation.  The great deceit is that our carelessness has been hidden in the form of massive debt (trillions of dollars), owed to private bankers and foreign powers.  We have been living-it-up in America, borrowing, and borrowing some more to patch up the problem; but, this reckless form of government will come to an abrupt and miserable end.  The future of the U.S. is bleak because of sin.

What a mess!  Who would have thought a day would come when homosexuals would be allowed to get married in America?  And now employees working for the City of San Francisco are entitled to free sex-change surgery through their health plan benefits.  I can't even get my insurance company to pay for my dental.  Where is all this woeful apostasy leading?  Woe unto America.  Woe unto Europe.  Woe unto Canada.  Woe unto the world.  The man of sin (i.e., the Antichrist) is soon coming, and the sinful world will receive him with open arms, worshipping him as a god (Revelation 13:12-15).

Sin is the problem; but Jesus is the answer! 

1st John 5:19 tells us that the whole world lieth in wickedness.  


It's the Blood of Jesus!

Ye Must Be Born Again!